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Analog Communication system

Course Code : BEETE504T

Semester : V

Ms.Rasika Belsare
Assistant Professor
Department of Electronics &
Telecommunication Engineering
 History of Communication
 Electromagnetic Spectrum and Applications
 Introduction
 Elements of a Communication System
 Baseband Communications
 Baseband and Carrier Communication
 Need of Modulation
History of Communications
Year Event Image
1838 Telegraphy (Morse)

1876 Telephone (Bell)

1902 Radio transmission


1933 FM radio
History of Communications

Year Event Image

1936 TV broadcasting

1953 Color TV

1962 Satellite

1972 Cellular phone

5 History of Communications

Year Event Image

1985 Fax machines

1990s GPS, HDTV,

handheld computers
6 Electromagnetic Spectrum
Radio Microwave Infrared Visible Ultravoilet X-Rays
Increasing Wavelengh

3 2 5 6 8 10 12
10 10 10 10 10 10

4 8 12 15 16 18 20
10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Increasing Frequency )Hz(
 Human eyes are only able to
process information from
the visible part of the

 Toward longer wavelengths,

the spectrum includes
infrared light, microwaves,
and radio

 Toward shorter wavelengths,

the spectrum includes
ultraviolet light, X-rays, and
gamma rays

 All of these are forms of

electromagnetic radiation
8 Frequency Spectrum
 Most precious resource in communications is “frequency
 The “frequency spectrum” has to be shared by a large number
of users and applications.
 The frequency spectrum has to be managed for a particular
physical medium
 The spectrum for “over-the-air” communications is allocated by
international communications organization “International
Telecommunications Union (ITU)”
 Federal Communications Commission (FCC) designates and
licenses frequency bands.
Extremely Low Frequency(ELF) 30 – 300 Hz
Voice Frequency(VF) 300 - 3 kHz

Very Low Frequency(VLF) 3 - 30 kHz

Low Frequency (LF) 30 - 300 kHz

Medium Frequency (MF) 300 – 3MHz

High Frequency (Hz) 3 - 30 MHz

Very High Frequency (VHF) 30-300MHz

Ultra High Frequency (UHF) 300MHz-3GHz

Super High Frequency(SHF) 3-30GHz

Extremely High Frequency(EHF) 30-300GHz


Application Frequency Band

AM Radio 0.54-1.6 MHz
TV (Channels 2-6) 54-88 MHz

FM Radio 88-108 MHz

TV (Channels 7-13) 174-216 MHz

Cellular mobile radio 806-901 MHz

ECE 457
11 Introduction
 Many long-distance communication systems use a oscillating
electromagnetic wave called a carrier
 The system makes small changes to the carrier that represent
information being sent
 The frequency of electromagnetic energy determines how the
energy propagates.
 Communication system aims to transmit information signals
(baseband signals) through a communication channel.

 For example, the voice signal from a microphone is a baseband

signal ,and contains frequencies in the range of 0-3000 Hz.
12 Elements of a Communication System
 Communication involves the transfer of information
or intelligence from a source to a recipient via a
channel or medium.
 Basic block diagram of a communication system:

Source Transmitter Receiver Recipient

Input Output
Transducer Transducer
13 Brief Description
 Source: analogue or digital
 Transmitter: transducer, amplifier, modulator,
oscillator, power amp., antenna
 Channel: e.g. cable, optical fibre, free space
 Receiver: antenna, amplifier, demodulator, oscillator,
power amplifier, transducer
 Recipient: e.g. person, speaker, computer
Communication channels
 Two types:
 Guided propagation
 Free propagation

wired •
Guided e.g. twisted pair telephone lines, •
propagation coaxial cables, fiber optic cables

wireless •
Free e.g. air, vacuum, sea-water •
Classification of communication

Basic modes of

Broadcasting Point-to-point
Broadcastin Point-to-
g point
Powerful transmitter Specific transmitter
transmit to many transmit to specific
receivers receivers

Monodirectional Bi-directional (duplex) –

(simplex) – one-way two-way communication

Receiver never
Receiver may send
sends message to
message to transmitter

e.g. TV, radio e.g. telephone, Internet

17 Introduction

 Many long-distance communication systems use a oscillating

electromagnetic wave called a carrier

 The system makes small changes to the carrier that represent

information being sent

 The frequency of electromagnetic energy determines how the

energy propagates
Baseband and Carrier Communication
 Baseband signal: is message signal (information bearing
signal) delivered by the information source or the input
transducer .it is usually low frequency signal.
 Communication that uses modulation to shift the frequency
spectrum of message signal is known as carrier
 We use the term modulation to refer to changes made in a
 according to the information being sent
 Modulation takes two inputs
1. carrier
2. Signal
 Then it generates a modulated carrier as output

