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It started at the end
of the XIX.
Centruy with
Freud’s doctrines.
Jacques Lacan
mixed Freud’s
doctrines and
Ferdinand de
Saussure’s doctrines
about language.
Psychoanalysis is kind
What Is of an interpretation of
Psychoanalysis? the symbols which are
the reflections of the
What Is Subconscious?  

Subconscious is metaphorically a place of the mind where the

forbidden thoughts, desires and feelings hide. According to Freud,
babies develop a libidinal desire for the mother figure which is
forbided by the father figure. Therefore, babies creates subconscious
suppressing this desire. This phase is called Oedipal Stage. After the
Oedipal stage, a healthy indivual obteins a divided conscious: Ego
which inspects id which is ruled by the primitive desires like hunger,
safety etc. and subconscious.
The things that belong to subconscious are dark and scary
that they are not allowed to show up as they are.
Therefore, they appear in the visual embodiment of the
subconscious that can create a connotation.
Psychoanalysis study on those visual embodiments and
the source of them.
Dreams are a proper platform for the
reflections of subconscious to appear in and

in a way, we can say that a literary text is a
dream of its author. Also, Freud states that
there is a similarity between dreams and
literary works. Dreams are not only
‘transference’, ‘expression’ or ‘reproduction’
of the subconscious but ‘production’ of the
dream itself. There is a stage of a dream
called ‘secondary revision’ where the
essence of the dream is reorganized just like
an author reorganizing the pieces of the
Kinds of
Psychoanalytical • The Author of The
Literary Work
Criticism • The Work's Contents
Depending on
• Informal
What It Takes as
Its Object of Construction
Attention • The Reader
The Hero With
A Thousand

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