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Histology of skeletal cardiac

and smooth muscle

First lecture
Learning objectives
 Outline the histological features of
skeletal, smooth and cardiac muscle with
the help of microscopic images.
Skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle
 An entire skeletal muscle is enclosed
within a thick layer of dense connective
tissue called the epimysium that is
continuous with fascia and the tendon
binding muscle to bone.
 is a thin connective tissue layer that
immediately surrounds each bundle of
muscle fibers termed a fascicle .
 Nerves, blood vessels, and lymphatics
penetrate the perimysium to supply each
 Surrounds the external lamina of individual
muscle fibers.
Organization Within Muscle Fibers

 On light microscope –striated appearance

 Cylindrical in shape
 Longitudinally sectioned skeletal muscle
fibers show cross-striations of alternating
light and dark bands .
skeletal muscle structure
• Sarcolemma-cell • Sarcoplasm –
membrane cytoplasm
• Nuclei-multi • Filled with myofibrils
nucleated • Golgi complex
• Ovoid in shape • Mitochondria
• Peripherally located • E reticulum

Skeletal muscle fiber
 Cross striations -light and dark band
 The dark bands are called A bands
(anisotropic or birefringent in polarized
light microscopy)
 the light bands are called I bands
(isotropic, do not alter polarized light).
I band
 In the TEM , each I band is seen to be
bisected by a dark transverse line, the Z
disc (Ger.zwischen, between).
 The repetitive functional subunit of the
contractile apparatus, the sarcomere,
extends from Z disc to Z disc .

Each A BAND has lighter central area known

as H zone.
H zone is bisected by M line.
Myo filaments
Myo fibrils are compose of myofilaments.
 Thick
 Thin
A and I bands
 The A and I banding pattern in sarcomeres
is due mainly to the regular arrangement
of thick and thin myofilaments
I bands are lighter why
 I bands, each bisected by a Z disc, consist
of the portions of the thin filaments that do
not overlap the thick filaments (which is
why I bands stain more lightly. .
Thick myosin filaments
 The thick myosin filaments are 1.6 μm
long and 15 nm wide;
 they occupy the A band at the middle
region of the sarcomere.
 Heavy and light chains
Myosin heavy chain
Myosin is a large complex (~500 kDa) with
two identical heavy chains and two pairs of
light chains.
Myosin heavy chains are thin, rodlike motor
proteins (150 nm long and 2-3nm thick)
twisted together as myosin tails .
Myosin light chains
 Globular projections containing the four myosin
light chains form a head at one end of each
heavy chain.
The myosin heads bind both
1. Actin: forming transient cross bridges between
the thick and thin filaments,
Actin binding capacity of head-fundamental
importance for muscle contraction
2. ATP: catalyzing energy release (has ATPase
Thin filaments
 Are composed of Actin filaments,troponin
and tropomyosin
 Actin filaments exist as F-actin polymers in
form of double helix composed of Gactin
 Tropomyosin, a 40-nm-long coil of two
polypeptide chains located in the groove
between the F-actin helix.
 Troponin, a complex of three subunits:
TnT, which attaches to tropomyosin;
 TnC, which binds Ca2+;
 TnI, which regulates the actin-myosin
 TnI binds to actin and inhibits actin myosin
 TnT binds Tropoinin to Tropomyosin
 TnC binds calcium exposing blocked sites
on actin filaments which allows globular
heads of myosin to form cross bridges with
actin molecules.
Transverse tubule sytem
 Invaginations of sarcolemma around
muscle fiber.
 Undergo branching lie between terminal
 Cisterna od sarcoplasmic reticulumto form
 Triads at A-I junction.
Srcoplasmic reticuum
 Specialized type of endoplasmic reticulum-
skeletal muscle.
 E/M shows SR exists as network of
tubules or cisterna
 T-tubules course chiefly in longitudinal
Sarcoplasmic Reticulum & Transverse
Tubule System

 In skeletal muscle fibers the smooth ER,

or sarcoplasmic reticulum, is specialized
for Ca2+ sequestration.
 To trigger Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic
reticulum throughout the fiber
simultaneously and cause uniform
contraction of all myofibrils
 When the membrane depolarization ends,
the sarcoplasmic reticulum pumps Ca2+
back into the cisternae, ending contractile
 Together, the triad components make up a
signaling apparatus for converting
repeated cell membrane depolarizations
into spikes of free, cytoplasmic Ca2+ that
trigger contraction
Cardiac muscle

• Same arrangement of thick & thin filaments as skeletal

Differences b/w skeletal and
• The T tubule system and sarcoplasmic reticulum, however, are not as
regularly arranged in the cardiac myocytes. The T tubules are more
numerous and larger in ventricular muscle than in skeletal muscle.
• The sarcoplasmic reticulum is not as well developed and wanders
irregularly through the myofilaments. As a consequence, discrete
myofibrillar bundles are not present.
• Triads are not common in cardiac cells, because the T tubules are
generally associated with only one lateral expansion of sarcoplasmic
reticulum cisternae. Thus, heart muscle characteristically possesses
diads composed of one T tubule and one sarcoplasmic reticulum

 Numerous mitochondria, which occupy
40% or more of the cytoplasmic volume ,
reflecting the need for continuous aerobic
metabolism in heart muscle.
 By comparison, only about 2% of skeletal
muscle fiber is occupied by mitochondria.
Fatty acids, transported to cardiac muscle
cells by lipoproteins, are the major fuel of
the heart.
Appearance of Cardiac Muscle

• Striated muscle containing thick & thin filaments

• T tubules located at Z discs

Microscopic Anatomy of Smooth Muscle

• Small, involuntary muscle cell -- tapering at ends

• Single, oval, centrally located nucleus
• Smooth muscle cells are fusiform, ie, they
are largest at their midpoints and taper
toward their ends.


• Each cell has a single nucleus located in the center

of the broadest part of the cell.
• To achieve the tightest packing, the narrow part of
one cell lies adjacent to the broad parts of
neighboring cells.
• Such an arrangement viewed in cross section
shows a range of diameters, with only the largest
profiles containing a nucleus .

• They may range in size from 20 m in small
blood vessels to 500 m in the pregnant
uterus. During pregnancy, uterine smooth
muscle cells undergo a marked increase in
size and number.

Smooth muscle

6 major locations:
1. inside the eye 2. walls of vessels 3. respiratory tubes
4. digestive tubes 5. urinary organs 6. reproductive organs
 A rudimentary sarcoplasmic reticulum is present;
it consists of a closed system of membranes,
similar to the sarcoplasmic reticulum of striated

 T tubules are not present in smooth muscle

Dense bodies
 Desmin (skeletin) has been identified as the major protein of intermediate
filaments in all smooth muscles, and vimentin is an additional component in
vascular smooth muscle.
 Two types of dense bodies appear in smooth muscle cells. One is
membrane associated; the other is cytoplasmic. Both contain -actinin and
are thus similar to the Z lines of striated muscles. Both thin and intermediate
filaments insert into dense bodies that transmit contractile force to adjacent
smooth muscle cells and their surrounding network of reticular fibers.
 The degree of innervation in a particular
bundle of smooth muscle depends on the
function and the size of that muscle.
Elaborate neuromuscular junctions such
as those in skeletal muscle are not present
in smooth muscle.

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