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Module V: Research Ethics and

Academic Integrity

Business School
of Institution

• The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) is a forum for

editors of peer-reviewed journals to discuss issues related to
the integrity of the scientific record.

• It supports and encourages editors to report, catalogue and

instigate investigations into ethical problems in the publication

• COPE was established as a registered charity in the United

Kingdom in October 2007.

Business School
of Institution


•It provides advice to editors and publishers on all aspects of

publication ethics and, in particular, how to handle cases of
research and publication misconduct.

•It also provides a forum for its members to discuss individual


Business School
of Institution

World Association of Medical Editors

•The World Association of Medical Editors (abbreviated WAME,

pronounced "whammy") is an international, virtual organization
of editors of medical journals.

•A medical journal is a peer-reviewed scientific journal that

communicates medical information to physicians and other
health professionals.

•It was originally founded in 1995 by a group of members of the

International Committee of Medical Journal Editors

•WAME has more than 1830 members representing more than

1000 journals from 92 countries. 4
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WAME has the following goals

•To facilitate worldwide cooperation and communication among

editors of peer-reviewed medical journals.
•To improve editorial standards, to promote professionalism in
medical editing through education, self-criticism and self-
•To encourage research on the principles and practice of medical
•To produce publications that are timely, credible and enjoyable
to read.
•To recognize that, in addition to these specific objectives, a
medical journal has a social responsibility to improve the human
condition and safeguard the integrity of sciences.
Business School
of Institution

Significance of Publication Ethics

• Truthfulness in Data
• Innovativeness
• Proper Authorship and Acknowledgement
• Consistency in Methodology
• High-quality scientific publications
• Public trust in scientific findings
• People receive credit for their work and ideas

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of Institution

Violation of publication ethics

• Fabrication is making up data or results and recording or

reporting them.

• Falsification is manipulating research materials, equipment, or

processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the
research is not accurately represented in the research record.

• Plagiarism is the appropriation of another person’s ideas,

processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

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Duplicate submission- refers to the practice of submitting the

same study to two journals or publishing more or less the same
study in two journals.

Multiple submissions-means sending more than one story to

the same publisher.

Plagiarism-the practice of taking someone else's work or ideas

and passing them off as one's own.

Business School
of Institution

Fake Affiliation-affiliation-related misconduct in which a real,

existing author is falsely included on a paper, without telling him
or her.

Gift authorship,-Gift authorship is defined as co-authorship

awarded to a person who has not contributed significantly to the

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Ghost authorship- A ghost author is a person who has made

a substantial contribution to the research or writing of a
manuscript but is not named as an author.

Salami -Publication of two or more articles derived from a

single study.

Business School
of Institution

Benefits of using a plagiarism checker

•Provides links of the source text

The good thing with plagiarism checkers is that they provide the
links for the source text that is plagiarized. This makes it easier
for anyone using the software to determine whether the results
presented are based on substantial evidence.

Plagiarism checkers work fast. These software applications can
search the entire web within a matter of seconds. They then
match the text in question with other documents from around
the world and highlight any part/paragraph/section that has been
plagiarized within a short time.
Business School
of Institution

Provides the similarity percentage

• Whenever you write appropriate content and run it through a
plagiarism checker, it provides you with the percentage of

Useful for writing original pieces within a short time

• Plagiarism checkers have proved to be quiet crucial, especially
to web writers who are required to write authentic content
within a quick turnaround. It can be challenging to get the time
for checking the originality of the texts they write.

Business School
of Institution

Helps in checking your paraphrasing prowess

• Plagiarism checkers only highlight content that is an exact
match of the original author’s words. As such, if you have
paraphrased your material well enough, then it won't show any
plagiarism. You get to know how excellent your paraphrasing
skills are if you don't get any texts highlighted as having been

Helps in staying within the regulatory and ethical limits

• Plagiarism checkers play a significant role for both writers and
academicians. It is important to follow the ethical limits.


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