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The main idea:
Types of Embedded System
1. Introduction
An embedded system is a computer
system with a dedicated function
within a larger mechanical or
electrical system, often with real-
time computing constraints. It is
embedded as part of a complete
device often including hardware
and mechanical parts. Embedded
systems control many devices in
common use today.
1. Introduction

Computing Systems
embedded within
electronic devices
Nearly any
computing system
other than a desktop
2. History

1965, Autonetics, developed the D-17B, the computer used

in the Minuteman missile guidance system
2. History

Texas Instruments
developed the first
microcontroller in
2. History

In 1987, the first

embedded OS,
VxWorks, was
released by
Wind River.
2. History

By the late 1990s,

the first embedded
Linux system
2. History

The embedded
market reach
$140 billion in
3. Types of Embedded System
3. Types of Embedded System
Real Time Embedded Systerm
Real-time systems are computer systems
that monitor, respond to, or control an
external environment. This environment
is connected to the computer system
through sensors, actuators, and other
input-output interfaces.
It may consist of physical or biological objects of any form and
structure. Often humans are part of the connected external world,
but a wide range of other natural and artificial objects, as well as
animals, are also possible.
3. Types of Embedded System
Stand Alone Embedded Systerm

• Stand alone embedded systems do not require a host system

like a computer, it works by itself.
• It takes the input from the input ports either analog or digital
and processes, calculates and converts the data and gives the
resulting data through the connected device-Which either
controls, drives and displays the connected devices.
• Examples for the stand alone embedded systems are mp3
players, digital cameras, video game consoles, microwave
ovens and temperature measurement systems.
3. Types of Embedded System
Networked Embedded Systerm
• Networked Embeddded Systerm
connect to a network with network
onterfaces to access resources
• The connected network can be
Local Area Network (LAN) , Wide
Area Network (WAN), or the
• The connection can be wired or
3. Types of Embedded System
Mobile Embedded Systerm
The basic outline of mobile embedded systems is the memory
limitation and other resources. Some examples of mobile embedded
systems are most of the portable devices such as mobiles, digital
3. Types of Embedded System
Small Scale Embedded Systems:
This embedded system can be designed with a single 8 or 16-bit
microcontroller. For developing small scale embedded system, an
editor, assembler, (IDE), and cross assembler are the most vital
programming tools.
3. Types of Embedded System

Medium Scale Embedded Systems:

These types of embedded systems
are designed using 16 or 32-bit
microcontrollers. These systems
offer both hardware and software
3. Types of Embedded System
Sophisticated Embedded Systems
This type of embedded systems have
lots of hardware and software
complexities. You may require IPS,
ASIPS, PLAs, configuration processor,
or scalable processors. For the
development of this system, you need
hardware and software co-design &
components which needs to combine in
the final system
4. Characteristics
4. Characteristics
Following are important characteristics of an embedded system:
Requires real time performance.
It should have high availability and reliability.
Developed around a real-time operating system
Usually, have easy and a diskless operation, ROM boot
Designed for one specific task
It must be connected with peripherals to connect input
and output devices.
Offers high reliability and stability
Needed minimal user interface
Limited memory, low cost, fewer power consumptions
It does not need any secondary memory in computer.
5. Features
• Timeliness - Even infinitely fast computer embedded
software needs to deal with time because the physical
processes with which it interacts evolves over time.
• Concurrency - Engage with the physical world where
multiple things happen at once.
• Liveliness - Program must not terminate or block waiting
for events that will never occur.
• Heterogeneity - Different computational styles and
implementation technologies interact with events
5. Features
• Reactivity - React continuously to the environment at the speed
of the environment.
• Reliability and security - The system must be reliable and
secure against errors.
• Interaction with physical devices - The communication of
embedded systems is performed through unusual i/o
devices that sometimes require signal conditioning.
• Robustness - The conditions of the embedded systems
operation may be adverse, so they must be as robust as
6. Advantages&Disadvantages
Low cost
Small size
High reliability
Fast operations
Easy to manufacture
Fewer interconnections
Real time response
No user interface
Not much data storage
6. Advantages&Disadvantages
To develop an embedded system needs high
development effort.
It needs a long time to market.
Embedded systems do a very specific task, so it
can't be programmed to do different things.
Embedded systems offer very limited resources
for memory.
It doesn't offer any technological improvement.
It is difficult to backup of embedded files.

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