Wavelength - distance between two like points on the wave

Amplitude - the height of the wave compared to undisturbed state
Period - the amount of time required for one wavelength to pa
Frequency - the number of waves passing in a given amount of time
 General Sine wave - s (t )  A sin( 2ft   )
 Peak Amplitude (A)
o maximum strength of signal(volts)
 Frequency (f)
o Rate of change of signal
o Hertz (Hz) or cycles per second
o Period = time for one repetition (T)
o T = 1/f
 Phase ()
 Distance between two points of corresponding
phase in two consecutive cycles
o  = Wavelength
 Assuming signal velocity v
o  = vT
o f = v
o c = 3*108 ms-1 (speed of light in free space)
22  There are three primary techniques that modulate
an electromagnetic carrier according to a signal:
 Amplitude modulation
 Frequency modulation
 Phase shift modulation
 The first two methods of modulation are the most
familiar and have been used extensively


Amplitude Modulation Frequency Modulation Phase Modulation

23 Why do we need “modulation”
 A communication channel only operates at a certain
frequency range. Telephone cables, terrestrial (over the air
broadcast), Ethernet, optical fiber, etc.
 Modulation translates a signal from its baseband to the
operating range of the channel
 In other words we can say that modulation is used because
the some data signals are not always suitable for direct
transmission, but the modulated signal may be more
 By modulating different signals to different frequency
bands, they can be transmitted simultaneously over the
same channel.e.g frequency division multiplexing
Modulation = Frequency Shifting
Analog signal vs. digital signal

Time-varying voltage/current that •

change continuously
Can take infinite no. of values •
Analog e.g. Voice, music •

Time-varying •
voltage/current that change
in discrete steps/levels
Digital Can take limited no. of •
e.g. binary-coded numbers, •
alphanumeric codes
26 Analog communication
 Information is encoded in a continuous amplitude,
continuous time signal.

 Analog systems are less tolerant to noise.

 make good use of bandwidth.

 easy to manipulate mathematically.


 However, analog signals require hardware receivers and

transmitters that are designed to perfectly fit the particular
 If you are working on a new system, and you decide to change
your analog signal, you need to completely change your
transmitters and receivers.
Analog Signals
 Human Voice – best example
 Ear recognises sounds 20KHz or less
 AM Radio – 535KHz to 1605KHz
 FM Radio – 88MHz to 108MHz
Types of Analog Modulation

 Amplitude Modulation (AM)

 Frequency Modulation (FM)

 Phase Modulation (PM)


 The choice of the type of modulation is

based on several factors, such as :

 the amount of bandwidth allocated.

 the types of noise and interference that the

signal encounters in transmission over the
Amplitude Modulation (AM)

 In AM, the information signal varies with the amplitude of

the carrier sine wave.

 The instantaneous value of the carrier amplitude changes

in accordance with the amplitude and frequency
variations of the modulating signal.

 The carrier frequency remains constant during the

modulation process, but its amplitude varies in
accordance with the modulating signal.
 An increase in the amplitude of the modulating signal
causes the amplitude of the carrier to increase.
 AM begins with carrier vc ,  Where m (modulation index) is
defined as Vm/Vc, hence:
A sine wave with frequency c &
amplitude Vc:
vc V csin 2f c t s (t )  Vc (1  m sin 2 f mt )
vm  Vm sin 2f mt
2f c t
vc V csinsignal:
 Modulating
vm  Vm sin 2f mt  The voltage resulting AM wave
envelope at any instant is:

 Then AM is:
v  s(t ) sin 2 f c t
s(t )  Vc  vm  Vc (1  m sin 2 f mt )  sin 2 f ct
s(t )  Vc  Vm sin 2 f mt [ m  Vm / Vc ]
s(t )  Vc  mVc sin 2 f mt
Using Trigonometric ID
(sin a)(sin b)  1 / 2 cos( a  b)  cos( a  b)

v  Vc sin 2 f c t
 Vc cos 2 ( f c  f m )t
 Vc cos 2 ( f c  f m )t

Vm V
v AM  Vc sin 2f c t  cos 2 ( f c f m )t  m cos 2 ( f c f m )t
2 2

Carrier LSB USB

 This yield, the upper and lower sidebands – frequency &

amplitude. 33



35 Time and Frequency Domains
 Time domain: an oscilloscope displays the amplitude
versus time
 Frequency domain: a spectrum analyzer displays the
amplitude or power versus frequency
 Frequency-domain display provides information on
bandwidth and harmonic components of a signal
 The frequency spectrum of AM waveform contains three parts:

1.A component at the carrier frequency fc

2.An upper side band (USB), whose highest frequency

component is at fc+fm

3.A lower side band (LSB), whose highest frequency component

is at fc-fm

 The bandwidth of the modulated waveform is twice the

information signal bandwidth.

