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Jooned Hendrarsakti, Ph.D, IPM

Laminar and Turbulence
Laminar: Smooth streamlines and highly ordered motion.
Turbulent: Velocity fluctuations and highly disordered
Transition: The flow fluctuates between laminar and
turbulent flows.
Most flows encountered in practice are turbulent.
Reynolds number

The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends

on the geometry, surface roughness, flow velocity, For flow in a circular pipe:
surface temperature, and type of fluid. Re ≤ 2300 Laminar
The flow regime depends mainly on the ratio of
inertial forces to viscous forces 2300 ≤ Re ≤ 10000 Transitional
Re ≥ 10000 Turbulence
For flow through noncircular
pipes, the Reynolds number
is based on the hydraulic
Laminar Flow
Not all Turbulence flow has always high Reynolds number
or Laminar Turbulence
Low Reynolds number is not always laminar flow
All laminar flow has low Reynolds number or
High Reynolds number is always turbulence flow
Low High
Reynolds Reynolds
Number Number
The Entrance Region
Velocity boundary layer: The region of the flow in which the effects of the viscous shearing forces
caused by fluid viscosity are felt (0.99 V∞)
Boundary layer region: The viscous effects and the velocity changes are significant.
Irrotational (core) flow region: The frictional effects are negligible and the velocity remains
essentially constant in the radial direction.
The development of the velocity boundary layer in a pipe. The developed average velocity profile is
parabolic in laminar flow, but somewhat flatter or fuller in turbulent flow.
Hydrodynamic entrance region: The region from the pipe inlet to the point at which the boundary layer
merges at the centerline.
Hydrodynamic entry length Lh: The length of this region.
Hydrodynamically developing flow: Flow in the entrance region. This is the region where the velocity
profile develops.
Hydrodynamically fully developed region: The region beyond the entrance region in which the velocity
profile is fully developed and remains unchanged.
Fully developed: When both the velocity profile the normalized temperature profile remain
unchanged. and thus the wall shear stress remains constant as well.
FD Laminar Flow between Infinite Parallel
Plates (Both stationary)

Stress Distribution

Volume Flow Rate

Average and Maximum

Fully Developed Laminar Flow
Between Infinite Parallel Plates
Upper Plate Moving with Constant Speed, U
Fully Developed Laminar Flow
in a Pipe
Velocity Distribution

Shear Stress Distribution

Volume Flow Rate

Flow Rate as a Function of Pressure Drop

Average Velocity

Maximum Velocity
Aliran Laminer & Turbulen

Aliran Laminer: dicirikan oleh streamlines halus dan gerakan yang sangat teratur.

Aliran Turbulen: dicirikan oleh fluktuasi kecepatan dan gerakan yang sangat tidak

Transisi aliran dari laminer ke turbulen terjadi tidak tiba-tiba tetapi bertahap di mana
aliran bergantian secara acak antara laminer dan turbulen sebelum akhirnya menjadi
sepenuhnya turbulen.

Aliran Laminer & Turbulen

1. Laminer: aliran steady, kekasaran pipa tidak penting, profil kecepatan parabolik, Vrerata = ½ Vmaks.

2. Turbulen: aliran taksteady (ada olakan berpusing 3D), aliran reratanya steady, kekasaran pipa
penting, tidak ada solusi analitik tetapi profil V bisa didekati dengan persamaan semi empirik, Vrerata =
85% Vmaks.

3. w,turb > w,lam Laminar Turbulent


w w
Bilangan Reynolds

The transition from laminar to turbulent flow depends on the geometry,

surface roughness, flow velocity, surface temperature, and type of fluid, among
other things.
British engineer Osborne Reynolds (1842–1912) discovered that the flow
regime depends mainly on the ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces in the
The ratio is called the Reynolds number and is expressed for internal flow in a
circular pipe as

Bilangan Reynolds

At large Reynolds numbers, the inertial forces are large relative to the viscous
forces  Turbulent Flow
At small or moderate Reynolds numbers, the viscous forces are large enough
to suppress these fluctuations  Laminar Flow
The Reynolds number at which the flow becomes turbulent is called the critical
Reynolds number, Recr.
The value of the critical Reynolds number is different for different geometries
and flow conditions. For example, Recr = 2300 for internal flow in a circular

