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‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬   KINGDOM OF SAUDI ARABIA

  Ministry of Higher Education
‫ جامعة أم القرى‬- ‫وزارة التعليم العالي‬
‫كلية الهندسة و العمارة اإلسالمية‬ 8023010 Umm Al-Qura University
College of Engineering and Islamic Architecture
‫قسم الهندسة الكهربائية‬ ADVANCED ENGINEERING Electrical Engineering Department

Dr Esam Yosry

Dr Esam Yosry
Lecture 2
Dr Esam Yosry

Dr Esam Yosry
Lecture 2 Complex functions and Mapping

2.1 Complex functions:

• Definition of function, domain, and range
• Real and Imaginary parts of a Complex function
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• Complex function in polar coordinates

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2.2 Complex function as Mappings:
• What is mapping?
• Parametric curves in the complex plane
• Common parametric curves
2.3 Linear Mappings:
• Definition of linear mapping
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• Translation, rotation , and magnification

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2.4 Special Power functions:
• Power function f(z) = z2
• Power function f(z) = zn, n>2
• Power function f(z) = z1/n, Principal square root function f(z) = z1/2
2.5 Reciprocal function:
• Circles, disks, neighborhood, open sets, annulus, domain, bounded sets

2.6 Limits and Continuity:

Advanced Engineering Math (8023010) Lecture Dr Esam Yosry 2

2.1 Complex functions
A function f from a set A to a set B is a rule of correspondence
that assigns to each element in A one and only one element in B

We have:
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1- real-valued function of a real variable, y = f (x)

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2- Complex function of a complex variable, ω = f (z)

The set of inputs is called the Domain of f or Dom (f)

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The set of image values of f is called the Range of f or Range (f)

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2.1 Complex functions
f(z) f(z)
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f(z) is a function f(z) is a function
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f(z) is not a function
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2.1 Complex functions
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2.1 Complex functions
Real and Imaginary parts of a Complex function
We can replace the complex function ω = f (z) by two real-valued
u = f (x,y) and v = f (x,y)
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1. A function f can be defined without using the symbol z.

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2. Sometimes, we can express f (z) only by u = f (x,y) and v = f (x,y)

3. But in all cases, we can determine f (z) in terms of z and z

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2.1 Complex functions
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2.1 Complex functions
Polar Coordinates
We can also replace the complex function ω = f (z) by two real-
valued functions,
u = f (r, θ ) and v = f (r, θ )
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 The study of complex functions is analogous to the study of real
multi-variable functions of two variables u and v
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 As special cases of complex functions:
• Real-valued function of a real variable, y(x) = 3x
• Real-valued function of two real variables, u(x, y) = 3x – 2y
• Real-valued function of a complex variable, ω = Re(z)
• Complex-valued function of a real variable, ω(t) = 3t + i cos t
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2.1 Complex functions
Express f(z) = z2 in the form u = f (r, θ ) v = f (r, θ )
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2.1 Complex functions
We studied three methods to express a complex function:
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1. Direct function of z : ω = f (z)

2. The real and imaginary parts in terms of x and y

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u = f (x, y ) and v = f (x, y )

3. The real and imaginary parts in terms of r and θ

u = f (r, θ ) and v = f (r, θ )

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Survey #1

learn complex numbers and their properties, use the polar form
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of complex numbers, their powers and roots, and represent

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them in the complex plane, as well as to use them solving in
engineering problems.
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
if f is a real-valued function of a real variable, then the graph of f
is a curve in the Cartesian plane.

For each x, there is one y  (x, y)

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if f is a complex function, then

For each z(x, y) there is one ω(u, v)  (x, y, u, v)

four-dimensional space
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Thus, we cannot draw a graph for a complex function on a 2D plane

Instead, we use Mapping

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Every point in the z-plane has a corresponding image (point) in the w-plane
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 Usually we choose the set S to be a subset of C not all C
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Steps of Mapping:
 Graph the set of points S
 Find the equation (y = f (x )) of each boundary curve of the set S.
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 Express the function ω = f (z) in the form: u = f (x,y) and v = f

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 For each boundary, substitute on y (or x) in u and v

 Remove the other variable x (or y) to find a relation v = f(u)

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between u and v
 Graph the relation v = f(u) in the u-v plane. This will be the image
of the selected boundary.
 Repeat for other boundaries. Graph the image set S’.
 You can double check by choosing any point (x,y), then find the
corresponding (u,v) and see if it is in S’ or not.
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Steps of Mapping:

Graph S Find u(x,y) and

v(x,y) for the
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function f(z)
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Find the

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Find y=f(x) for corresponding Grap
each boundary v=f(u) for each h the
boundary image

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Find the image of the half-plane Re(z) ≥ 2 under the complex
mapping w = iz and represent the mapping graphically
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𝑤=𝑖𝑧 ⇒ 𝑖 ( 𝑥 +𝑖𝑦 ) =− 𝑦 +𝑖𝑥

