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Introduction to Finite Element Methods

Dr. Kiran M. C.
Assistant Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering
NMIT, Bengaluru
Introduction to Finite Element Method
There are 3 Methods to solve any Engineering Problem
• Analytical Method
• Experimental Method
• Numerical Method
Analytical Method
•Examples: Strength of Materials(Stresses in 2D), Theory of Elasticity(Stresses in
3D) Analytical method basically consists of equations which are derived from the
assumptions, Analytical methods are used for simple structures and machine
components consisting of simple geometry, loading and boundary conditions,
though the results are accurate, but they cannot be applied to complex problems.
• Experimental Method
Examples: Photo elasticity, Strain Guages, Moire Techniques and Holography.
The experimental techniques use instruments, equipments to carry out the analysis. In terms of
results these methods give accurate solutions, but they cannot be used to solve a problem
involving complex loading and boundary conditions. They are expensive and time consuming
and consists of preparing a large-scale model of specimens.
• Numerical Method
Examples: FEM, FDM, BEM, CFD. Numerical method are the most powerful method of
analyzing any complex problems involving complicated loading and boundary conditions.
these methods are approximate but does not involve any assumptions and analytical
These methods are economical and uses powerful digital computers to obtain the solution for any
problem pertaining to any field, though these methods give approximate results by using
convergence criteria to obtain close form solutions. This is the most versatile method in the
hands of engineers.
All commercial FEM systems run on PC, FEM is the universal tool for Engineering analysis.
Need for Computational Methods

• Solutions Using Either Strength of Materials or Theory of Elasticity Are

Normally Accomplished for Regions and Loadings With Relatively Simple
• Many Applications Involve Cases with Complex Shape, Boundary
Conditions and Material Behavior
• Therefore, a Gap Exists Between What Is Needed in Applications and What
Can Be Solved by Analytical Closed-form Methods
• This Has lead to the Development of Several Numerical/Computational
Schemes Including: Finite Difference, Finite Element and Boundary Element
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis
• The finite element method is a computational scheme to solve field problems in
engineering and science.
• The technique has very wide application, and has been used on problems
involving stress analysis, fluid mechanics, heat transfer, diffusion, vibrations,
electrical and magnetic fields, etc.
• The fundamental concept involves dividing the body under study into a finite
number of pieces (subdomains) called elements (see Figure).
• Particular assumptions are then made on the variation of the unknown dependent
variable(s) across each element using so-called interpolation or approximation
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis Contd.

• This approximated variation is quantified in terms of solution values at

special element locations called nodes.
• Through this discretization process, the method sets up an algebraic
system of equations for unknown nodal values which approximate the
continuous solution.
• Because element size, shape and approximating scheme can be varied
to suit the problem, the method can accurately simulate solutions to
problems of complex geometry and loading and thus this technique has
become a very useful and practical tool.
Buckling Analysis
Multiphysics Analysis
Difference between Continuum Method and Finite Element Method

Sl. No. Continuum Method FEM

1 It is an Analytical Method used to obtain FEM is a numerical method used to
an obtain approximate solution
approximate solution for a given problem
2 It gives a solution considering entire body Solution is obtained for each element
3 Principal of minimum potential energy P.M.P.E is used for each element
(P.M.P.E) is used for entire structure
4 Complicated problems are difficult to Complicated problems can be solved
solve easily with accurate results
5 It is difficult to solve the problems with Problems with any number of boundary
more number of boundary conditions conditions can be solved
6 Problems with different material Problems with different material
properties are difficult to solve. problems can be solved
7 Problems with geometric and material Problems with geometric and material
non-linearities cannot be handled by non-linearities can also be handled easily
continuum method
1 FDM makes pointwise It ensures continuity at
approximation to the governing node points as
equations i.e. it ensures continuity well as along the sides of
only at the node points. the element.
2 It does not give values except at node It gives at any point as it
points uses
interpolation function.
3 FDM makes stair type approximation Considers the sloping
to sloping and curved boundaries. boundaries
4 Needs large no. of nodes to get good Fewer nodes
5 Can handle fairly complicated Can handle any type of
problems problem.
Basic Steps in the Finite Element Method
- Domain Discretization
- Select Element Type (Shape and Approximation)
- Derive Element Equations (Variational and Energy Methods)
- Assemble Element Equations to Form Global System
[K]{U} = {F}
[K] = Stiffness or Property Matrix
{U} = Nodal Displacement Vector
{F} = Nodal Force Vector
- Incorporate Boundary and Initial Conditions
 - Solve Assembled System of Equations for Unknown Nodal
Displacements and Secondary Unknowns of Stress and Strain Values
Element Shapes
Common Types of Elements
Two-Dimensional Elements
One-Dimensional Elements Triangular, Quadrilateral
Line Plates, Shells, 2-D Continua
Rods, Beams, Trusses, Frames

Three-Dimensional Elements
Tetrahedral, Rectangular Prism (Brick)
3-D Continua
Discretization Examples

One-Dimensional Two-Dimensional Brick Elements
Frame Elements Triangular Elements
Element Size
Two-Dimensional Discretization Refinement


(Discretization with 228 Elements)

(Triangular Element)

(Discretization with 912 Elements)

