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Cause and Effect Sentences


Kompetensi Dasar
3.24 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, sesuai dengan
konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan
because of ..., due to ..., thanks to ...)
4.24 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis
yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
informasi terkait hubungan sebab akibat, dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai konteks
1. Jim works for Car Service Station because he wants to be a
2. We went to the fruits shops because we needed apples, oranges,
and watermelons.
3. Lisa was late for school due to heavy rain.
4. My mother was worried about my brother, so she tried to contact
him all night.
5. Since you are here, you have to help me clean the kitchen.
6. I couldn’t attend the meeting because of traffic jam.
7. Our English course was cancelled, therefore we went to the movie
8. Thanks to my doctor, I can go to school again.
9. I can pursue my dream as a singer because of my vocal coach.
10. Because my Math score was low, I must study hard this week to
take a remedial exam.
Signal Words for Cause and Effect

Cause Effect
 because  consequently
 since  therefore
 for  thus
 due to ( + a noun phrase)  as a result
 because of ( + a noun  so
phrase)  then
How to Compose
Cause and Effect Sentences
When we want to introduce the cause, we
can use: because, due to/because
of, since/as. The position is:

Clause 1 + Because/Since/As + Clause 2

Clause 1 + Due to/Because of + Noun / Noun Phrase
 They traveled to India because they wanted to try
traditional Indian food.
 John decided to buy natural yoghurt since he wants to be
 Our economy is getting better due to home industry.
 I was late for work because of the snowstorm.
When we want to focus on the effect (we
use: as a result, so, therefore).
The position is:

Clause 1 + So/Therefore/As a result + Clause

 He was eating fast food every day and as a result he got
very fat.
 We were very hungry so we ordered a pizza.
 He didn’t feel very well so he didn’t go to school.
 He wanted to buy a new house, therefore he started
saving up his money.
 John studied hard for the English exam, therefore he got
Exercise 1
Write the Cause and Effect for the sentences below.
 Sandy got a low grade in his Math exam because he didn’t
study seriously.
Cause :
Effect :
 Since Jim had a bad injury, he couldn’t play in his last match.

Cause :
Effect :
 The alarm didn’t work this morning, as a result Ann was late for
Cause :
Effect :
Exercise 2
Complete the sentences using the correct Signal Words for
Cause and Effect.
1. The meeting was postponed __________ the manager’s
2. I worked fast ____________ I finished early.
3. We can’t go anywhere _____________the
4. ____________ he was very tired, he stopped walking
5. Erin’s car had a flat tire, ______________ she had to
take a taxi to her office.
Exercise 3
Combine the sentences below using the correct Signal Word.
 The traffic was terrible this morning.
I was about 25 minutes late for work.
 I'm not very good at English.
I'm going to take extra lesson.
 Jerry has a bad tempered.
He got in many troubles.
 The road was closed yesterday.
There was a bad accident.
 David never brushes his teeth,
He has a bad toothache.

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