Cloud Storage in Cloud Computing: By: Ashish Gohel 8 Sem ISE

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By: Ashish Gohel

8th sem ISE.
Why Cloud Computing ?
Cloud Computing platforms provides easy access
to a company’s high-performance computing and
storage infrastructure through web services.
Cloud Computing platforms provides:
1) Massive Scalability
2) 99.999% Reliability
3) High Performance
4) Specifiable Configurability
 Low Cost.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Key Technologies
Reference Model

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

With Cloud storage, data is stored on multiple servers,
rather than on the dedicated servers used in traditional
networked data storage.
Data is stored on virtual servers from the users point of
view and seems like it has been stored to a particular
place, but it isn’t.
The user’s data could be stored on any one or more of the
computers used to create the cloud.
The actual storage location may even differ from day to
day or even minute to minute, as the cloud dynamically
manages available storage space.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Key Technologies
1. Cloud Computing
i. Infrastructure as a Service(IaaS)
ii. Platform as a Service(PaaS)
iii. Storage as a Service(StaaS)
iv. Software as a Service(SaaS)

2. Cloud Storage

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Cloud Computing Service Categories

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Cloud Storage : Evolution

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE


Cloud Storage System Architecture

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Cloud Storage Reference Model
Storage to be provided on demand, drawn from a pool
of resources.
Client will be able to discover the capabilities of the
cloud storage offering and use this model to manage
containers and the data that is placed in them.
Cloud Data Management Interface (CDMI) is the
functional interface that applications will use to
create, retrieve, update and delete data elements from
the cloud.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE


This interface is also used by

Administrative Apps
Management Apps to manage containers, accounts,
security access and monitoring/billing information.

The capabilities of the underlying storage and data

services are exposed so that clients can understand the

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE


Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

1. Ease of Management
 The maintenance of the s/w, h/w and general
infrastructure to support storage is drastically
simplified in the cloud.
2. Cost Effectiveness
3. Lower Impact Outages and Upgrades
4. Disaster Preparedness
 Disaster Recovery.
5. Simplified Planning.
 Flexible and provide storage as needed.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

1. Security
2. Data Integrity.
3. Computational Power.
4. Replication time .
5. Cost.
6. Reliability.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Cloud Storage with a great deal of promise, aren’t
designed to be high performing file systems but rather
extremely scalable, easy to manage storage systems.
Thanks to Data Replication, which makes Storage
approach in cloud more Scalable.

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

Thank You…

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Queries ???

Ashish Gohel , 8th sem ISE

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