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• The Bible is replete with
young people who had
given their lives to God. He
used them to reach other
people for Him. We have
Joseph, Daniel, Jeremiah,
Jesus’ disciples, Timothy,
and Titus to name a few.
Not to mention Jesus Christ,
who lived, served, and died
as a youth for us. These men
were young people God
had called to live with Him
and reach out for others.
• We know the story of Joseph. He is
best known as Joseph the Dreamer.
In fact, it was the reason why his
brothers disowned him and planned
to kill him, but instead, sold him as
a slave. This led this young man to
live in Egypt. While he was there, he
did his best and the Lord was with
him and blessed his work. You may
read his story in Genesis 37-50.
Because of Joseph, God’s people,
the Egyptians, and the surrounding
nations were saved during the
seven-year drought. God’s name
was proclaimed and honored in the
land of Egypt because of Joseph, a
young man.
• When King Nebuchadnezzar
brought the Jews to Babylon,
Daniel and His friends were young
men. Their presence in the land of
Babylon made a difference. They
were found wiser than the rest of
young people in that empire. They
prayed and was able to preach the
second coming of Jesus. Through
his ministry, King Nebuchadnezzar
was converted. God’s name was
proclaimed and honored in the
land of Babylon through the
ministry of Daniel and His friends.
To know more about Daniel and
his friends, read Daniel 1-6.
• Jeremiah was a youth (Jeremiah 1:4-
8) when he was called to through his
prophetic ministry. This was no
ordinary call. He preached the word
of God to a stiff-necked people.
• . Any person reading the book of
Jeremiah will not fail to see the
struggles Jeremiah went through.
God entrusted His message to a
young person. Jeremiah’s ministry,
together with the other prophets,
prepared the people of God,
including Daniel and his friends, to
surrender and allow themselves to
be held captives in Babylon. Many
who did not listen to God’s words
died during his time.
Jesus and His Disciples
• Jesus and His disciples
were young people when
they turned the world
upside down. So we can
see that God is no respect
of age. He can use young
people for His purposes as
long as they are open to
His leadings. A youth that
is committed to God will
make a different and will
lead many to Jesus’ feet
Timothy and Titus
• Timothy and Titus were
not only entrusted to
preach the Word but also
to lead the church. The
Apostle Paul, after
equipping these disciples,
gave them the
responsibility to pastor
churches. Thus, young
people can be trusted in
proclaiming the Word
and in leading the church.
• “True education is
missionary training. Every
son and daughter of God
is called to be a
missionary; we are called
to the service of God and
our fellow men; and to fit
us for this service should
be the object of our
education.” (The Ministry
of Healing, p.395)
(Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students, p.495)

• “It is to fortify the

youth against the
temptations of the
enemy that we have
established schools
where they may be
qualified for usefulness
I this life and for the
service of God
throughout eternity.”
• “He who strives to obtain
knowledge in order that he may
labor for the ignorant and
perishing, is acting his part in
fulfilling God’s great purpose for
mankind. In unselfish service for
the blessing of others he is
meeting the high ideal of Christian
education.” (Ibid.,p.545)
• “The Lord calls for
strong, devoted, self-
sacrificing young men
and women, who will
press to the front, and
who, after a short
time spent in school,
will go forth prepared
to give the message to
the world.” (Ibid., p.
Learning by Doing
• “it is necessary to their complete
education that students be given
time to do missionary work – time to
become acquainted with the
spiritual needs of the families in the
community around them. They
should not be so loaded down with
studies that they have no time to use
the knowledge they have acquired.
They should be encouraged to make
earnest missionary effort for those in
error, becoming acquainted with
them, and taking to them the truth.
By working in humility, seeking
wisdom from Christ, praying and
watching unto prayer, they may give
to others the knowledge that has
enriched their
• “Wherever possible, students
should, during the school year,
engage in city mission work. They
should do missionary work in the
surrounding towns and villages.
They can form themselves into
bands to do Christian help work.
Students should take a broad view
of their present obligations to God.
They are not to look forward to a
time, after the school term closes,
when they will do some large work
for God, but should study how,
during their student life, to yoke up
with Christ in unselfish service for
Encourage a Missionary Spirit

