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1 Timothy

I). Timothy
A). Background
1). Faith
a). 2 Tim. 1:5
2). Family
a). Acts 16:1-2
1 Timothy
B). Relationship with Paul
1). Child in the faith
a). 1 Tim. 1:2
b). 1 Cor. 4:17
1 Timothy
2). Travel Companion
a). 16:1-3
b). Travels with Paul in
Philippi, Thessalonica, and
c). Stays in Thessalonica
and then coming from
Macedonia arrives in
Corinth with Paul (Acts 18:5)
1 Timothy

d). Travels through Corinth and

Ephesus and then is sent to
Macedonia (Acts 19:21-22)
e). Paul returns to Macedonia
and then travels to Greece and
ending in Troas (Acts 20:1-6)
1 Timothy

3). Co-laborer amongst the churches

a). 1 Thess. 3:1-6
b). 1 Cor. 4:17; 16:10-11
c). Phil 2:19-24
1 Timothy

4). Co-author and sender of

a). 2 Cor. 1:1; Phil. 1:1; Col.
1:1; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2 Thess.
1:1; Philemon 1
1 Timothy
II). Date
A). Timeline
1). Anticipated release from
imprisonment (Phil. 1:19)
2). Released A.D. 63
3). Phil. 2:19-23
4). 1 Tim. 1:3 – he heads to
5). From Macedonia writes 1
1 Timothy

6). He meets Timothy in

7). He travels to Crete
8). Leaves Titus there
(Titus 1:5)
9). Wrote Titus from Corinth
(Titus 3:13)
1 Timothy
10). Titus meets up with Paul
in Nicopolis (Titus 3:12)
11). They travel to Spain
(Rom. 15:24, 28)
12). A.D. 64-66
13). 2 Tim. 4:13, 20, 15
14). Wrote 2 Timothy during
his second imprisonment in
15). A.D. 67
1 Timothy

III). Author
A). Paul
1). One of the most widely
argued letters of Paul
1 Timothy
IV). Outline
A). Charge concerning
DOCTIRNE (ch. 1)
B). Charge concerning PUBLIC
WORSHIP (ch. 2-3:16)
C). Charge concerning FALSE
TEACHERS (ch. 4)
D). Charge concerning CHURCH
E). Charge concerning
1 Timothy
V). Purpose
A). Address false teaching (1:4)
1). The "myths and endless
genealogies" group (1:4)
2). A form of following and
teaching the law (1:7-8)
3). Ascetic lifestyle (4:3)
4). Godliness as a means of
gain (6:4-10)
1 Timothy
B). The operations of the church
(1 Tim. 3:15)
1). Services
2). Leadership (3:1-13)
3). Widows
4). All ages
1 Timothy
C). Comfort Timothy as a Pastor
and friend
1). 4:12-16
2). 6:20
3). 6:11-14
4). 1:18
1 Timothy
B). The operations of the church
(1 Tim. 3:15)
1). Services (ch. 2)
2). Leadership (3:1-13)
3). Widows (ch. 5)
4). Elders (5:17-25)
5). Slaves (6:1-2)
6). The rich (6:17-19)
1 Timothy
VI). Emphasis and Message
A). The true gospel
1). The Law (1:5-11)
2). Grace (1:12-17)
B). Character of the leaders
1). Passions (3:2-3)
2). Household (3:4-5)
3). Grounded (3:9)
C). The lifestyle of the believers
2 Timothy

I). Date and place of writing

A). Roman prison
1). Knew his time was up
(2 Tim 4:6-8, 18)
B). A.D. 63-67
2 Timothy
II). Author
A). Paul
1). Less disputed because of
the close relationship
III). Outline
A). Persevere in PRESENT TESTING
(ch. 1-2)
(ch. 3-4)
2 Timothy
IV). Purpose
A). Staying the course in trials
1). 1:8)
B). False teachers
1). Present
a). 2:14-16, 17-18, 2:23
2). Future
a). 3:13
2 Timothy

C). Personal encouragement

a). 1:5-7, 8
b). 2:1
c). 4:2-5
2 Timothy
V). Emphasis
A). Suffering
1). His example (2:9)
2). All must suffer (3:12, 2:3)
3). The future joy
(1:12, 2:11-13, 4:8, 4:17)
4). God’s word not chained
2 Timothy
B). The gospel
1). Hold Fast
a). 1:13-14
b). 3:10, 14-15
2). Pass it on
b). Ch. 2

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