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© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

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UK Real Time Information Tax Year End 2012-2013

Functional Changes (Oracle Payroll Releases 11i
and 12)
Presenter’s Name: Smita Bakrania
Presenter’s Title: Principal Product Manager (UK HRMS)

The following content is intended to outline our

general product direction. It is intended for
information purposes only, and may not be
incorporated into any contract. It is not a
commitment to deliver any material, code, or
functionality, and should not be relied upon in
making purchasing decisions.
The development, release, and timing of any
features or functionality described for Oracle’s
products remains at the sole discretion of Oracle.

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Processing End Of Year
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Processing End Of Year
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
New Components at a Glance
 New Items of Data for EAS, FPS & EPS in the MIGs
• Additional EIT at Org for Tax Details Reference
• RTI EIT at Assignment extended for new data capture
• Data mapping on RTI Configuration Module extended
• New seeded Balances (User element feed)

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
New Components at a Glance
 Statutory Payment Recovery & NIC compensation
calculation changed for EPS
• New (indirect) elements
• New Balance adjustment elements
• New Secondary Classifications
• New Classification Balances
• Formula Function introduced

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
New Components at a Glance
 New 2013/14 Concurrent Processes for:
 Employer Alignment Submission (EAS)
 Full Payment Submission (FPS)
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
 Processes only valid for Tax Year 2013/14
 New processes will be created for each tax year
 P60 Process for RTI
 Earlier Year Updates (EYU)

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Processing End Of Year
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Changed Components
 Existing processes for RTI renamed:
 Employer Alignment Submission (EAS)
 Full Payment Submission (FPS)
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
 Renamed processes only valid for Tax Year 2012/13
 Above processes for 2012/13 renamed with suffix ‘Pre-
April 13’

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Processing End Of Year
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Alignment Submission (EAS)
 Now allows Part Submissions
• Can use Unique ID to split EAS file
• Only if not possible to create single file
• HMRC prefer a single file for alignment
 New process for 2013/14 created with additional
• Number of Parts
• Unique Part Identifier
• Use the Unique ID on the Payroll
• This is the same as P14 unique identifier used pre-RTI

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS)
• New Items added for 2013-14
• Self Assessment Unique Tax Ref (SAUTR)
• Corporation Tax Ref (COTAXREF)
Above 2 items must be completed on the new Organisation
EIT called “Tax Details References (Cont.)”

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) New Items (Cont.)
• Trivial Commutation Payment Type
• Trivial Commutation Payment Amount
These are seeded balances which should be fed by User elements
that are deemed as Commutation Payments as follows:

Trivial Commutation Seeded Balance

Payment Type Element
A Trivial Commutation Payment Type A
B Trivial Commutation Payment Type B
C Trivial Commutation Payment Type C

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) New Items (Cont.)
• Payment to Non Individual
• On Strike Indicator
• Unpaid Absence Indicator
All of the above 3 are either entered by user on the Assignment EIT
for Real Time Information
Can be mapped using the relevant Configuration Type within the
RTI Configuration Module ‘Real Time Information’

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) New Items (Cont.)
• Gross Earnings for NIC YTD
This field will not require any input or mapping by the user as it is
available in the HRMS payroll application and will be extracted
as required and output on the EDI Employment Record

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) Deleted Items:
• Benefits Subject to Class 1 NIC
• Benefits Not Subject to Class 1 NIC

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) MIG changes
• Amendment names of existing data fields (see MIG)
• Negatives & Zeros will now be accepted in the relevant
fields (therefore work-around removed)
• Validation Rules changed or amended as per the new
2013 MIG published on HMRC website

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Full Payment Submission (FPS) Process changes
• Renamed existing 2012 process for:
• RTI – Full Payment Submission (FPS)
• Added new process
• RTI – Full Payment Submission (FPS) 2013/14
• FPS process parameter changes:
• Additional Parameter “Date Scheme Ceased”
• Enabled if “Final Submission” is set to ‘Yes – Final for
Ceased PAYE Ref’
• Removal of parameter “ ‘Pre’ & ‘Post’ October “

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS)
• New Items Introduced:
• Date Scheme Ceased
• Period of Inactivity (From & To dates)
• No Payment date (From & To dates)
• Deleted Items:
• Advance Received from HMRC

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Changed UI (populated by Create EPS process)
• Additional Data item fields incorporated:
• Final Submission
• Date Scheme Ceased
• Period of Inactivity (From & To dates)
• No Payment date (From & To dates)
• Removal of data item fields:
• Advance Received from HMRC
• (ECON - display field still remains for reference purposes)

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Concurrent Process changes:
• Renamed existing 2012 processes to:
• RTI – Create EPS Payment Values Pre-April 2013
• RTI – Employer Payment Summary Pre-April 2013
• Added new processes
• RTI – Create EPS Payment Values 2013/14
• RTI – Employer Payment Summary 2013/14

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Process Parameters amended for:
• RTI - Create EPS Payment Values 2013/14
• Added Final Submission Indicator (LOV of Yes/No)
• RTI - Employer Payment Summary Process (EPS)
• Removed Final Submission Indicator (LOV)