• “The Teachers and students in our

schools need the divine touch. God
can do much more for them than
He has done, because in the past
His way has been restricted. If a
missionary spirit is encouraged,
even if it takes some hours from
the program of regular study, much
of Heaven’s blessing will be given,
provided there is more faith and
spiritual zeal, more of a realization
and what God will do.”(Ibid.,p.546).
When School Closes
• “When school closes, there is
opportunity for many to go out into the
field as evangelistic canvassers. The
faithful colporteur finds his way into
many homes, where he leaves reading
matter containing the truth for this
time. Our students should learn how to
sell our books. There is need of men of
deep Christian experience, men of well-
balanced minds, strong, well-educated
men, to engage in this branch of the
work. Some have the talent, education,
and experience that would enable
them to educate the youth for
canvassing work in such a way that
much more would be accomplished
than is now being done. Those who
have this experience have a special
duty to perform in teaching others.”
The Ministry of Song
• “Students who have learned
to sing sweet gospel songs
with melody and distinctness,
can do much good as singing
evangelists. They will find
many opportunities to use
the talent that God has given
them in carrying melody and
sunshine into many lonely
places darkened by sorrow
and affliction, singing to
those who seldom have
church privileges.
• Play Video
• “Students, go out into the
highways and hedges. Endeavor
to reach the higher as well as the
lower classes. Enter the home of
the rich as well as the poor, and
as you have opportunity, ask,
“Would you be pleased to have
us sing some gospel hymns?”
Then as hearts are softened, the
way may open for you to offer a
few words of prayer for the
blessing of God. Not many will
refuse to listen. Such ministry is
genuine missionary work.”
• It is interesting to note
that the very first youth
organization of the local
Seventh-day Adventist
Church started in 1879
solely for missionary
purposes. It was
organized by sixteen-
year-old Harry Fenner
and fourteen-year-old
Luther Warren. They met
in Hazelton, Michigan in a
small room of Luther’s
parent’s home for the • Historical Foundation
following reasons: Of Youth Evangelism
• : (1) to promote missionary work;
• (2) raise money for missionary
literature; and
• (3) further the cause of temperance.
(Youth Ministry Handbook
• During the first meeting, only
boys were present. But later
on, girls were invited as well
with some adult family
members around. This first
youth organization “was
actually spawned by the
concern of the parents in the
Hazelton church.” Brother
Fenner and others encouraged
these young as recorded in the
old church record books.
During that meeting they
discussed how to guide their
• We can see here that the Bible, the Spirit of Prophecy, and
the history of youth ministry are united in telling us that
youth evangelism is at the core of youth ministry. Forgetting
youth involvement in evangelism is identical to making youth
ministry stand on sinking sand.
The Conference Youth Director’s Manual states, “We have not been called to
entertain the youth, but lead them.” (Ibid., p.4) Mercandante (1998), author of
Growing Teens Disciples: Strategies for really effective youth ministry, in
relation to this points out that,
• Spectacular youth ministry challenges teens to go beyond spiritual
spectating. Teenagers soon get bored with programmes that seek
only to entertain them spiritually. When we emphasize
entertainment we produce spectators.
• Youth search for and need opportunities for meaningful
involvement. When we provide these opportunities by equipping,
organizing, and mobilizing teen leaders, we produce servants of
Jesus Christ. As they invest themselves in the ministry they become
partners in the church’s mission. This partnership leads to
• Ownership leads to greater excitement, responsibility and
participation. Young people will tenaciously support those things
which they have worked for or created, just as anyone takes care of
things that cost them something. That’s what ownership is all
about. (Ibid., p.247).
• Brierly (1998), author of Reasons to Use Teen Leaders,
adds that another benefit of equipping is helping the
youth change their perspectives on the meaning of life.
Serving others help them begin to realize that life is not
so much about getting as it is about giving to others.
Mercadante further says that these youth can influence
the church since they are able to “ignite the church with
their natural idealism, enthusiasm and energy.”
• The VOY program is
designed to help
ministerial and our
Young people in the
local churches to
sharpen their skills in
organizing and
leading the
evangelistic efforts in
General Description
• The VOY is a gift-based
ministry of the COT to
equip Theology and non-
Theology students of
AUP and the approved
young people of the
local church to bring
people, both in urban
and rural areas, to a
saving relationship with
Jesus. (Voice of Youth
Guidelines, 2014).
• Young people who
enjoy a saving
relationship with
Christ, sharpen their
God-given spiritual
gifts in the Church, and
share the gospel to
urban and rural
• (Voice of Youth
Guidelines, 2014

• The VOY exists to

seek and save the
lost (Luke 19:10,
ESV), make
28:19-20, ESV) and
plant churches (Acts
11:20-26, ESV).
The VOY Logo
The VOY Logo
• The young white man with a cross in his
heart represents the young people who
enjoy a saving relationship with Christ.
• The torch in the hand of the young
white man represents the light coming
from Christ as the Way, the Truth, and
the Life. It represents as well the
proclamation of the Three Angels
Messages in the last days
• . The shape of a woman in green with
black houses represents the
communities in darkness the youth will
reach for Christ.
• The mouth open wide represents the
VOY calling communities to a saving
relationship with Christ.
VOY Theme Song
Hear the “Voice of Youth”
Kurdein Pyke Guadiz

Hear the “Voice of Youth” in Christ:

Good news of Salvation we bring to light;
Happy to be in His service to share His love.

