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1. Conditional sentences type I: Probable condition

Conditional sentence type I digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu hal

yang mungkin atau tidak mungkin terjadi di waktu yang akan datang.
Conditional type I dibentuk dengan if clause (dalam simple present
tense) dan main clause (dalam simple future tense).

If + simple present, subject + will + bare infinitive

If I finish work early, I will play tennis.

If she has enough time, she will come to your house.
If you invite us, we will come to your wedding party.

2. If + simple present + modal auxiliary (can, may, must, will) digunakan

untuk menunjukkan suatu kemungkinan (possibility), izin (permission),
kepastian (certainty).
If + simple present, subject + may + bare infinitive
If he starts now, he will arrive in time. (certain result)
If she starts now, she may arrive in time. (possibility)
If you are in a hurry, you can use my car. (permission)
If their house is on fire, they may stay here. (permission)
If you study hard now, you must be successful. (certain result)

3. If + should
If should bisa digunakan sebagai ganti if + simple present tense
untuk menunjukkan suatu lebih sopan atau lebih meragukan.

If I should see him, I'll ask him to ring you.

(= If I see him, I will ask him to ring you)
If you should see him, please give him this massage.
(= If you see him, please give him this message)
If you should go out, please get me a magazine.
(= If you go out, please get me a magazine)
4. Should + subject + bare infinitive bisa digunakan sebagai ganti if-f simple
present tense.
Should he come here, tell him I am not in.
Should this machine fail to give satisfaction, we guarantee to refund
the purchase.

5. Imperative + and, main clause

Imperative + and + clause bisa digunakan sebagai ganti if clause dan
digunakan untuk menunjukkan Ikomentar (comment), ancaman (threat),
atau suatu permintaan (request).

If he fails to pay, we will cut off the electricity.

Fail to pay and we will cut off the electricity.
If you don't stop smoking, your condition will be worth.
Stop smoking or your condition will be worst. )
6. Imperative + or, main clause

Imperative + or/and + clause digunakan sebagai ganti if clause dalam

bentuk negatif.

If you don't stop borrowing the money, you will be in trouble.

Stop borrowing the money, or you will be in trouble.
If you don't stop smoking, your condition will be worst.
Stop smoking, or your condition will be worst.
7. If...... not = unless
Unless bisa digunakan untuk menggantikan if..... not jika kita ingin
menunjukkan suatu pengecualian(exception). Unless lebih tegas
dari if ..... not dan digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu ancaman

If you do not invite me, I will not come to your house.

Unless you invite me, I will not come to your house, (except if you
If you don't change your mind, I won't help you. (except if you
Unless you change your mind, I won't help you. (except if you

8. If + present tense bisa diikuti imperative, should, dan must.

If you see him tell him to call me.

If you are sick, you ought to be in bed.
If need any help, you may come to me again.
If you love your parents, you should respect them.
a. Supply the correct form of the verbs in order to make future possible
1. If they ......... .....(come) on time, I. ......... .......(talk) to them.
2. If you... ...... .......(study) your lessons, I'm sure you...... ...... ...(pass).
3 . If she ........ .(has drive) all that way since this morning, she ...... .(be) tired
and thirsty.
4. You .......... ....(be) there before 10 if you.... ................. (leave) now.
5. I ........ (tell) you everything when Linda.... ....... ...(arrive).
6. If he ……(come), I …….. (give) him this book.
7. If she................(decide) to come, she ................(write) you a letter.
8. If l........ ..(stay) in this flat till May, I..............(be living) here for two years.
9. If John... ...........(finish) the work by 3 p.m, he .............(leave) early.
10. We..................(leave) as soon as he.......................(finish) his job.

b. Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs and use can, could, may,
might, should, ought to, or must in the main clause.

Example: If she is still here tomorrow morning, she ought to stay home.
1. If she..............(have) a lot of work to do, she........... ask somebody to help her.
2. If he...........(have only just arrive) he...........not have heard the news.
3.1f you..............(finish) early, you...............come for a drink with me.
4. If you.............(be) still ill today, you............. take a rest.
5. If she........... .(can't go) tomorrow, we........... .stay here for another two days.
c. Rewrite the following sentence by using an imperative

Example: If you ask me nicely, I'll give you some.

Ask me nicely and I'll give you some.

1. If you work more seriously, I will give you some more

2. If you don't stop smoking, I'll never give you any money.
3. If you don't hurry, you will be late.
4. If you don't take a bus, you will miss the first lecture.
5. If you disturb my dog, it will bite you.
6. If you crash my motorcycle, I will not forgive you.
7. If you come late, you will not see him.
8. If you leave now, you will not miss the first train.
9. If you pick me up, you don't need to wait longer.
10. If you fail to pay, we will stop your next orders.

1. Conditional Sentences type II: Improbable condition

Conditional sentence type II digunakan untuk menunjukkan sesuatu yang

bertentangan dengan atau yang sesungguhnya di waktu sekarang.
If + subject + simple past, subject + could + bare infinitive
If you had longer legs, you would be able to run faster.
If she spoke English well, she would be accepted to work.
If I had a spare ticket, I would give it to you.
If I knew his address, I would send him the letter.

