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(a copy of) the holy book of the

Christian religion consisting of the
Old and New Testaments, or the
holy book of the Jewish religion
consisting of the Law, the
Prophets, and the Writings
The Bible covers the period from the creation
of man which took place approximately 4000
BC, all the way to the coming of Jesus Christ,
his death and his resurrection, and the good
news (gospel) which spread rapidly in the first
century A.D. with the preaching of Paul the
apostle and the establishment of churches
throughout the Roman Empire.

The Old Testament can be summarized by

nine main historical periods which are: The
Creation, Abraham and the Hebrew Patriarchs,
Moses and the Exodus, Joshua and the
Conquest of Canaan, Samson and the Judges,
David and Solomon, The Divided Kingdom, The
Destruction of Israel and Judah, and Ezra and
the Return from Captivity.
Auxiliary vocabulary:
testament – заповіт
Jew – єврей
sacred – священний
Hebrew language – іврит
Aramaic language – арамейська мова
Judaism – іудаїзм
to emerge – випливати
Gentiles – язичники
Messiah – месія (лідер, який, як вважають, має силу вирішувати світові проблеми)
covenant – завіт , угода
famine – голод
captivity – неволя
commandment – заповідь
Tower of Babel
Вавилонська вежа
narrative in Genesis 11:1–9 is an origin myth
meant to explain why the world's peoples
speak different languages

Auxiliary vocabulary:
to confound - руйнувати
to scatter - розкидати

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