“Saving Grace” we show and share

To communities entrusted to our care;
Empowered by the Holy Ghost,
We proclaim to all the Lord of Hosts!
Hear the “Voice of Youth” in Christ:
Good news of Salvation we bring to light;
Happy to be in His service to share His love.

In the church, we give our best to serve

Through our God-given talents with zest;
Reading His Word, praying each day,
And witnessing about His love every day.

Hear the “Voice of Youth” in Christ:

Good news of Salvation we bring to light;
Happy to be in His service to share His love.
Why join the VOY?

“Why join VOY?” you may ask.

What are the spiritual benefits I
can gain from joining one? Will it
be worth joining? There are
several reasons why you should
join the VOY:
1. To deepen your relationship with God.
• There are spiritual disciplines
that you need to observe in
order to deepen your
relationship with God. Prayer,
personal Bible reading, fasting,
attending church worships, and
witnessing, to name a few, are
spiritual disciplines that will
help you deepen your
relationship with God.
• Prayer: “Pray without ceasing.” (1
Thess. 5:17).
• Frank Breaden (1995), author of
Instructional Manual for the New
Pictorial says, “Prayer has been
described as ‘the Breath of the soul,’
and, for healthy, virile Christian, it is as
spontaneous and indispensable as
breathing. As our physical bodies die
quickly without air, so do our souls die
quickly without our prayer.” (p.69).
• Bible Study: ”Man shall not live by
bread alone, but by every word that
comes from the mouth of God.” (Matt.
Breaden also emphasizes that, “Regular
Bible study is one of the most urgent and
vital means of soul-culture. It is one of the
three ‘tangibles,’ or ‘means of grace’ that
help to make God more real – more
personal – to us. If prayer is the ‘Breath’ of
our souls, Bible study is our spiritual ‘
Food and Drink.’ They are both
• Witnessing: “God home to your friends, and
tell them how much the Lord has done for
you and how he has had mercy on you.”
(Mark 5:19).
• Breaden further states, ”God’s message of
salvation never becomes so precious or so
meaningful as it does when we attempt to
pass it on to others. That is one of the most
well-established ‘laws’ of the Christian life. If
prayer is the Christian’s vital ‘BREATH,’ and
Bible Reading is his ‘FOOD,’ then Witnessing
is his ‘EXERCISE!’ We nourish and preserve
our Christian faith by giving it away.”
2.To equip you in sharing Jesus and leading His
• Before you join the VOY, you will be
equipped to share Jesus to others. It is to
your advantage if you have taken the
classroom courses Christian Beliefs or
Destiny of Man already. However, not
having taken these courses does not
prevent someone from experiencing the
joy of witnessing in the context of the
VOY. When you join the VOY, you will
apply the things that you have learned
during equipping. I would like to
emphasize that giving Bible studies is not
the only way to witness. You can share
stories to children, sing songs during the
VOY, give lectures on health, and a lot
3.To develop your God-given
• It is ideal for you to know your spiritual gifts so you can be
assigned or be deployed in your area of giftedness. You have
to answer the Spiritual Discovery Questionnaire honestly and
faithfully so you can know the gifts God has given you.
Through this, you will be able to go through Spiritual Gift
Discovery, Development and Deployment. Service is a gift in
as much as Salvation is.
4.To fulfill the Gospel Commission.
• Jesus, before He ascended to
heaven, gave his great
commission to His disciples. “Go
therefore and make disciples of
all nations, baptizing them in
the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
teaching them to observed all
things that I have commanded
you; and behold, I am with you
always, to the end of the age.”
(matt. 28:19-20).
5.To share the love of God.

“For God so loved the world, that he

gave his only Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish but
have eternal life.” (John 3:16)
God loves us so much that He gave
us His Son. Many people have not yet
realized this truth; so, we need to
share His love to them.
6.To prepare people in the last days.

• Matthew 24:14 tells us that, “And

this gospel of the kingdom will be
proclaimed throughout the whole
world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come..” We
have a responsibility to prepare
people for heaven. Signs of Jesus’
second coming are fast fulfilling;
calamities are destroying the lives of
many people. This calls for us to get
involved in sharing the gospel.
When is the VOY Conducted?

• The VOY is conducted during the

college semestral or summer
break. It would usually fall two or
three weeks after the final exam
in October, December, and
summer breaks. But due to the
change of academic calendar, the
VOY will be done in December
and Summer breaks only.
How Can One Join the VOY?

