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Sergio A. Gomez Rodriguez

Mr. Reyes
The African prince Babatunde Castro met with The European
princess Helen Chufe after years of dating they decided to create
their own society. They had a son named Sergio Castro who soon
grew up to be the most good-looking dictator ever. They went to
south America to make their society. With the help of his good
friend Mighty Benji they conquered the whole south America.
Benji and Sergio killed anyone who opposed to Sergio Castro’s
leadership. After a year in 2069 south America was converted into
Tripawosky there they had built an entire wall around south
America, grew crops around the whole Amazonian forest and
trained whales and sharks to protect mighty Benji, from enemy
societies. The woskys make food the woskys are honest the
woskys aren’t lazy.

 Sergio Castro makes all the rules. They are enforced by Apollo’s army.
Leadership is decided by the dictator it can only be a son of him.

• Everyone needs to respect everyone.

• Everyone must agree with anything that Sergio Castro decides.
• It’s mandatory to have at least one whale or shark.
• Cheating on spouses is forbidden.
• Cancel culture will not be tolerated.
• Everyone can have their own opinion (except cancelling someone).
• Follow the rules given from the army.
• Having fun in school is allowed.
• Lazy people will not be accepted.

If any rule is broken you will be reprimanded with imprisonment for days, months, years or life.
 You start school at 4 years old, there you will be taught how to
write, make friends, draw and have fun until you're 10. When
you're 10 you will learn 1 main language and 2 other languages,
mathematics, self appreciation, sports, and how to cook until
you're 15. When you're 15 you will be asked what job you want to
apply for either shark trainer, whale trainer, pharmacist, farmer,

 Intelligence isn’t measured by memory rather by ability to use or

apply the skills learned. Kids who have learning problems will
have special seats and activities so they can feel normal.


 The culture that influenced Tripawosky the most was Atlantis. Also, Sea world
influenced a bit with the animal training. Tripawosky is different from other
societies because we respect each other and were peaceful. Some festivals we
have are whale racing, dolphin trick course tracks, biggest vegetable and much

 The currency is crypto currency. The name of

that crypto coin is “Sergi coin”. Its difficult to
be compared to a normal paper dollar because
1 “Sergi coin” has an equivalent to 100k US
dollars, 250k European dollars, and no one else
is allowed to use this currency.

 The unemployed will not be taken care of. If

you don’t work, you will be imprisoned.
Everyone needs to contribute to the society.
 The only society we are allied with is Apollo. We trade with
them trained sharks and whales for army police. The
Woskys give Benji provision and Benji provides protection
from enemies. Tripawosky doesn’t have killers.

 No one is allowed to leave Tripawoksy. The only people

that are allowed from the outside are the Benjineers.

1 Dictator Rules everything
2 Army Makes sure everyone follows the
3 Trainers Trains whales and sharks to protect
4 Health workers Manufacture and send medicines for
Every class in Tripa Benji and Sergio
interacts with each 4 Farmers Produce food for Trypawosky and
les and
Everyone knows their ro Benjineers
even though they're
important they treat ev
the same.



Health workers & Farmers


 Everyone has their own belief towards religions. Everyone respects each
others beliefs. There's one religion that came from a supposedly extinct society
called Euthanatos. We don’t observe other religious festivals because we feels
its disrespectful towards other beliefs.

In Tripawosky we have multiple activities to have fun for example:

 Dolphin racing
 Shark shows
 Whale tours
 Underwater roller coasters
 How to train your sea animal

Our society doesn’t have a specific dress code but we like to wear nice shirts or polos
with some beach pants and some crocs.

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