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SY 202

111 School Financing, C6

In California, the state generates most of the revenue for public education based on
XYZs Top Funding Sources that make up 97.5% of Funding:

Where does school 4.1% SCG - English Learners (SCG-EL)

funding come from?

5.4% Schoolwide Programs (SWP)

5.8% Targeted Instruction Improvement Grant (TIIG)

82.2% General Fund - Unrestricted Resources

1. Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF): All schools receive funding from various government
● Federal
● State
● Local
2. Budgets include a ‘base’ level of monies plus supplemental ‘grants’ for high needs populations such as:
● Foster youth
● English learners
● Low-income students
3. Funding Sources Managed by School Sites
● Unrestricted Resources
● Targeted Instructional Improvement Grant
● Special Education WSF Site Allocation
● Supplemental & Concentration Grants (SCG):
○ Low Income (SCG-LI)
○ English Learner (SCG-EL)
● Title I
● Public Education Enrichment Fund (Prop H or ‘PEEF’)
4. Schools also receive centrally allocated resources like literacy coaches, counselors, nurses, social
workers, and assistant principals via the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). And LCFF
Supplemental and Concentration Grants (SCG) funds are generated by the student population of English
Learner students, foster youth, and socio-economically disadvantaged students. These supplemental
resources are to support these populations’ unique needs.
One ex
of loca
l fu nding...

● 2004 - Prop H: Public Education Enrichment

Fund (PEEF)
● Law: City of SF contributes funds and ⅔ go to
support SFUSD education programs
● 2014 - Prop C: Guarantees PEEF through SY
● PEEF funds supplement:
○ Sports, libraries, arts and music programs.
○ Every SFUSD school has a credentialed
librarian ~ 91% PEEF funds.
○ Every student has access to a nurse
and/or social worker (+/- 2 / 3 of nurses and
social workers for grades K-8 are PEEF funded).\


Public Tableau

*Public accessible
information on SFUSD


82.2% General Fund: Unrestricted Resources $3,626,475

4.1% SCG English Learners $192,844

5.8% Targeted Instructional Improvement $274,122


* 5.4% IASA: Schoolwide Prgms (SWP) $254,385

<1% SpEd- WSF School Site Allocation $6,724

<1% PEEF: Prop H, Arts & Music $6,390

2.4% PEEF: Multi-Tiered Supports $113,150

100% TOTAL $4,748,980

*Public Education Enrichment Fund (PEEF)
*Data Source: SFUSD Tableau
What do we spend
our money on?
...and >>> Why?
Every California public school has a School Plan for Student
Achievement (SPSA).

School Plan for SPSA is KEY because it is a ‘living document’ that outlines XYZ’s:

Site goals
Steps of action to meet goals

Student Achievement ● Measurable outcomes of student growth and academic performance patterns.

ERT’s plan supports ALL students and in particular these focal student subgroups:
(SPSA) ●

English Learners

Another KEY element is that SPSA lists “amount(s) and funding source(s)
for the proposed expenditures” ie: how school monies support Site Goals.

Here are XYZ’s SY21-22 goals that guide how to allocate budget funds:
● SPSA Goal #1 Focus - Academic Growth and Progress: Improve language and literacy
outcomes for focal student subgroups: LatinX, English Learner, and SPED.
● SPSA Goal #2 Focus - Behavioral Supports: Establish STUDENT SEL and behavioral
supports and STAFF PD
● SPSA Goal #3 - Family Engagement and Empowerment: Strengthen and expand
family engagement across all pathways and by focal groups by an increase of 10%

NOTE: SPSA must be approved by elected School Site Council (SSC)

members who represent various community stakeholders including:
XYZ SPSA SY21-22 ● Parents and students
● Community members
Former Doc: BSC SY19-20
● School Staff
SPSA Goal #1 - Academic Growth and Progress: Improve language and literacy outcomes for
focal student subgroups: LatinX, English Learner, and SPED.

Source Item, Activity or Position Funded

$243,364 MTSS Literacy Coach, Librarian

System of Supports

2-1.0 ARTIF T’s and 2 - 100 days reading intervention
$365,046 SCG,
Title 1

$27,000 WSF WSF Teacher sub release for planning, PD and

learning walks

WSF PD Sub release days, planning and LLI instructional

SpEd materials
SPSA Goal #2 - Behavioral Supports: Establish SEL and behavioral supports for students and
professional development for staff

Source Item, Activity or Position Funded

$150,077 TIIG 1.0 FTE Social Worker, .5 Community Rel. Specialist

$113,636 MTSS Social Worker, Noon monitors, support from PPS

$36,441 WSF .5 Community Relations Specialist
SPSA Goal #3 - Family Engagement and Empowerment: Strengthen and expand family
engagement across all pathways and by focal groups by an increase of 10%

Allocatio Item, Activity or Position

n Funded

SC Grant-English Learners
$69,491 Family Liaison
(0.1 FTE); TIIG- (0.9 FTE)

$72,882 WSF-(0.5 FTE); TIIG-(0.5 Community Relations Specialist

$113,636 TIIG (1.0 FTE) Social Worker

Budget Decision Making
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Budget Decision Making
The Involvement Process
ANNUAL SPSA Review and
Update includes specific legal
steps around... 1. Districts & schools have flexibility how to use funds; however, the Local Control and Accountability
● How?
Plan (LCAP) must be developed in collaboration with Parents, Students, Educators, Community
● When? members.
● With who did the 2. The District’s LCAP “describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures” to support positive
school consult? and student outcomes that address state and local priorities and…
● Why?
3. School sites, such as ERT school’s plan must align with SFUSD’s LCAP and other federal, state,
...that the school must follow and local programs’ guidelines as well as meet ESSA* requirements.
as part of the planning
process for this renewal. 3. How is the community involved in the LCAP process?
● Participation in School Site Council (SSC), ELAC /DLAC and school planning meetings
● Participation in the school’s student and parent/family surveys to make sure voice is heard
● Participation in the Annual March School Planning Summit
● Leadership, Governance and Site Planning Toolkit for more information and resources
*Every Student Succeeds Act 2015
Annually ERT holds several small community
meetings with staff and family stakeholders,
including during SSC, ELAC, and also engages
the whole staff in “schoolwide data analysis and
an overview of the budgeting process,” in
addition to reviewing family and staff survey
results to determine ERT’s school wide

Every March, staff and families participate in a

school site planning summit to analyze
academic and culture ‘metric data’ from 2 ‘data
windows’ and compare that data to cohort
matched data from prior years. Through this
process, all stakeholders are able to give direct
...including Title I which requires parent approval. input,ideas and questions to create the
upcoming SY’s SPSA goals and strategies.
The SSC is presented with budget scenarios and
votes on 1 scenario for following SY.
SFUSD School Site Council (SSC)
*Note: students participate in SSC at secondary level.
School Accountability
Report Card (SARC)
How do we know how well a school is doing in meeting their SPSA
● Since 1988 ALL schools receiving state funding are required annually to
prepare and make available their school “Report Card” or SARC.
● SARCs provide important public information about public schools and show a
school's progress in achieving its goals. SARCs come out in February.
CA State law requires that the SARC contain all of the following:
● Demographic data
● School safety and climate for learning information
● Academic data
● School completion rates
● Class sizes
● Teacher and staff information
● Curriculum and instruction descriptions
● Postsecondary preparation information (if applicable)
● Fiscal and expenditure data
Similar requirements are contained in the federal Elementary and
Secondary Education Act (ESEA) legislation.
The End
LCAP, SPSA, and SARC Basics

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