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We are learning what By the end of the lesson you will

be able to…
happens when we
sleep, the benefits of • identify what happens when we
having a good night’s sleep
sleep and strategies to • describe the benefits of good
promote good quality quality sleep
sleep, including where • explain strategies to promote
to seek support. good quality sleep and where to
seek support if sleep is difficult
Sleep is…
How confident are you in:

identifying what describing the knowing strategies

happens when we benefits of sleep? to promote good quality
sleep? sleep and where to
seek support?

No t c o nfide nt Extre me ly c o nfide nt

A good night’s sleep has a Sleep affects your It is recommended to not
positive impact on the brain physical appearance as use any screen technology
and body, improving well as your mood, mental one hour before bedtime.
performance and productivity. health and your memory.

11-16 year-olds are When it’s dark our bodies Physical activity
recommended to get 8 to produce a hormone called during the day
10 hours sleep a night. melatonin which tells our improves your sleep.
bodies it’s time to sleep.

Overnight, information
moves from our short-
term to long-term

Concentration Productivity and

and mood performance

Activity in the brain Decision making and

during sleep improves cognitive performance
concentration (our ability to think) are
and mood. improved by sleep.
Regulates hormones

The hormone levels

in the body are
balanced out.

Immune system Repair and growth

Special proteins The body works to grow

are released, and repair
which support the muscles, organs and
immune system. other cells.
How did
you do?
In pairs, name yourselves A or B.

Draw an outline of a student and Draw an outline of a student and

makes notes around the outline makes notes around the outline
to show how good quality sleep to show how poor quality sleep
might impact them. might impact them.

Things to
think about…
• How might they
perform in school?
• How might they look?
• How might they feel?
• What do they do or
not do during the
Watch the first half of this video and
add any new ideas to your outline.
How would you define Why can sleeping How would someone know
be difficult?
good quality sleep? they have slept well?

What are the main factors

How might puberty impact on sleep?
that impact sleep?

How might someone’s sleep change What does a good sleep routine
with different circumstances? look like to you?
Can you help design
an app or a podcast
to support young
people struggling
with their sleep?
It needs to include
the following
three areas:

Watch the
second half of this
for some ideas.
Try to include:
1. Explanation of how either bedtime
routine, bedroom environment or
daytime routine benefits sleep
2. Suggestions on how to build
opportunities for rest and downtime
3. Strategies for how someone could
improve their quality of sleep
4. Advice on what to do if someone’s
quality of sleep does not improve
I’m really
There are lots stressed about
of noises in my Someone I really care
my exams. about won’t talk to me
house and often Worrying about
I find it and I keep waking up
how well I’m in the night thinking
hard to get to doing in school
sleep and I about it and can’t get
is keeping me back to sleep.
wake up lots up at night.
during the night.

I find it really hard to

I’m in loads of WhatsApp groups so get up in the mornings
my phone never stops buzzing and I and I’m really tired in
keep staying up late even after I’ve the day so I’ve stopped
finished messaging. doing sports and going
out so much.
How confident are you in:

identifying what describing the knowing strategies

happens when we benefits of sleep? to promote good quality
sleep? sleep and where to
seek support?

No t c o nfide nt Extre me ly c o nfide nt

It can be common to struggle with
sleep. If you are worried about it or if
a lack of sleep is making things
difficult, you can speak to a trusted
adult or ask them to make you an
appointment with your GP.

You can also call Childline on

0800 1111 or visit

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