𝑢=− 𝑦 , 𝑣=𝑥
y = f(x)
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v = f(u)
For any point z on this line we
have z = 2+iy where −∞ < y < ∞
But f(z)= iz as given
𝑓 ( 2+𝑖𝑦 )=𝑖 ( 2+𝑖𝑦 ) =− 𝑦 +2𝑖 =𝑢+2 𝑖 ⇒ 𝑣 =𝑓 (𝑢)

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Find the image of the vertical line x = 1 under the complex
mapping w = z2 and represent the mapping graphically

Dr Esam Yosry

2 2 2 2
𝑤 = 𝑧 ⇒ ( 𝑥+ 𝑖𝑦 ) =𝑥 − 𝑦 +𝑖 2 𝑥𝑦

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2 2
𝑢=𝑥 − 𝑦 , 𝑣=2 𝑥𝑦

y = f(x) For any point z on this line we have z = 1+iy

where −∞ < y < ∞. But f(z)= z2 as given
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𝑢(1 , 𝑦)=1 − 𝑦 , 𝑣 (1 , 𝑦)=2 𝑦

  2 2 1 2
𝑣 =4 𝑦 ⇒ 𝑢=1− 𝑣

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings

Find the image of the line joining the two points –1+3i and 2+6i
under the complex mapping w = z – 2i Im(z) and represent the
mapping graphically
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Dr Esam Yosry
  𝑧 1=−1+3 𝑖 , 𝑧 2 =2+6 𝑖  
𝑦=𝑚𝑥+C =𝑥+ 4

− 𝑣=𝑥 +4
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𝑥=− 𝑣 − 4
𝑢=𝑥 , 𝑣 =− 𝑦
𝑢=− 𝑣 − 4
𝑣 =−𝑢 − 4

 𝑢1=− 1 , 𝑣 1=−3 𝑣 =−𝑢 − 4

 𝑢 =2, 𝑣 =−6
2 2
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Quiz #2
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Parametric Curves in the complex plane
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1. t is a real variable
2. z(t) represents a set of points (generally curve) in the space S.

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
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Parametrization of a line
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 For a line passing z0 and z1, the

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parametric equation is:

z(t) - z0 = t (z1 - z0)

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Common Parametric curves:
 Line:
For a line passing through z0 and z1, the parametric equation is:

z (t )  z 0 (1  t )  z 1t  t  
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 Line segment:
For a line segment from z0 to z1, the parametric equation is:

z (t )  z 0 (1  t )  z 1t 0 t 1
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 Ray:
For a ray emanating from z0 and passing through z1, :

z (t )  z 0 (1  t )  z 1t 0 t  

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Common Parametricc curves:
 Circle:

For a circle centered at z0 with radius r, the parametric equation is:

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z (t )  z 0  r (cos t  i sin t ) 0  t  2
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In exponential form:

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z (t )  z 0  re it
0  t  2

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings
Steps of Mapping:

Graph S
Find z(t) for S
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Substitute by
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Find the

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z(t) in the
function corresponding
w=f(z) to get graph of w(t) Graph the
w(t) image S’

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings

Find the image of the line segment form 1 to i under the

complex mapping   iz
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See Example 3 page 64 in the textbook
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Try other method !!!
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings

Find the image of the line segment form 1 to i under the

complex mapping   iz
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See Example 3 page 64 in the textbook
  ´ )=− 𝑦 − 𝑖𝑥
𝑤 =𝑖 ( 𝑥+𝑖𝑦
𝑦=𝑚𝑥+C =− 𝑥 +1
𝑢=− 𝑦 , 𝑣=− 𝑥
 𝑣 =−𝑢 −1
𝑢1=− 1 , 𝑣 1=0
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 𝑢 =0 , 𝑣 =−1
2 2

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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings

Find the image of the line segment which starts at the point 1 + i
and ends at the point 1 ‒ i, under the complex mapping:
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 
5 i z( t)  z( t)  10 t  4  2i t  4i

z( t )  z0 ( 1  t )  z1 t

 
z( t)  t z1  z0  z0
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2.2 Complex functions as Mappings

Find the image of the semicircle shown under the

complex mapping w = z2
See Example 4 page 64 in the textbook
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Quiz #3
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2.3 Linear Mapping
f(x) = a x + b is linear real function (a and b are real constants)

f(z) = a z + b is linear complex function (a and b are generally

complex numbers)
Dr Esam Yosry

• Linear mapping may change position, size, or the orientation of

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a figure in the complex plane.
There are three special cases of linear transformation:

• If the position only is changed, it is called translation.

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• If the orientation only is changed, it is called rotation.

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• If the size only is changed, it is called magnification.

• Any of the above changes (or even all of them) may happen in
a linear transformation
Linear mapping never change the shape of a figure in the
complex plane.
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2.3 Linear Mapping
Translation Rotation Magnification
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T(z) = z + b R(z) = a z M(z) = a z
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b≠0 |a| = 1 a is a real number > 0

Every point in S translates in Every point in S rotates The position vector

the same direction with the with the same angle θ. (Modulus) r of every
same amount. θ =Arg(a) point magnifies with
same factor a.

