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Time-Varying Magnetic Fields

and Induced Electric Fields

A Changing Magnetic Flux Produces an Electric Field?

ε = -N
V = Vb - Va = - Ed

ε = V = - Ed

-N = - Ed
This suggests that a changing magnetic flux produces an
electric field. This is true not just in conductors, but any-
where in space where there is a changing magnetic flux.
The previous slide uses an equation
valid only for a uniform electric field.
Let’s see what a more general  
analysis gives us.    
   
Consider the conducting loop of  
radius r around a region where the
This could be a wire loop around
magnetic field is into the page and the outside of a solenoid.

The charged particles in the conductor are not in a magnetic

field, so they experience no magnetic force.

But the changing magnetic flux induces an emf around the

ε = -
The induced emf causes a counter-
clockwise current (charges move). E
 
   
There must be a tangential electric r
field around the loop.    
 
B is increasing.

The work done moving a charged particle once around the

loop is.
W = qV = qε
We can look at work from a different
E ds
point of view. E
 
   
The electric field exerts a force qE r
   
on the charged particle. The
 
instantaneous displacement is E
always parallel to this force. E

Thus, the work done by the electric field in moving a charged

particle once around the loop is.
   
W   F  ds  q E  ds = qE  ds  qE  2r 
E ds
dB E
ε = -  
dt I
   
W = qε    
 
W = qE  ds   2r  qE E

Combining and generalizing…

 
q = qE  ds = q E  ds
  dB
 =  E  ds = -
  dB
 E  ds = - dt
Generalizing still further…
E ds
The loop of wire was just a E
 
convenient way for us to visualize I
   
the effect of the changing magnetic    
field.  
The electric field exists whether or E
not the loop is present.
  dB
 E  ds = - dt
A changing magnetic flux gives rise to an electric field.
Stated slightly differently: we have “discovered” two different
ways to generate an electric field.

Coulomb Electric Field

E = k 2 , away from +

“Faraday” Electric Field

  dB
 E  ds = - dt
Both “kinds” of electric fields are part of Maxwell’s
Direction of Induced Electric Fields

The direction of E is in the direction a positively charged

particle would be accelerated by the changing flux.

  dB
 E  ds = - dt
Use Lenz’s Law to determine the direction the changing
magnetic flux would cause a current to flow. That is the
direction of E.
Some Revolutionary Applications of Faraday’s Law

 Magnetic Tape Readers

 Generators

 Transformers

 Electric Motors
You have now learned Gauss’s Law for both electricity and
magnetism… and Faraday’s Law of Induction:
  q enclosed  
 E  dA  o  B  dA  0
  d B
 E  ds   dt
Conceptual Example: Induction Stove
An ac current in a coil in the
stove top produces a changing
magnetic field at the bottom of a
metal pan.
The changing magnetic field gives
rise to a current in the bottom of
the pan.
Because the pan has resistance, the current heats the pan. If
the coil in the stove has low resistance it doesn’t get hot but
the pan does.
An insulator won’t heat up on an induction stove.
back emf (also known as “counter emf”)
A changing magnetic field in wire produces a current. A
constant magnetic field does not.

An electrical current produces a magnetic field, which by

Lenz’s law, opposes the change in flux which produced the
current in the first place.
The effect is “like” that of friction.

The counter emf is “like” friction that opposes the original

change of current.

Motors have many coils of wire, and thus generate a large

counter emf when they are running.

Good—keeps the motor from “running away.” Bad—”robs”

you of energy.
If your house lights dim when an appliance starts up, that’s
because the appliance is drawing lots of current and not
producing a counter emf.

When the appliance reaches operating speed, the counter emf

reduces the current flow and the lights “undim.”

Motors have design speeds their engineers expect them to

run at. If the motor runs at a lower speed, there is less-than-
expected counter emf, and the motor can draw more-than-
expected current.

If a motor is jammed or overloaded and slows or stops, it can

draw enough current to melt the windings and burn out. Or
even burn up.
torque on generator coils

In a previous lecture we derived an expression for the torque

on a current-carrying coil in a magnetic field.

net = R  L = WILB sin  = IBA sin  FR

sin 
The source of external mechanical 2
 IR
energy provides this torque. B

Recall that for linear motion, 
  W
P =FV A
FL 2
For rotational motion,
 
P = 
The torque and angular velocity vectors are parallel, so
P = 
P = IBA  sin  t  

 IR
For a coil of N loops: B
P = INBA  sin  t  
If there are no frictional torques or A
other dissipative forces present, the FL
generator’s power output is equal to
the external power input.

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