2. Conditional sentence juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu

yang tidak kita harapkan di waktu sekarang.

If a robber came into my house, I would throw a stone at him.

If he chased me, I would ran away.
If he wanted to kill me, I would report him to a police.
3. If + were, would
“Were” digunakan sebagai ganti "was" sesudah semua subjek dan
menunjukkan sesuatu yang lebih formal atau untuk
menunjukkan suatu keraguan (doubt) dan untuk
membayangkan sesuatu.
- If I were - If we were
- If you were
- If she were - If you were
- If he were
- If it were - If they were

If l were sick, I would stay home today.

If I were in your position, I would accept him as a new staff.
4.If heIf were in Jakarta
+ simple today,
past bisa he would
diikuti might come to myuntuk
atau could house.
menunjukkan kepastian, kemungkinan, npuan, atau izin di masa

If you tried again, you would succeed. (certainty)

If you tried again, you might succeed. (possibility)
If it stopped raining, we could go out. (ability)
a. Write conditional sentence type II to match the following situation

Example: I don't have any money. I won't give you a treat.

If I had any money, I would not give you a treat.

1. You can't type well. You are not able to operate a computer.
2. He doesn't understand the problem. He will not find a solution.
3. She doesn't own a house. She is not very happy.
4. The painting cost a hundred dollars. I won't buy it.
5. Today is not Sunday. I will not sleep till afternoon.
6. John can not speak English. He will not apply for the job.
7. She doesn't like music. She doesn't go to the concert.
8. I don't come to your house. I don't need your help.
9. He has not got the money. He will not contact you.
10. My father is not a rich man. He will not buy me an expensive car.
11. She is not present today. We can't discuss the problem.
12. I can not drive well. I will not take you home in my car.
13. The manager doesn't come today. The employees don't work seriously.
14. Mother is not so well today. We can't have a nice lunch.
b. Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs

Example: If he were here now, we could talk to him.

1. If I............. .(fail) in my present job, I ought to think about another career.

2. If Bob ............... .(need) any advice, he could ask his uncle.
3. If you.............. .(borrow) my dictionary, you ought to return it immediately.
4. If he............ .(run) my father's business, my father would be more
5. If Jack...............(go) back to his village, he should meet his parents.
6. If you.................(have) work experience, you could apply for a better job.
7. If he................ (have) more time, he would do the work more carefully.
8. If she............... (wait) more patiently, she could have seen the famous movie
9. If I ...............(see) him, I would give him your message.
10. If Linda.............. .(take) it from the table, she should put it there back.
11. If she..................(study) harder, she would pass the exam.

1. Conditional sentences type III: Past Unreal/Impossible Condition

Conditional sentence type III digunakan untuk menunjukkan suatu

penyesalan (regret, dan lain-lain tentang sesuatu yang tidak akan
pernah terjadi lagi di waktu sekarang.
If + subject + past perfect, could/ + have + past participle

If you had gone by car, you would have arrived in Bandung.

If you had studied English seriously, you would have spoken English well.
If she had tried harder, she would have been successful.
If you had left early, you might have arrived there.
2. If I had been you/in your position

“If I had been you/in your position” digunakan untuk menunjukkan apa yang
sudah akan kita lakukan kita berada dalam posisi orang lain.

If I had been in your position, I would have accepted his offer.

If I had been Mary, I would have paid $ 200 for the television.
If I had been in his position, I would not have quitted my job.
If I had been in her position, I would have accepted his offer of work.
3. Past unreal condition juga bisa dinyatakan dengan menempatkan
"had" di depan kalimat. Bentuk ini adalah yang paling lazim digunakan
dalam conditional type III.

Had + subject + past participle, subject + would have + past participle

Had I known you were not there, I would not have come.
Had he found the right buyer, he would have sold the car.
Had he studied harder, he would have spoken fluently.
Had I met him at the airport, I would have given your letter.
Had I known you didn't bring your key, I would not have locked the door.

a. Comment the following situations with if to express regret in then past.

Example: I didn't study English seriously. I could not speak English well.
If I had studied English seriously, I would have spoken English well.

1. I didn't enjoy the party, so I left early.

2. The man got an accident because he drove carelessly.
3. The huge hotel didn't burn down because the fire brigade came immediately
4. They came late so they missed the first train.
5. Your father understood all the problems because I spoke to him.
6. She didn't pass the exam because she didn't study well. 7. John wake up
late because he worked hard until midnight.
b. Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs

Example: If I had managed to repair the television, we could have watched

the foot ball match.

1. If I .............. .(know) that she was in hospital, I would have visited her.
2. If they ............... .(have) more training, they would have played better.
3. I would have saved some food for you if you........... .(tell) me you would
4. I would not have helped you if you................(ask) me politely.
5. You would not have made the mistakes if I............. .(read) the instructions
more carefully.
6. If she...............(tell) he need some money, my uncle.................(lend) him.
7. If the weather forecast.............. (be) different, we could have stayed at
8. They might have laughed if they.............. .(see) us in this room.
9. We would have left early, if you.............. .(tell) us.
10. We..... .(be) at the airport for hours if we had not known that the second
flight was delayed.
11. She........... (pass) from senior high school if she had not got an accident.

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