AM Spectrum

mVc/2 mVc/2

fm fm

fLSB fc fUSB

fUSB = fc + fm ; fLSB = fc - fm ; Vsf = mVc/2

Bandwidth, B = 2fm
 Center frequency = Carrier Center frequency peak
frequency = f :amplitude
c Vc
 Upper sideband freq. = carrier Upper and lower sideband
freq. + modulating freq. :voltages
fUSB  f c  f m 2
 Lower sideband freq. = carrier Bandwidth = Maximum freq.
freq. - modulating freq. .-minimum freq
BW  f max  f min
f LSB  f c  f m  f usb  f lsb
 ( fc  fm )  ( fc  fm )
 2 fm
AM Power
 Total average (i.e. rms) power of the AM signal is:
PTotal = Pc + 2PSB ,
Pc = carrier power
PSB = side-frequency power
 If the signal is across a load resistor, R, then:
Pc = Vc2/(2R) and
PSB = m2Pc/4.
So, m2
PT  Pc (1  )
AM Current

 The modulation index for an AM station can be

measured by using an RF ammeter and the following

I  Io 1
where I is the current with modulation and
.Io is the current without modulation
Complex AM Waveforms

 For complex AM signals with many frequency

components, all the formulas encountered
before remain the same, except that m is
replaced by mT. For example:
2 2
mT mT
PT  PC (1  ); I  I o 1 
2 2

Frequency Modulation
43 Angle Modulation

Two forms of Angle


Frequency Phase
Modulation (FM) Modulation (PM)
 Amplitude of the modulated carrier is held constant and
either the phase or the time derivative of the phase of
the carrier is varied linearly with the message signal
 General angle-modulated signal is given by
s  t   Vc sin c t    t  
 In angle modulation, (t) is prescribed as being a
function of the modulating signal
 If vm(t) is the modulating signal, angle modulation is
expressed as

 (t )  F  vm (t ) 

Where, vm (t )  Vm sin(mt )
m  2 f m
 Instantaneous frequency deviation
 Instantaneous change in the frequency of the carrier
and is defined as the first time derivative of the
instantaneous phase deviation
instantaneous frequency deviation   '(t ) rad/s
 '(t ) rad/s cycle
or    Hz
2 rad/cycle s
 Instantaneous frequency
 the precise frequency of the carrier at any given instant
of time and is defined as the first time derivative of the
instantaneous phase
instantaneous frequency  i (t )   ct   (t ) 
 c   '(t ) rad/s

 Substituting 2fc for c gives

instantaneous frequency  fi (t )
 rad   cycles 
and i (t )   2   fc    '(t )  2 f c   '(t ) rad/s
 cycle   s 

 Frequency modulation is angle modulation in which the

instantaneous frequency deviation, ’(t), is proportional to
the amplitude of the modulating signal, and the
instantaneous phase deviation is proportional to the
integral of the modulating signal voltage.
47 Frequency Modulation (FM)
 Frequency modulation is a form of analog angle
modulation in which the baseband information carrying
signal, typically called the message or information signal
m(t), varies the frequency of a carrier wave.

 The frequency of the carrier, varies in a continuous

manner. Thus, there are infinitely many possible carrier

 The amount by which the signal frequency varies is very

important. This is known as the deviation and is normally
quoted as the number of kilo Hertz(KHz) deviation.
48 Frequency Modulation
In FM, the message signal m(t) controls the frequency fc of
the carrier. Consider the Carrier
vc  t  = Vc cos ωc t 
:then for FM we may write
FM signal s t  = Vc cos  2π  fc + frequency deviation t 
Where, the frequency deviation will depend on m(t)
Given that the carrier frequency will change we may
write for an instantaneous carrier signal
Vc cos ωi t  = Vc cos 2πf i t  = Vc cos φi 
= where i is the instantaneous angle ωi t = 2πf i t
.and fi is the instantaneous frequency

 For modulating signal vm(t), the frequency modulation ’(t) = kfvm(t) rad/s

vFM (t )  Vc sin  ct   (t ) 

