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Board Work

Hook up with a north-south partner from a team

different from your own.

 Share your yearly plan with the north-south


 What are the strengths of your yearly plan?

 What parts of your yearly plan need


Outcome Based

“If you don’t know where you’re

going, you can’t get there.”
 General statements of the learning
desired or needed in specific
subject areas
Standards - Examples

 Language Arts: 1. Demonstrates competence

in the general skills and strategies of the
writing process.
 History: 23. Understands the causes of the
Great Depression and how it affected American
 Music: 7. Understands the relationship
between music and history and culture.
More defined statements of outcomes

 Written as subheadings of each

 Interpret the standard for specific
developmental levels (grade bands)
 Provide more specific guidance about
the meaning of the standard
 Understandings or abilities students
are expected to master while in
that grade band
 Prerequisite knowledge for the next
grade band
 May require multiple “encounters”
to ensure student mastery
Benchmarks - Examples
 Language Arts
 Grades K-2: Dictates or writes stories or
essays, based on one’s own experience, with a
sequence of events that make sense
 Grades 3-5: Seeks help from others to improve
 Grades 6-8: Uses direct feedback from peers
to revise content of a composition
 Grades 9-12: Writes compositions that clearly
fulfill different purposes, including to entertain
and to stimulate emotion
Standard – Benchmark - Objective
Teach Your Partner
 How are standards, benchmarks,
and objectives the same?
 How are standards, benchmarks,
and objectives different?
Why Use? Focus on intended learner outcomes.

O b je c tiv e

G u id e lin e s
In s tr u c tio n a l D ir e c tio n
fo r
In te n t of
E v a lu a tio n
*** In s tr u c tio n
W h a t w ill I te a c h ? ***
H o w w ill I k n o w
H o w w ill I te a c h it?
s tu d e n ts h a v e le a r n e d ?
Focusing on Intended Learner Outcomes

Many ways of stating instructional objectives

 To demonstrate to students how to
set up laboratory equipment
 Identify the laboratory equipment used in
the demonstration
 Describe the steps to be followed in
setting up the laboratory equipment
 List the necessary precautions in handling
and setting up the lab equipment
 Demonstrate skills in setting up their own
lab equipment
Objectives – A-B-C-D
 Audience “The student will . .”
 Behavior identify the lab equipment
necessary for the demonstration
 Conditions when shown a picture
 Degree 100 % - According to textbook
Decisions about Objectives
 Audience –
 Specifies the learners for whom the
objective is intended
 Behavior
 Describes the capability of the learner
following instruction
 Stated as a learner performance
 Stated as observable behavior
 Describes a real-world skill (versus test
Decisions About Objectives
 Conditions
 Describes the conditions under which
the performance is to be demonstrated
 Equipment, tools, aids, or references the
learner may or may not use
 Environment in which the learner has to
Decisions About Objectives
 Degree (criterion)
 States, where applicable, the standard
for acceptable performance
 Time limit
 Range of accuracy
 Proportion of correct responses required
 Qualitative standards
 Write an objective for your
grade level and a content area
of your choice. Include the
ABCD parts.
 Share with your East/West
partner and identify your ABCD
parts as you share the objective.
Aim – Goal - Objective

A im - T o liv e s u c c e s s f u lly
in a t e c h n o lo g y s o c ie t y

G o a l: T o c o m m u n ic a te
e ffe c tiv e ly w ith p e o p le

O b je c tiv e :
T h e le a r n e r w ill Use writing process
d e m o n s tr a te
a c tiv e lis te n in g
tw ic e w h e n
r o le -p la y in g “Shorthand for
c o n flic t r e s o lu tio n
Why Use? Focus on intended learner outcomes.
O b je c tiv e

G u id e lin e s
In s tr u c tio n a l D ir e c tio n
fo r
In te n t of
E v a lu a tio n
*** In s tr u c tio n
W h a t w ill I te a c h ? ***
H o w w ill I k n o w
H o w w ill I te a c h it?
s tu d e n ts h a v e le a r n e d ?
Write the Right Objectives
Great teachers write the right
objectives, “technically OK” teachers
write objectives right.
Leaders do the right things –
managers do things right.


Assignment - Objectives
Your assignment is to write 4 objectives for
each of the domains: affective, cognitive, and
psychomotor and to write 3 objectives for the
interpersonal domain—for a total of 15
objectives. For each objective indicate the
related domain.
In all objectives include parts A, B, C, & D, but
not necessarily in that order.

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