Advantages of Finite Element Analysis

- Models Bodies of Complex Shape

- Can Handle General Loading/Boundary Conditions
- Models Bodies Composed of Composite and Multiphase Materials
- Model is Easily Refined for Improved Accuracy by Varying
Element Size and Type (Approximation Scheme)
- Time Dependent and Dynamic Effects Can Be Included
- Can Handle a Variety Nonlinear Effects Including Material
Behavior, Large Deformations, Boundary Conditions, Etc.
Node Numbering Scheme
• In a structure we come across the following types of discontinuities
1. Geometric
2. Load
3. Boundary Condition
4. Material
• Types of Symmetry
1. Axis Symmetry
2. Rotational Symmetry
3. Planar/Reflective Symmetry
1. Axis Symmetry

Axi-symmetry means symmetry about a central axis, as exhibited by structures

such as light bulbs, straight pipes, cones, circular plates, and domes. The plane
of symmetry is the cross-section anywhere around the structure.
2. Rotational Symmetry

Rotational symmetry means that a structure is made up of repeated

segments arranged about a central axis, as exhibited by objects such as turbine
rotors. Most rotational symmetry solutions also assume symmetry of nonzero-
value displacement constraints, forces, pressures, and body forces. However, if
these loads are not symmetric, and if the analysis is linear, they can be solved
using cyclic symmetry.
3. Planar/Reflective Symmetry

Planar or reflective symmetry means that half of a structure is a mirror

image of the other half, where the mirror is the plane of symmetry. Most planar
symmetry solutions also assume symmetry of nonzero-value displacement
constraints, forces, pressures, and body forces. However, if these loads are not
symmetric, and the analysis is linear, they can be separated into symmetric and
antisymmetric parts for independent solutions that can be superposed
Aspect ratio: Ratio of largest to smallest size in an element
Interpolation Models

• Approximation by constant, ϕ(x) = a0 = Constant

• Linear approximation, ϕ(x) = a0+a1x

• Quadratic approximation, ϕ(x) = a0+a1x+a2x2

Polynomial form of interpolation function

• Polynomial functions for one-D, 2-D and 3-D

• Simplex, Complex and Multiplex functions

• 1. Simplex elements: Elements for which approximating polynomials
are only constants and linear terms.
2. Complex elements: Elements for which approximating polynomials are quadratic, cubic and
higher order terms along with constants and linear terms.
Automatic Mesh Generation
1. Tesselation Method
2. Octree method
Selection of the order of the Interpolation Polynomial

Pascal triangle
i. The interpolation polynomial should satisfy, as far as possible, the convergence
ii. The pattern of variation of the field variable resulting from the polynomial model
should be independent of the local coordinate system.
iii. The number of generalized coordinates should be equal to the number of nodal
DOF of the element. This property is called as Geometric Isotropy. This can be
achieved if polynomial contains terms that do not violate symmetry. This is
achieved only by PASCAL triangle.
Nodes : Nodes are the selected finite points at which basic unknowns are to be
There are two types of Nodes:
a. External Nodes
b. Internal Nodes
External Nodes: are those which occur on the edges surface of the elements and
they will be common to two or more elements.
These Nodes are further classified as
1.Primary 2. Secondary Nodes
1. Primary nodes occur at the ends or at the corners whereas
2. Secondary nodes occur along the side of an element but not at the corners
Internal Nodes: are the one which occur inside an element. These are not
connected any other node. These nodes are used to satisfy the Geometric isotropy.
Measures of Accuracy in FEA
Error = |(Exact Solution)-(FEM Solution)|

Limit of Error as:
Number of Elements (h-convergence)
Approximation Order (p-convergence)
Convergence Criteria
The Convergence Criteria is the set of requirements to be met by a finite element.
If the element meets the convergence criteria, the results of the FEA will be
reliable and we say that the analysis has converged.
Convergence is a process varying a repetitive Finite Element Analysis. It is
reaches the closed form solution. The convergence shown in the diagram is known
as Monotonic Convergence
Convergence Requirements
1. Displacement model should be Continuous: In FEA, this requirement is easily
met because the displacement models are always represented by algebraic
polynomials which are inherently continuous.
2. Inter-Element Compatibility: The displacement model chosen must represent
the inter-element continuity properly in the structure, without any gaps or kinks
upon deformation due to loading. This can be achieved by properly defining
displacement field in terms of degrees of freedom pertaining to the nodes on the
inter-element boundary. Model which satisfies both conditions are called
compatible conditions.
3. Rigid body motion: The displacement function must represent the rigid body
displacement. Displacement model should be a term which permit all points on
the element to experience the same displacement. if such term do not exist,
shifting of the origin of the coordinate system will cause additional stresses and
strains, which should not occur. this is achieved by including a constant term [a 0]
in the displacement field.
4. Constant Strain State: The displacement field should recover the constant
strain state upon refining the mesh, this can be achieved by including a linear
term a1x in the displacement.
5. Geometric Isotropy or Geometric Invariance: Geometric Invariance is a
property by virtue of which the result of FEA remains same irrespective of
element orientation in the structure. In the displacement model, if Coordinates
are interchanged it is should return the same value. This is achieved by writing
the displacement model using PASCAL Triangle Approach. This polynomial so
obtained is called polynomial.
Stiffness Matrix
• The stiffness matrix represents the system of linear equations that must be
solved in order to ascertain an approximate solution to the differential equation.
Where, [K] is the stiffness matrix.
• Properties of Stiffness matrix
1. Stiffness matrix is a symmetric matrix.
2. Stiffness matrix obtained in the finite element analysis is banded.
3. If there are n number of nodes then global stiffness matric is n×n, provided
element is a one dimensional and one degree of freedom at each node.

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