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Executive Power
Executive power is the power to
administer laws, which means
carrying them into practical
operation and enforcing their due
What is executive power vested?
The Executive Power shall be
vested in the President of the
Philippines. (Sec. 1) The President
and Vice President are elected
nationwide for six year term, with
no re-election for the President.
When is the President and the
Vice-President Elected?
Unless otherwise provided by law,
the regular election for President
And Vice President shall be held on
the second Monday of May.
How are the votes for the President and the VP
The returns of every election for President and VP, duly
certified by the board of canvassers ofeach province or
city, shall be transmitted to the congress, directed to the
President of the senate, Upon the receipt of the
certificates of canvass, the President of the senate shall,
not later than 30 days after the day of election, all
certificates in the Presence of the Senate & House of
Rep. in joint Public session, & the congress upon
determination of the authenticity & due execution
thereof in the same manner provided by law, canvass the
What is the Term of Office for the
President and the Vice- President?

The term of office of the President and

the Vice President shall begin at noon on
the thirtieth of June next ff. the day of
the election and shall end at noon of the
same date six years thereafter.
Is the President and VP Qualified for
 No President can serve for more than
one term
 The Presient can only serve for 6 years
and the VP for two consecutive terms
max. of 12 yrs.
 Voluntary renunciation of office for any
length of time shall not be considered an
interruption in the continuity of service
for the full term of which he was elected.
What are the Qualifications of the
President and VP?
 A Natural-born Filipino citizen
 A registered voter
 Able to read and write
 At least 40 years of age on the day of
the election
 A resident of the Philippines for at
least 10 years immediately preceding
the election
What are the Powers vested upon the
1. Power of Appointment
the President has the power to appoint
the following:
a. Members of the Constituional
b. Ambassadors, other Public
Ministers and Consults
c. Other officers of the AFP from
the rank of Colonel or Navy
Captain and
d. All other officers whose
appointments are vested in the
President uner the 1987 Consti.
The term of office of these appointed
officials is conterminus with that of the
President. The President also has the
power to remove them from office
2. Power of Control
The president has the power of
control over all executive departments,
bureaus and offices and all cabinet
members, other subordinate officers and
the employees of the government.
3. Military Power
The President is the Commander-in-chief
of the AFP.
The Militray power of the Presidentincludes:
a. To call out the members of aFP to prevent
or suppress lawless violence, invasion or
b. To suspend the privilege of the writ of
habeas corpus; and
c. To declare martial law
When Can the President Declare Martial
Any of these conditions must be existing
inthe Philippines for the President to
declare martial law:
1. In case of rebellion and when public safety
requires it.
2. In case of invasion and when the public
safety requires it, and
3. In case of rebellion and invasion and when
publicsafety requires it.
What are the Limitaions on the Military
Power of the President?
If and when the President declares Martial
Law the ff. Must be observed:
1. The President needs to report to the member of the
Philippine Congress w/in 48 hours of the declaration of
Martial law
2. The Martial law declared must no exceed
60 days.
3. If the President wants to extend the Martial Law
declared, he/she must ask the permission of the
members of the Philippine Congress.
4. The decalration of Martial Law does not
necessarily suspend the priviliege of the
writ of habeas corpus
Writ of Habeas Corpus is a court order
directing a person detaining another person
to bring out the body of detained person at
a particular place and time and explain the
reason of detention.
4. Pardoning Power (Sec. 19)
The President may grant reprieves,
commutations, and pardons, and remit
fines and forfeitures, after conviction
by final judgment. He shall also have the
power to grant amnesty with the
concurrence of a majority of all
members of the Congress.
5. Budgetary Power (Sec. 22)
The President shall submit to the
Congress w/in 30 days from the opening of
every regular session, as the basis of a
general appropriations bill, a budget of
expenditures and sources of financing,
including receipts from existing and
propesed revenue measures.
6. Power to Enter into a Contract and
Gurantee Foreign Loans (Sec. 20)
The authority to contract and gurantee
foreign loans is an exclusive executive
function. The power is exercised w/o the
need of prior congressional approval.
However, concurrence of Monetary board
of BSP is required, therefore the auhtority
is not absolute. The congress also checks
and place limitations on its exercise and
make necessary investigations in aid of
7. Power to Enter into treaty or
International Agreement. (Sec. 21)
The Philippine Constitution provides that
no treaty or international agreement shall
be valid and effective unless concurred in
by at least two-thirds of all the Members
of te Senate. There is no need for
legislative concurrence w/ regards to
executive agreements.
What is the Process of Removing the President and
the VP from Office?
Both the President and the VP may be removed
From their offices by impeachment as provided by
in Art. VII, Sec. 2
Following are the Grounds for Impeachment:
• Culpable Violation of the Constitution
• Treason;
• Bribery;
• Graft and Corruption;
• Betrayal of the Public Trust; and
• Other High Crimes

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