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What is a sentence?
• Learning Objectives

- Understand what the sentences is.

- Understand simple subject and simple predicate.
- Understand complete subject and complete
- Know the difference between sentence and
Can You Find The Six Words
Hidden In These Pictures?
What is a sentence?
• A sentence is a group of words that are put
together to mean something. It should express
a complete thought.
• All sentences have two parts: a subject and a
• Sentences in English begin with a capital
letter and end with a full stop (.) or full point
(American: 'period').
• Choose true or false:
1- A sentence is a group of words that expresses a
complete thought.
• Choose true or false:
• Choose true or false:
3- A sentence is a group of words that does not
express a complete thought.
The Simple Subject and The Simple

• The simple subject of a sentence is whom

or what the sentence is about.
Example: Carla opened the manuscript.
• The simple predicate is the main word that
describes the action or the state of being.
The simple predicate is a verb.
Example: The author placed her book on the
- The publisher told him to make the changes.

Simple subject Simple predicate

- The index is the last part of the book.

Simple subject Simple predicate

- Shannon helped Carla with the writing.

Simple subject Simple predicate

• Choose the simple subject

The author finally felt comfortable with all

the edits.

A. The
B. Author
C. Finally
D. felt
• Choose the simple predicate

Before lunch, she finished the chapter.

A. Lunch
B. She
C. Finished
D. Chapter
• Write the answer of the following questions

1. Which part of the sentence tells whom

or what the sentence is about?

2. Which part describes the action

or state of being?
• Complete Subjects and Predicates
A complete subject tells whom or what a
sentence is about, including any words that
modify it.
A complete predicate tells what the complete
subject is or does. It includes a verb or verbs
and any words that modify them.
A box of cookies landed on my desk.

complete subject complete predicate

• Fragments

A sentence fragment is a group of words that

does not express a complete thought.

sentence fragment
A dance on Saturday.

complete sentence
A dance will be held on Saturday.
Label each group of words sentence fragment, or complete

1. Manuscript to the publisher.

…………sentence fragment………………………………

2. Three editors in the company from California.

…………sentence fragment…………………….............

3. The proofreader gave the corrections to the writer.

……..........complete sentence…………………..............

4. Meetings with the publisher on Tuesdays and Thursdays

……….....sentence fragment…………………………….

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