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Math 226

Differential Equation

Edgar B. Manubag, CE, PhD

Equations of Order One
Separations of Variables
(Variable Separable)
Elementary concept of the solution of a
differential Equation

Any nonderivative relation between the variables of a

differential equation which satisfies the equation is a
solution of it.
Solutions of Differential Equation

Two Kinds of Solutions

General Solution – a solution containing many
arbitrary constants as in the order of the given DE.

Particular Solution – a solution containing fewer

constants as in the general solution.
Variable Separable

a) Variable Separated
f(x)dx + g(y)dy = 0
∫f(x)dx + ∫g(y)dy = c

b) Variable Separable
f(x)g(y)dx + F(x)G(y)dy = 0
∫f(x)dx + ∫G(y)dy = c
F(x) g(y)
†Historical Footnote:
A procedure for solving separable equations was
discovered implicitly by Gottfried Leibniz in 1691. The
explicit technique called separation of variables was
formalized by John Bernoulli in 1694.
Example 1. Solve: y’ = -y/(x-3). Also find the
equation of the curve through (4,1).
Solve: y’ = -y/(x-3) Substitute x=4, y=1
dy = -y y(x-3)=c
dx x-3
(x-3)dy =-ydx
Multiply by complicating term 1/y(x-3);
Substitute c to Gen. Sol’n
dy = -dx
y x-3 y(x-3)= c General Solution
dy + dx = 0 y(x-3)= 1 Particular Solution
y x-3
then integrate :
lny + ln /x-3/= ln C :
ln y(x-3)=ln c
y(x-3)= c General Solution
Example 2. Find the solution of the initial
value problem
Example 3:
Solve the initial value problem:
Example 4. find the general solution of

a[x(dy/dx) + 2y]= xy(dy/dx)

and then find a particular solution in which y=a when x=2a

Find the general solution of each DE and when initial
conditions are given, the corresponding particular solution

1. xdx + ydy = 0
2. dx + dy = 0; y=1 when x = 0
3. xdy + ydx = 0; y=1 when x=2
4. (x-1)dy + (y-2)dx = 0
5. 2x(1+y2) dx – y(1+2x2) dy = 0
6. dS = 15 – 16S
7. y’-2y=y2; y=3 when x=0
Exercises (p.23)
In Exercises 1 through 6, obtain the particular solution satisfying the initial condition indicated. In
each exercise interpret your answer in the light of the existence theorem of Section 1.6 and draw a
graph of the solution.

1/23 dr/dt = -4rt; when t =0, r = ro

2/23 2xyy’ =1+y2; when x = 2, y =3.
3/23 xyy’=1+y? ; when x =2, y =3.
4/23 2ydx = 3xdy; when x =2, y= 1.
5/23 2ydx = 3xdy; when x = —2, y= 1.
6/23 2ydx = 3xdy; when x =2, y= -l.
Exercises (p.23)
In Exercises 7 through 10, obtain the particular solution satisfying the initial condition indicated.

7//23 y' =x (y-x2); when x=0, y =0.

8/23 xy2 dx +ex dy =0; when x ∞ , y = ½
9/23 (2a2 —r2 ) = r3 sin Ǿ dǾ ; when Ǿ=0 , r =a.
10/23 v(dv/dx) = g; when x = xo, v = vo.
In Exercises 11 through 37, obtain the general solution.

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