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General Education/ English branch

Reading skills

Lecture: 9

Cheating with technology


Ass. Lec. Sheelan shakir kadir

Learning objectives
By the end of this session the students will be able to:
• Intentional or unintentional plagiarism and the ethical liability and possible
consequences including school reprehension or copyright infringement
• Difference between their own original writing and ideas versus the use of those of
• When and how to write direct quotations or summarizing or paraphrasing of the
referenced works of others with proper source attribution.
• Answer questions by connecting ideas, using background knowledge and further
• Continue to use resources to increase vocabulary and gain deeper understanding by
using context clues.
2 | Active Previewing
Preview the magazine article below. Then answer these questions with
a partner.
1. What is the topic of this text? _______________________________
2. What is the main idea of this text? ___________________________
3. What kind of information will the author probably give?
List four things
To preview, look at the important words in the title. Read the headings.
Read the first sentence of each paragraph. Make predictions. See page
47 for more information on making predictions.
Answer the questions

B. Read the text again without stopping. Tell your partner two new pieces
of information that you remember.

C. Work as a class or in large groups. Try to say as many things as you can
about the text.
4 | Understanding the Topic, Main Idea, and Supporting Details A. Answer
the questions or write T for the Topic, Ml for Main Idea, G for Too General,
and S for Too Specific.
1. What is the topic of Text 4?
2. What is the main idea of Text 4?
3. What is the topic of p3?
a . _____ how plagiarism-detecting software analyzes a document
b . ______ ways to detect plagiarism
c. ______ how plagiarism-detecting software works
4 | Understanding the Topic, Main Idea, and Supporting Details A. Answer the
questions or write T for the Topic, Ml for Main Idea, G for Too General, and S
for Too Specific.
1. What is the topic of Text 4? ____web-based plagiarism detection___
2. What is the main idea of Text 4? _______internet plagiarism___
3. What is the topic of p3? ____digital fingerprint_____
a . _____ how plagiarism-detecting software analyzes a document
b . ______ ways to detect plagiarism
c. ______ how plagiarism-detecting software works
4 . What is the main idea of p5?
a . _________ All kinds of organizations use plagiarism-dtecting software.
b . __________ The United Nations uses plagiarism-detecting software.
c . __________ Many organizations use plagiarism-detecting software,
but they do not talk about it.

5 . What is the topic of p4 ? ___________________________

6 . What is the main idea of p 4 ? _____________________________
B. Check (✓) the supporting details. Answer the
questions. Discuss your answers with a partner.
1 . What are the two supporting details for the main idea of p5?
a. Organizations ask plagiarism -detecting software companies not to talk
about their customer.
b. Organizations do not want the public talk now that they have plagiarizing
c. Some important organizations have employees that commit plagiarism.
2 . What are two supporting details in p 5?
5. Understanding the Text
A. Answer as many questions as you can without looking at the text. Discuss your
answers with your teacher.

1. What is the most common type of plagiarism?

2. How does plagiarism-detecting software work?
3. What kinds of organizations use plagiarism-detecting software? Give
two examples.
4. Why do organizations tell plagiarism-detecting software companies not
to talk about their customers?
5. What is one reason not to use plagiarism-detecting software?
B. Write T for True and F for False according to the
information in the text. Try not to look at the text.

1. ________About one-third of students in a survey said that they

commit plagiarism.
2. _________Most people commit Internet plagiarism by copying
original web articles without making any changes.
3. ________A famous textbook author committed plagiarism but his
company did not punish him.
4. _________Plagiarism-detecting software is expensive.
5. __________Most people agree on the definition of “plagiarism.”
Any question?

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