1. Pray. Commit your vacation to God by sharing His love to the community He
will call you to serve.
2. Ask permission from your parents or guardian.
3. Contact the VOY coordinator.
4. Fill out the VOY form.
5. Attend the scheduled special meeting for the VOY. These meetings will help
you prepare spiritually for the evangelistic endeavor ahead of you. You will
also be equipped according to your spiritual gift. You will undergo a spiritual
gift inventory. This will help you know your top five spiritual gifts.
6. Meet with your coordinator and work with your group members closely.
7. Be present during the VOY Commissioning program in the church
8. Victoriously experience the VOY proper.
9. Write and share your witnessing and growing experience during the VOY
Thanksgiving and Testimonial program.
What is the VOY Camp
•The following topics, but not limited to them, are discussed during the VOY Camp:
a. VOY Do’s and Don’ts
b. How to Give Bible Studies
c. How to Make an Appeal
d. Life-changing Tips for the Speakers
e. Running and Documenting the VOY Effectively
f. High Notes for Song Leaders and Coordinators
g. Interesting Tips for Interest Coordinators
h. Transforming Children’s Lives through Stories
i. The Heavenly Armor of VOY Teams: Prayer, Worship, and Bible Studies
j. VOY: Empowering the Youth for Evangelism
k. How to Resolve Conflict within the Group
l. How to Handle Objections
m.Effective Approaches and Bridging Events
VOY Gift-based Roles
and Mission
• The VOY role to each member needs to be based on the
spiritual gifts God has provided them or on the
course/program the student in taking. When each
member is working on their giftedness, there is joy,
fulfillment, and satisfaction. All the members are
empowered and internally motivated not by the VOY
coordinator but by the Holy Spirit.
• Whatever role is assigned to you by God through the
coordinator, it must be prioritized. However, you are not
limited to that certain task alone. You can help others as
well. The goal is a harmonious working together of all
involved using their God-given gifts to the sole mission of
bringing people to the feet of Jesus Christ. Below is the brief
job description of each role:
• Speaker – My
mission is to prepare
a Christ-centered
presentation each
night and join the
visitation as well.
•Overall Coordinator – My mission
is to oversee that everything is
running smoothly and each
coordinator is doing their task.
• Associate Coordinator – My mission is to work closely with
the overall coordinator to carry out his task.
• Program Coordinator – My mission is to prepare the printed
program and see to it that the participants are informed and
instructed to render their parts on time.
• Health Lecturer – My mission is to prepare and present a
health lecture each night on a given span of time.
• Music Coordinator – My mission is to coordinate all the music
parts – theme song, chorister, special number, and appeal
song – needed each night.
• Interest Coordinator - My mission is to enlist those who are
attending and see to it that they are visited.
• Prayer Band Coordinator - My mission is to lead the group in
prayer and instruct members to conduct a prayer band while
the program is going on each night.
• Children Coordinator – My mission is to lead the group in
gathering, teaching, and organizing activities for children.
Moreover, I see to it that children don’t loiter around or make
unnecessary noises that will disturb the nightly program.
• Secretariat/Usher – My mission is to ascertain that names of attendees are
listed and that they are warmly welcomed. I assist the speaker or any
team member for other documents.
• Logistic Officer – My mission is to secure that the place of
meetings is ready each night.
• Budget Officer – My mission is to release funds and to keep all
the receipts for proper collation and reporting.
• Documentation – My mission is to document the VOY
activities in photo or video.
• While each member is assigned a particular task, this does
not mean that they are limited to it. But each member must
understand that their specific task is always their priority as
mentioned above.
How to conduct a
church-based VOY
• This chapter will guide the youth
leaders of the church in conducting
the VOY in their churches.
• There are several steps that the
youth or even an elder should
undertake for a successful youth
12 steps
1. Pray for Guidance
2. Understand the VOY
3. Coordinate with the church or district pastor
4. Present the plan to the church board
5. Recruit team members
6. Coordinate with the conference/mission youth director
7. Equip the team
8. Partner with the COT NVAC/AUP
9. Identify the target community
10. Conduct the commissioning program
11. Go and make disciples( nurture the new members)
12. Conduct thanksgiving and testimonial program
13. Write your experiences and bless the next generation.
Effective Strategies
of VOY
2. Serenading
3.Bible Study
4. United Prayer
5. Health Survey/Friendship
EGW Said…
• “There is no limit to the
usefulness of one, who
putting self aside, makes
room for the working of
the Holy Spirit upon His
heart, and lives life
wholly consecrated to
• The Southern Watchman, Aug 8,1905

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