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2 Self test checks to see if all cards are error free.


2 î the fro t of the PLC there are ormally limited

status lights. Commo lights i dicate;
2 power o - this will be o whe ever the PLC has
2 program ru i g - this will ofte i dicate if a program
is ru i g, or if o program is ru i g
2 fault - this will i dicate whe the PLC has
experie ced a major hardware or soft-ware
2 Problem: Develop a program that will cause
output D to go true whe switch A a d switch
B are closed or whe switch C is closed.
Problem: Develop Ladder Logic for a car
door/seat belt safety system. Whe the car
door is ope , a d the seatbelt is ot do e up,
the ig itio power must ot be applied. If all
is safe the the key will start the e gi e.
A Burglar Alarm

2 Co sider the desig of a burglar alarm for a house. Whe

activated a alarm a d lights will be activated to e courage the
u wa ted guest to leave. This alarm be activated if a
u authorized i truder is detected by wi dow se sor a d a
motio detector. The wi dow se sor is effectively a loop of wire
that is a piece of thi metal foil that e circles the wi dow. If the
wi dow is broke , the foil breaks breaki g the co ductor. This
behaves like a ormally closed switch. The motio se sor is
desig ed so that whe a perso is detected the output will go
o . As with a y alarm a activate/deactivate switch is also

2 More complex systems ca ot be co trolled with

combi atorial logic alo e.
2 A latch is like a sticky switch
- whe pushed it will tur o ,
but stick i place.
2 A latch i ladder logic uses
o e i structio to latch, a d
a seco d i structio to
u latch.
2 If a output has bee
latched o , it will keep its
value, eve if the power has
bee tur ed off.

2 A rete tive timer will sum all of

the o or off time for a timer,
eve if the timer ever fi ished.
2 A o -rete tive timer will start
timi g the delay from zero each
2 Typical applicatio s for
rete tive timers i clude tracki g
the time before mai te a ce is
2 A o rete tive timer ca be
used for a start butto to give a
short delay before a co veyor
begi s movi g.
2 This is a locatio i the PLC memory that will store the timer
i formatio . The u i dicates that it is timer memory, a d the 
i dicates that it is i the first locatio .
2 The 
 is [ i dicati g that the timer will work i 1.0
seco d i tervals.
2 The  is the delay for the timer, i this
2 case it is 4. To fi d the delay time multiply the time base by the
preset value 4*1.0s = 4.0s.
2 The

 value gives the curre t value of the timer as
.While the timer is ru i g the Accumulated value will
i crease u til it reaches the preset value.
2 I put is true the 
output will be true.
2 The ëoutput will be
false u til the
accumulator has
reached the preset
2 Total delay=3.5s
2 Whe the i put is
true the ëbit is o .
2 The ëbit o ly tur s
off whe the i put 
has bee off lo g
e ough so that the
accumulator value
reaches the preset.

The system is started with a   butto that seals i

the  mode. This ca be stopped if the  
butto is pushed. (Remember: Stop butto s are
ormally closed.) Whe the  goes o i itially the
Tî timer is used to sou d the hor for the first 10
seco ds to war that the ove will start, a d after
that the hor stops a d the heati g coils start. Whe
the ove is tur ed off the fa co ti ues to blow for
300s or 5 mi utes after.

Develop the ladder logic that will tur o a

output light, 15 seco ds after switch has
bee tur ed o .

The executive
is a perma e tly stored
collectio of programs that are
co sidered part of the system
itself. These supervisory
programs direct system
activities, such as executio of
the co trol program,
commu icatio with peripheral
devices, a d other system
housekeepi g activities.


This is a 


This area
temporary storage area stores all data associated
used by the CPU to store a with the co trol program,
relatively small amou t of such as timer/cou ter preset
data for i terim calculatio s values a d other stored
a d co trol. The CPU stores co sta ts a d variables
data that is eeded quickly used by the co trol program
i this memory area to avoid or CPU. The data table also
the lo ger access time retai s the status
i volved with retrievi g data i formatio of both the
from the mai memory. system i puts a d the
system outputs
2 M|

This area provides
storage for programmed i structio s e tered
by the user. The user program area also
stores the co trol program.


2 Program files holds the user program i.e ladder logic.

2 These are a collectio of up to 1000 slots to store up
to 1000 programs.
2 The mai program will be stored i program file 2.
plc will ru automatically the program i file 2
2 SFC programs must be i file 1,
2 a d file 0 is used for program a d password
i formatio . All other
2 program files from 3 to 999 ca be used for



2 The ist three data files are fixed.

2 All the other ca be moved.
2 Each file may co tai from 0 to 999 locatio s
that may store values.
2 For the i put ^a d output files the
locatio s are co verted to physical locatio s
o the PLC usi g rack a d slot umbers.

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