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Animals Around Us

Describing animals
Snail (siput)
Parrot (burung beo)
Buffalo (kerbau)
Grasshopper (belalang)
Swan/goose (angsa)
Ant (semut)
Spider (laba-laba)
Dove(burung merpati)
Mouse (tikus)
Read the text aloud!
This is a frog (ini adalah seekor katak)
A frog eats insects (katak makan seranggga)
It has four legs (katak memiliki 4 kaki)
It has smooth skin (katak memiliki kulit yang lembut)
A frog can live on land and in water (katak bisa tinggal di darat dan
di air)
A frog likes jumping anywhere(katak suka meloncat kesana kemari)

This is a parrot(ini adalah seekor burung beo)

It eats seeds (burung beo makan biji2an)
It has two wings to fly(burung beo memiliki sayap untuk terbang)
Parrot has beautiful and bright feathers (beo memiliki bulu yang
cantik dan cerah)
It has a curved beak (beo memiliki paruh yang melengkung)
Parrot can sing and talk like human (beo bisa bernyanyi dan
berbicara seperti manusia)
Read the text aloud!
This is a buffalo(ini adalah seekor kerbau)
A buffalo eats grass (kerbau makan rumput)
It has four legs (kerbau memiliki 4 kaki)
It helps farmers plow the soil (kerbau membantu
petani membajak sawah)

This is a cow (ini adalah seekor sapi)

A cow eats grass (sapi makan rumput)
It has four legs (sapi memiliki 4 kaki)
It gives milk as human drink (sapi menghasilkan susu
sebagai minuman untuk manusia)
This is a dove
A dove eats seeds
It has two legs
It can fly

This is a spider
A spider eats small
It has eight Legs
It can make a spider web
It is a grasshopper
It eats leaves
It has four legs
It can fly and jump
It is a turtle
It eats small fish
It has four legs
It can swim
It is a lion
It eats meat
It has four legs
It can run, hunt
It is an elephant
It eats grass
It has a trunk (belalai)
It has two ivories
It has two wide ears
(telinga yg lebar)
It has four legs
It can walk (berjalan)
It can not fly
It is a fish
It eats small plants in
the sea (tumbuhan
kecil di laut)
It does not have any
It does not have any
wings (sayap)
It can swim
It can not fly
My favourite animal is cat. I like cat
because it is cute. I don’t have a cat at
home but I like to feed the cats. The cats
always come if I call them. They like eating
I also like birds because it is beautiful. I
like the voice.

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