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Business Ethics

Concepts & Cases

Manuel G. Velasquez

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Chapter Seven

The Ethics of Job Discrimination

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Definition of Discrimination
• The wrongful act of distinguishing illicitly
among people not on the basis of individual
merit, but on the basis of prejudice or
some other invidious or morally
reprehensible attitude.

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Types of Discrimination
• Intentional discrimination = conscious and deliberate
• Unintentional discrimination = discrimination that is
not consciously or deliberately sought, but is brought
about by stereotypes or as an unintended outcome.
• Individual discrimination = discrimination of one or a
few individuals acting on their own.
• Institutional discrimination = discrimination that is the
result of the actions of all or many of the people in an
institution and of their routine processes and policies.

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What is Affirmative Action?
• Any program designed to ensure that minorities,
women, or members of some other group, are
adequately represented within an organization
and its various levels by taking positive steps to
increase their number when underrepresented.
• What counts as “adequate representation”
depends on the objectives of the program:
– some aim at having the same proportion of women or
minorities as exists in the pool from which new
members are drawn
– others aim at achieving the diversity needed to meet
organizational objectives

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Discrimination and the Law in Pakistan
• Article 18 Freedom of trade, business or profession.
Subject to such qualifications, if any, as may be
prescribed by law, every citizen shall have the right to
enter upon any lawful profession or occupation, and to
conduct any lawful trade or business:
• Article 25 (1) declares all citizens to be equal before law
and entitled to equal protection of law and
• Article 25 (2) states that there shall be no discrimination
on the basis of sex alone.
• Article 25 (3)
Allows the State to create special laws and rules for
specific issues facing women and children, which are
being ignored.

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Discrimination and the Law in
• Article 26 Non-discrimination in respect of access to public
(1)In respect of access to places of public entertainment or
resort not intended for religious purposes only, there shall be
no discrimination against any citizen on the ground only of
race, religion, caste, sex, residence or place of
birth. (2)Nothing in clause (1) shall prevent the State from
making any special provision for women and children 
• Article 27 Safeguard against discrimination in services.
(1)No citizen otherwise qualified for appointment in the
service of Pakistan shall be discriminated against in respect of
any such appointment on the ground only of race, religion,
caste, sex, residence or place of birth:

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Discrimination and the Law in

• Article 34. Full participation of women in national life.

Steps shall be taken to ensure full participation of women in
all spheres of national life.
• Article 35. Protection of family, etc.
The State shall protect the marriage, the family, the mother
and the child.
• Article 36. Protection of minorities.
The State shall safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of
minorities, including their due representation in the Federal
and Provincial services. 

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Discrimination and the Law in
Equal Choice of Profession
• Women can't work in the same industries as men (Factories
Act, 1934). Moreover, section 27 of Constitution of Pakistan
2010 also provides for gender based occupational segregation
by saying that " specified posts or services may be reserved
for members of either sex if such posts or services entail the
performance of duties and functions which cannot be
adequately performed by members of the other sex".
• Quite contrary to above provisions, article 18 of the
Constitution gives every citizen the right to enter upon any
lawful profession or occupation, and to conduct any lawful
trade or business subject to qualification and licensing

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Discrimination and the Law in Pakistan
Equal Pay
• In accordance with the section 15 of the West Pakistan Minimum Wage
Rules, 1962, the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value
between men and women workers will be applied while fixing wages.
•  Since there is no specific law in the country to deal  with the equal
remuneration, the Federal Government is working on a draft of a model
Provincial law on anti-discrimination which can be adopted by the
Provincial Legislative assemblies. 
• In accordance with the article 27 of the Constitution, is only about the
public sector jobs. One can't locate similar provision for non-
discrimination in private sector employment.  Since there is no specific law
in the country to deal  with the equal remuneration and nondiscrimination
in all employment related matters.
• the Federal Government is working on a draft of a model Provincial law on
anti-discrimination which can be adopted by the Provincial Legislative

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Controversy over Forms of
• In the 1960s, discrimination is seen as individual
and intentional.
• In the 1970s, it is seen to have institutional and
unintentional forms, as indicated by
underrepresentation of minorities or women, and
to be remedied with affirmative action.
• In the 1980s, some insist discrimination is only
individual and intentional.
• In the 1990s, the view prevails it can also be
institutional and unintentional.
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Prima Facie Indicators of
• Average benefits minorities and women
receive compared to others.
• High proportions of minorities and women at
lowest economic levels.
• Low proportions of minorities and women at
highest economic levels.