Bilangan Reynolds

Under most practical conditions, the flow in a circular pipe is

  2300 Laminar flow hf  V

VD 
Re  2300  4000 Transition flow
 
  4000 Turbulent f low hf  V 2

Diameter hidrolik


Untuk aliran melalui pipa tak bundar, bilangan
Reynolds dihitung berdasarkan diameter
hidrolik Dh yang didefinisikan sebagai:

Ac = cross-section area
P = wetted perimeter

Pembentukan BL

Akibat gaya geser di dinding pipa, terbentuklah BL di permukaan dalam yang

semakin ke hilir semakin banyak menempati sebagian luasan aliran. Pada jarak
tertentu (entrance length), BL mengisi seluruh luasan aliran. Seterusnya, profil
kecepatan tetap; aliran dikatakan berkembang penuh (fully developed).

Pembentukan BL

Jarak masuk (entrance length) tergantung pada Re.

Jarak Masuk (entrance length)

Jarak masuk hidrodinamik biasanya ditentukan sebagai jarak dari masukan pipa ke mana tegangan geser
dinding (berarti juga faktor gesekan) berselisih sekitar 2% dari nilai berkembang penuhnya.

Dalam aliran laminer, besarnya jarak masuk hidrodinamik:

Dalam aliran turbulen:

Jarak masuk dalam aliran turbulen jauh lebih pendek dibandingkan dalam aliran laminer, dan
kebergantungannya pada bilangan Reynolds lebih lemah.
Le  0.06 Re Laminar flow
D 4.4Re1/6 Turbulent flow
Jarak Masuk (entrance length)

Dalam kasus batas laminer Re = 2300, jarak masuk hidrodinamik adalah 115D.
Dalam kebanyakan aliran pipa yang dijumpai dalam praktik keteknikan, efek masuk untuk
aliran turbulen menjadi tidak signifikan pada panjang pipa selebih 10 diameter, dan jarak
masuk hidrodinamik kira-kira sebesar:

Dalam aliran turbulen, untuk pipa yang panjangnya beberapa kali lebih panjang dari jarak
masuk hidrodinamik, cukup masuk akal bila aliran dianggap berkembang penuh.

Ketakstabilan Aliran Turbulen

the flow field will vary in both space and time with fluctuations that comprise "turbulence
In turbulent flow (high Reynolds number) the force leading to stability (viscosity) is small
relative to the force leading to instability (inertia).
Any disturbance in the flow results in large scale motions superimposed on the mean flow.
Some of the kinetic energy of the flow is transferred to these large scale motions (eddies).
Large scale instabilities gradually lose kinetic energy to smaller scale motions.
The kinetic energy of the smallest eddies is dissipated by viscous resistance and turned into
heat. (=head loss)

Profil Kecepatan Aliran Turbulen

Turbulence causes transfer of momentum from center of pipe to fluid closer to the pipe wall.
Mixing of fluid (transfer of momentum) causes the central region of the pipe to have
relatively constant velocity (compared to laminar flow)
Close to the pipe wall eddies are smaller (size proportional to distance to the boundary)

Faktor gesekan untuk Aliran Turbulen Halus, Transisi,
dan Kasar
P D
f 
L 2 U 2 1

 4.0 * log Re* 
f  0.4
Smooth pipe, Re>3000

f  0.079 Re 0.25

1 D
Rough pipe, [ (D/)/(Re√ƒ) <0.01]  4.0 * log  2.28
f 

Transition function for

both smooth and rough 1 D  D/ 
 4.0 * log  2.28  4.0 * log 4.67  1
pipe f   Re f 
Kekasaran Permukaan Pipa

pipe material
material pipe
pipe roughness
roughness  (mm)
glass, drawn
drawn brass,
brass, copper
copper 0.0015
commercial steel
steel or
or wrought
wrought iron
iron 0.045
asphalted cast
cast iron
iron 0.12
galvanized iron
iron 0.15
cast iron
iron 0.26
concrete 0.18-0.6
rivet steel
steel 0.9-9.0
corrugated metal
metal 45
PVC 0.12

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