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Method of calculation changed for Statutory Payments:
• Recovery amount
• NIC Compensation amount
• Current method payroll totals removed
• New method is to take the calculation at Assignment level
• New Elements & Balances introduced as a result
• New Formula Function will calculate the values for
Recovery & Compensation
• User Configuration required now to ensure values are
generated for the EPS
• Option of overwriting still available

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Statutory Payments Recovery & NIC Compensation
• New Secondary Classifications for Statutory Payments
Recovery & NIC Compensation
• New Classifications Balances for each of the above for:
• Recovery Amount
• NIC Compensation Amount

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Statutory Payments Recovery & NIC Compensation
• New indirect elements for Recovery & NIC Compensation for:
*(not SSP as this requires interrogation of NIC amount limit after Payroll
run on a period by period basis)
• New elements are under the relevant new secondary
classification mentioned

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Employer Payment Summary (EPS) (Cont.)
• Statutory Payments Recovery & NIC Compensation
• New Formula Function introduced for Statutory Payments
• Calculates and feeds the pay-value of new seeded indirect
elements’ for:
• Recovery amount
• NIC Compensation amount
• FF must be hooked into User elements for Statutory
Payments Formulae to trigger the calculation
• Upon completion the calculated amounts will be reflected
in the new Classification Balances introduced

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Configuration Module – Real Time Information
• Existing Configuration Module “Real Time Information” has been
enhanced to include new data items for 2013/14
• The data items can be mapped if user place holders are to be
used for any items mentioned below to avoid duplication of data
• Data mapping is optional and to be done if Oracle seeded
attributes (on Assignment EIT for RTI) are not utilised
• Configuration Module Types added for:
• Receiving Occupational Pension Indicator
• Payment to a Non-Individual indicator
• ExPat Indicator
• On Strike indicator
• Unpaid Absence Indicator

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 P60 for RTI
• New process for producing P60 introduced
• RTI – Year End P60 Report Process
• All templates supported currently by Oracle are available
under RTI
• eP60 available for certain releases
• 12.1.4+ and 12.2+
• Not available for 11i

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 Earlier Year Updates (EYU)
• Oracle are still reviewing & analysing the functionality
• EYU has not been included in the EAP

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Functional Changes Summary
 P6/P9 for RTI
• In progress currently & ETA not known currently
• Changes are:
• To match using RTI Payroll ID instead of the Works Number
• Aggregated assignments will be updated according to the
rules on PAYE or NI only aggregation

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Processing End Of Year
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Processing End of Year
 There are no P14 returns for RTI customers
 Running the ‘Final’ FPS will indicate EOY submission to
 Final Submission can be sent multiple times until 19th April
• Any Declaration parameters should be completed as required for
Final Submission
 After April 19th only Earlier Year Update (EYU) message
should be sent for any amendments
 RTI P60 process should be run by RTI customers
 P11D – no changes to this process between RTI & non-RTI
 Start Of Year – no changes to this process between RTI &
non-RTI customers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Processing End of Year
 Employer Payment Summary
• Run the ‘final’ EPS for the Year
• Set Parameter to ‘Yes – Final for the Tax Year’
• Complete any additional ‘Declaration’ indicators
• Declaration parameters will be rejected if not Final EPS
• Final EPS can be re-submitted as required

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Oracle Payroll
Real Time Reporting 2013-14

• New Components at a Glance

• Changed Components
• Functional Changes Summary
• Additional Information
• Questions & Answers

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Additional Information
Final FPS
• For most employers the final Full Payment Submission (FPS) return will
be made on or before 5th April when you make the final payment of
earnings for the tax year. You should indicate that this is your ‘final
submission for Year’ via the FPS. However, if you discover on or before
the 19th April, following the end of the tax year, that you need to make
any amendments or corrections to the information reported you can
submit an additional FPS – simply remember to indicate this is your
‘final submission for Year’ on your amended FPS. If you have to make
any amendments or corrections on or after 20th April, you will have to
complete an Earlier Year Update (EYU). This is the procedure for the
end of the tax year only, in year you can make corrections to an FPS by
sending a corrected FPS.

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Additional Information
Employer Payment Summary (EPS) 2
• This item appeared in the October Update and contained a typo
error that caused confusion. With apologies for the confusion ~ this
is the corrected item:
• Please remember that it is the ‘year to date’ figure that must be
reported on an EPS and once a figure is reported, the item must be
included on any further EPS submission for the remainder of the tax

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Additional Information
 Errors in Full Payment Submissions (FPS) submitted in the
previous tax year guidance can be found here:
http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/payerti/reporting/errors/previous-year.htm#2 It
includes a section – ‘Updating deduction details using an Earlier Year
Update (EYU)’.

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Additional Information

• HMRC documentation (
http://www.hmrc.gov.uk/softwaredevelopers/rti/index.htm )
• Oracle documentation: (MOS note ID 1324671.1)
• Position statement
• Oracle Whitepaper
• Oracle Whitepaper 2013/14 changes
• Patch Release & Readme instructions
• Monitor My Oracle Support (MOS) for mandatory patches
• 11i    : 472794.1
• R12.0+ : 551753.1
• R12.1+ : 862407.1

© 2012 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

Real Time Information Reporting 2013-14
Questions and Answers


© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

© 2013 Oracle Corporation – Proprietary and Confidential

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