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False Self

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC.

 The self as you may notice by now has a
many definition as there are those who
would want to study it. One of the most
popular conceptions of the self is that if the
true self as opposed to the self
(Winnicott,1975). The self encompasses the
entire range of the human faculty such as
emotions ,thoughts, influences and various
mental states the self can be good or evil
and it is shaped by one's culture.
True Self
 The true self on the other hand is inherently moral
good and transcends situations and circumstances, and
it is also culturally stable. The true self is governed by
a moral code, which is unchanging and will be the
moral compass of the self. Based on research on
morality and identity it was found that a change in
one's moral standards would also effect a change on
the self. this would mean that, without a moral
compass, the individual or the South can easily be
swayed and changed, for better or worse. Meanwhile,
the true self is said to be impervious to evil as it is
inherently good.
False Self
 The false self is not to be understood as the
opposite of the true self but rather referred
to all the dimensions of the self that are not
essential to the true self. The false self is
like the rules that we pretend to play or the
appearance and behaviors that we take on
but do not reflect how we truly are. for
example, as an older sibling, you tend to be
strict with your younger brothers and
sisters, but in reality, you care and love

This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND.

Characteristics Of
True Self
False Self
 True self define as more on holistic
character on a person or in the self while
the false self is what we try to pretend to or
the pain and the negative impact that we
visualize and we apply it and become
someone else or the false self.


True vs False Self

difficult to comprehend, inasmuch as
they are cognitive representations of
who we truly are and what we are not. it
is however important that we be able to
at least identify those dimensions of
ourselves that we hold dear as part of
our true self and those that we only
pretend to be as those represent the false
self .In doing so as we go through the
process of knowing and understanding
the self, we become more authentic and
true to who we really are.
This Photo by Unknown author is licensed under CC BY-SA.

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