 Vc sin c t    '(t ) dt 
 
 Vc sin c t   k f vm (t ) dt 
 
 Vc sin c t  k f Vm  sin m (t ) dt 
 
 k f Vm 
 Vc sin c t  cos m (t ) 
 m 
50 Frequency Modulation
dφi 1 dφi
Since φi = 2πf i t then = 2πf i or fi =
dt 2π dt
i.e. frequency is proportional to the rate of change of
If fc is the unmodulated carrier and fm is the modulating
frequency, then we may deduce that
1 dφi
f i = f c + Δf c cos ωm t  =
2π dt
.fc is the peak deviation of the carrier
1 dφi dφi
Hence, we
= f c + Δf c cos ωm t  = 2πf c + 2πΔf c cos ωm t 
have 2π dt .i.e, dt
51 Frequency Modulation

.After integration i.e  ω c + 2πΔf c cos ωm t   dt

2πΔf c sin  ωm t 
φi = ωc t +
Δf c
φi = ωc t + sin  ωm t 
,Hence for the FM signal s t  = Vc cos φi 

 Δf c 
s t  = Vc cos ωc t + sin  ωm t  
 fm 
52 Frequency Modulation
Δf c
The ratio fm

.is called the Modulation Index denoted by  i.e

Peak frequency deviation
modulating frequency

Note – FM, as implicit in the above equation for vs(t), is a non-

linear process – i.e. the principle of superposition does not
apply. The FM signal

.for a message m(t) as a band of signals is very complex

Hence, m(t) is usually considered as a 'single tone modulating
signal' of the form
m t  = Vm cos ωm t 
Frequency Modulation

 Δf 
v s  t  = Vc cos ωc t + c sin  ωm t  
The equation  fm 

may be expressed as series (Bessel functions)

s t  = Vc  J  β  cos ω + nω  t
n c m
n= 

where Jn() are Bessel functions of the first kind.

Expanding the equation for a few terms we have
s(t )  Vc J 0 (  ) cos(c )t  Vc J1 (  ) cos(c  m )t  Vc J 1 (  ) cos(c  m )t
                  
Amp fc Amp fc  fm Amp fc  fm

 Vc J 2 (  ) cos(c  2m )t  Vc J 2 (  ) cos(c  2m )t  

              
Amp fc 2 fm Amp fc 2 f m

Carrier signal

v Modulating signal

v Frequency Modulated

57 FM Signal Spectrum.

The amplitudes drawn are completely arbitrary, since we have

not found any value for Jn() – this sketch is only to illustrate
.the spectrum

Tabulated value for Bessel Function for the first kind of the
nth order
 The first column gives the modulation , while the first row gives the Bessel

 The remaining columns indicate the amplitudes of the carrier and the various

pairs of sidebands.

 Sidebands with relative magnitude of less than 0.001 have been eliminated.

 Some of the carrier and sideband amplitudes have negative signs. This means

that the signal represented by that amplitude is simply shifted in phase 180

(phase inversion).

 The spectrum of a FM signal varies considerably in bandwidth depending upon

the value of the modulation index. The higher the modulation index, the wider

the bandwidth of the FM signal.


With the increase in the modulation index, the carrier amplitude decreases while

the amplitude of the various sidebands increases. With some values of modulation

.index, the carrier can disappear completely

Bessel Function, Jn(m) vs m

 Property - 1: :Property - 3

For n even, 
 J n ( )  1
 we have Jn() = J-n() n 
 For n odd,
 we have Jn() = (-1) J-n()
 Thus,
 Jn() = (-1)n J-n ()

 Property - 2:
 For small values of the modulation index , we have
 J0()  1
 J1()  /2

 J3()  0 for n > 2

63 AM vs. FM
 AM requires a simple circuit, and is very easy to

 It is simple to tune, and is used in almost all short

wave broadcasting.

 The area of coverage of AM is greater than FM (longer

wavelengths) (lower frequencies) are utilized.

 However, it is quite inefficient, and is susceptible to

static and other forms of electrical noise.
64 AM vs. FM
 The main advantage of FM is its audio quality and immunity
to noise. Most forms of static and electrical noise are
naturally AM, and an FM receiver will not respond to AM

 The audio quality of a FM signal increases as the frequency

deviation increases (deviation from the center frequency),
which is why FM broadcast stations use such large deviation.

 The main disadvantage of FM is the larger bandwidth it


Phase Modulation
 Frequency modulation (FM) and Phase modulation (PM) have
much in common and they are usually concluded as angle
modulation, i.e., it is impossible to tell them apart without
knowledge about the modulation function.

 Phase modulation is the process of varying the of a carrier

wave in proportion to the amplitude of a baseband signal. The
amplitude of the carrier remains constant .

 A strong motivation for FM and PM is that the amplitude is

constant and the transmitter’s power amplifier can work at a
constant high amplification level.

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