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Discrimination in the United States
• Gap between average family incomes of whites and
minorities has not decreased.
• Gaps between average incomes and median earnings
of men and women have decreased but are still large.
– women earn less than less-educated men
– women earn less in every occupational group
• Gaps between the average earnings of minorities and
of whites have hardly narrowed
– Minorities earn less than less educated whites
– Percent of minorities in poverty is 2 to 3 times the white

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Discrimination in the United States
• Poverty rate of families headed by women is
twice that of male-headed families.
• Salaries of “women’s jobs” are significantly
lower than “men’s jobs.”
• Top-paying executive positions are filled by
men; a “glass ceiling” stops women.
• The earnings gaps are not explained by
education, career choices, preferences, work
history, training, or absenteeism.

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Increasing Problems
for Women and Minorities
• Women and minorities make up most new
workers, but face significant disadvantages.
• Women are steered into low-paying jobs and
face a “glass ceiling” and sexual harassment.
• Minorities need skills and education but lack

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Arguments Against Discrimination
• Utilitarian
– Discrimination leads to inefficient use of human resources.
• Rights-based
– Discrimination violates basic human rights by holding
minorities and women as “inferior.”
– Discrimination cannot be universalized.
• Justice-based
– Discrimination results in unjust distributions of benefits
and burdens.
– Discrimination violates the formal principle of equality by
differentiating between people on the basis of
characteristics that are not relevant to job performance.

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Sexual Harassment
• Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors
and other verbal or physical contact of a sexual nature
constitute sexual harassment when:
(1)submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or
implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s
(2)submission to or rejection of such conduct by an
individual is used as the basis for employment decisions
affecting such individual
(3)such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably
interfering with an individual’s work performance or
creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working

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Moral Objections to Sexual
Harassment Guidelines
• Guidelines prohibit “intimidating, hostile, or
offensive working environment.”
– But it is sometimes hard to distinguish this from male
rudeness not intended to degrade women.
• Guidelines prohibit “verbal or physical contact of
a sexual nature” when it has the “effect of
unreasonably interfering with an individual’s
work performance.”
– But this seems to require use of purely subjective

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Moral Objections to Sexual
Harassment Guidelines
• Guidelines prohibit “verbal conduct” that creates
an “intimidating, hostile or offensive working
– But this can conflict with the right to free speech.
• Guidelines hold employer guilty of employee’s
sexual harassment even if employer did not know
nor could have prevented it.
– But some respond that eradicating sexual harassment
justifies forcing employer to be responsible for
preventing it, and it is an “external cost” employers
should internalize.

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Other Types of Discrimination
• Age, which is protected by the Age
Discrimination in Employment Act
• Sexual orientation, which has few protections
against discrimination
• Transsexual status, which has few protections
• Disability, which is protected by the
Americans with Disabilities Act
• Obesity, which has no protections.

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Legal Status of Affirmative Action
• Affirmative action is legal when used to correct a
racial or sexual imbalance that is the result of
previous discrimination.
• It is also legal when used to correct an egregious,
persistent, and manifest racial imbalance not
caused by previous discrimination.
• It can be used in hiring.
• Can be used to achieve educational diversity and
broadcast diversity.
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Legal Status of Affirmative Action
• Cannot use inflexible quotas—must be
narrowly tailored to their objectives.
• Cannot be used in layoffs.
• Cannot overrule seniority.
• Cannot be used in government set-aside
programs except as a last resort in an extreme
case involving previous racial bias by the

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Compensation Argument for
Affirmative Action
• Claims affirmative action compensates groups
for past discrimination.
– Criticized as unfair because those who benefit
were not harmed and those who pay did not
– Some argue in response to criticism that
discrimination has harmed all minorities and
women, and all whites and males have benefited
from it.

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Utilitarian Argument
for Affirmative Action
• Claims affirmative action reduces need by
benefiting minorities and women in need, and
so increases utility
– Criticized on grounds that its costs outweigh its
benefits and that other ways of reducing need will
produce greater utility.

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Equal Justice Argument
for Affirmative Action
• Affirmative action will secure equal
opportunity by a fairer distribution of jobs, by
neutralizing the effects of unconscious bias
that affects judgments about minorities and
women, and by placing women and minorities
in less disadvantaged and more competitive
positions in competitions with males and

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Equal Justice Argument
for Affirmative Action
• Affirmative action is a morally legitimate means
for securing equal opportunity.
– It is not a form of “reverse discrimination” because it
is not based on invidious judgments of male inferiority
nor aims at destroying equal opportunity.
– It does not use a non-relevant characteristic since race
and sex are relevant in this limited context.
– It does not harm minorities and women and any harm
would be less than the harms inflicted by current
unconscious discrimination.

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• Valuing and managing a diverse work force is
more than ethically and morally correct.
• It’s also a business necessity.
• Companies that fail to do an excellent job of
recruiting, retaining, developing and
promoting women and minorities simply will
be unable to meet their staffing needs.

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