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By. Hj Siti Noor Aisyah,S.Pd

When something need to be done you
can ask someone else to do it, or offer
to do it yourself or just do it without
saying anything.

If someone else is doing something,

you can offer to help.
Some Useful Ways Of Offering To
 Let me get it for you
 Can I help you with that?
 Could/Can I…?
 How about I…?
 May I…?
 If you like, I can get it for you
 Would you like me to...?
Answer For Accept The Offer To
 That’s very kind of you, thanks
 Oh, would you? Thanks.
 Thank you.
 If you don’t mind
 Yes, please
 That would be nice/kind
 That’s so sweet/nice/kind of you
Example accept the offer to help
Person 1: Can I get you something to
Person 2: Yes, that would be nice, Thank

Person 1: May I get you some to drink?

Person 2: Yes, I’d love to get some tea.
 “Can I help you with that?” (with falling
intonation) is one way of offering to do
something you should use while an
action is already in progress.
 To answer this offer, you should say
“That sounds good!” (with rising
Answer To Refuse
 No, thanks.
 No, I really won’t, thank you.
 Not for me thanks.
 No, thanks. I’m not hungry.
 Thank you, but I’m on a diet.
 That’s very kind. Unfortunately, I’d like
to, but....
Example refuse the offer to help
Person 1: Would you like some cookies?
Person 2: Thank you, but I’m on a diet.

Person 1: How about a cup of tea?

Person 2: I’d like to have a cup of tea.
Unfortunately, I’m late for a meeting.

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