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Another, other, others, the other, the others

The words another, other, others refer to indefinite


1.- Another is used as an adjective to modify a singular, indefinite

count noun.

Mr. Ryan has a store near my house.

He has another store downtown.

Another is also used as a pronoun.

Mr. Ryan has a store near my house.

He has another downtown.
Another, other, others, the other, the others

2.- Other is used as an adjective to modify a plural, indefinite

count noun.

My father has some relatives in Kansas.

He has other relatives in California.

3.- Others is used as a pronoun to refer to a plural, indefinite

count noun.

Some languages are hard to learn; others are easy.

Another, other, others, the other, the others

The words the other and the others are used to refer
to definite nouns.

4.- The other is sometimes used as an adjective to modify a singular,

definite count noun. In this case, it refers to one of two things or


Whose two books are those on the desk?

The Green book is mine and the other book is the teacher’s.
Another, other, others, the other, the others

The other is also used as an adjective to modify plural,

definite nouns.

There are seven cars in front of the school.

Three of them are old, and the other cars are new.

The other can also be used alone, as a pronoun to refer to a

singular definite count noun.

There are seven cars in front of the school.

Six of them are old, and the other is new.

Another, other, others, the other, the others

5.- The others is always used alone as a pronoun to refer to plural,

definite nouns.

The Gibsons have five daughters.

Two of them are married, and the others are still single.

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