T(z) = z+x0+iy0 =(x+x0)+ i(y+y0)

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2.3 Linear Mapping

Find the image of the rectangle whose vertices are –1+i, 1+i,
1+2i, –1+2i under the linear mapping f(z) = 4i z + 2 + 3i
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See Example 4 page 73 in the textbook

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2.3 Linear Mapping

Find the image of S′ of the square whose vertices are 1+i, 2+i,
2+2i, 1+2i under the linear mapping f(z) = z + 2 –i
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See Example 1 page 69 in the textbook
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2.3 Linear Mapping

Find the image of the real axis y = 0 under the linear

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See Example 2 page 70 in the textbook
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2.3 Linear Mapping

Find the image of the circle C given by |z| = 2 under

the linear mapping f(z) = 3 z
See Example 3 page 71 in the textbook
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2.3 Linear Mapping
A general linear mapping f(z) = az + b is a
composition of a rotation, a magnification, and a
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1. Multiplying by a/|a| is a rotation

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2. Multiplying by |a| is a magnification
3. Adding b is a translation
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The order in which you perform the steps in a linear mapping is important
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2.3 Linear Mapping

Find the image of the rectangle whose vertices are –1+i,

1+i, 1+2i, –1+2i under the linear mapping f(z) = 4i z + 2
+ 3i. Regard the linear mapping given as a composition of
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a rotation, a magnification, and a translation.

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See Example 4 page 73 in the textbook
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Quiz #4
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2.4 Special power functions
• Complex power function is defined as f(z) = zn
• In this section we will study power functions with n is a
real number
• The power function, generally does not preserve the
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Power function f(z) = z2
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• The mapping w = z2 magnify
(contract) the point z by r and
rotate it by θ.
• Note that either the magnification
or rotation is not constant. Rather,
it depends on the value of z

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2.4 Special power functions
Find the image of the circular arc defined by
|z| = 2, 0 ≤ arg(z) ≤ π/2 under the mapping
ω = f(z) = z2 .
See Example 1 page 82 in the textbook
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• Each point in C has r =2. Then, each point in C’ has r = 4. (C’ is an arc of a circle).
• Angles of z on C ranges from 0 to π/2. Then, angles of ω on C’ ranges from 0 to π.
• You can use parametric curve of C: z(t) = 2 eit where 0 ≤ t ≤ π/2

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2.4 Special power functions
Find the image of the vertical line x = k under the mapping ω = z2

See Example 2 page 83 in the textbook

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For the line x = 0,
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2.4 Special power functions
We can find the image of the horizontal line y = k under the
mapping ω = z2 in a similar way:
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2.4 Special power functions
Find the image of the triangle with vertices 0, 1 + i, 1 - i under the
mapping ω = z2
See Example 3 page 84 in the textbook

Each of the three sides of S will be treated separately

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For the vertical line segment , the
image is a parabolic segment
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2.4 Special power functions
Power function f(z) = zn , n >2
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Under the mapping ω = z3, all angles will be multiplied by 3

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2.4 Special power functions

Find the image of the quarter disk defined by |z| < 2,

0 ≤ arg(z) ≤ π/2, under the mapping ω = z3
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See Example 4 page 86 in the textbook

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2.4 Special power functions
Power function f(z) = z1/n
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We see that z1/n is not a function because for each z, there are many values of
ω. However, the principal value of z1/n can be considered a function

Principal square root function f(z) = z1/2

Taking k = 0 in the definition of z1/2 results in the principal square root function:
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2.4 Special power functions
Find the image of the set S defined by |z| < 3, , π/2 ≤ arg(z) ≤
3π/4, under the principal square root function.

See Example 8 page 93 in the textbook

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2.4 Special power functions
Principal nth root function f(z) = z1/n
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2.5 Reciprocal function
The Reciprocal function f(z) = 1/z
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• The reciprocal function domain is the
set of all nonzero complex numbers
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• The modulus of ω is the reciprocal of the modulus of z

• The argument of ω is the negative of the argument of z

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2.5 Reciprocal function

The reciprocal function does

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two things:

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• Inversion in the unit circle:

ρ =1/r
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• Complex conjugation:

φ = –θ

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2.5 Reciprocal function

Find the image of the semicircle |z| = 2, 0 ≤ arg(z) ≤ π,

under the reciprocal mapping w = 1/z.
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See Example 1 page 102 in the textbook
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we can show that the reciprocal function maps the circle | z | = k, k ≠ 0, onto the
circle |w | = 1/ k.

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2.5 Reciprocal function
Find the image of the vertical line x = 1 under
the reciprocal mapping w = 1/z.
See Example 2 page 103 in the textbook
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• Remember the equation of a circle centered at (x0 , y0) with radius r.
• Using the complex variable w = u + iv, we can describe this image by

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2.5 Reciprocal function
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2.5 Reciprocal function

Find the image of the semi-infinite horizontal strip

defined by 1 ≤ y ≤ 2, x ≥ 0, under w = 1/z.
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See Example 4 page 106 in the textbook
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Survey #2

understand function of complex variable and mapping, power

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functions, limits and continuity, as well as to use them in solving

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engineering problems.
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