Homo Morphis M New

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A map φ of a group G into a group G’ is a homomorphism if the
homomophism property
φ (ab) = φ(a)φ(b)
Holds for all a, b∈G.

Note: The above equation gives a relation between the two group
structures G and G’.

For any groups G and G’, there is always at least one
homomorphism: φ: G → G’ defined by φ(g)=e’ for all g ∈ G,
where e’ is the identity in G’. We call it the trivial
Let r ∈ Z and let φr: Z → Z be defined by φr (n)=rn for all n ∈ Z. Is φr a

Solution: For all m, n ∈ Z, we have φr(m + n) = r(m + n) = rm + rn = φr

(m)+ φr (n). So φr is a homomorphism.

Let φ: Z2 × Z4 → Z2 be defined by φ(x, y)=x for all x ∈ Z2, y ∈ Z4. Is φ a
Solution: we can check that for all (x1, y1), (x2, y2) ∈ Z2 × Z4,
φ((x1, y1)+(x2, y2) )= x1+ x2= φ(x1, y1)+ φ(x2, y2).
So φ is a homomorphism.
Composition of group homomorphisms
In fact, composition of group homomorphisms is again a
group homomorphism.
That is, if φ: G → G’ and γ: G’ → G’’ are both group
homomorphisms then their composition (γ φ): G →
G’’, where
(γ φ)(g)= γ (φ(g)) for g ∈ G. is also a homomorphism.

Proof: Exercise 49.

Properties of Homomorphisms
Let φ be a mapping of a set X into a set Y, and let A ⊆X
and B⊆ Y.

�The image φ[A] of A in Y under φ is {φ(a) | a ∈ A}.

�The set φ[X] is the range of φ.
�The inverse image of φ-1 [B] of B in X is {x ∈ X | φ(x)
∈ B }.
Let φ be a homomorphism of a group G into a group G’.
1. If e is the identity element in G, then φ(e) is the identity element e’ in
2. If a ∈ G, then φ(a-1)= φ(a)-1.
3. If H is a subgroup of G, then φ[H] is a subgroup of G’.
4. If K’ is a subgroup of G’, then φ-1 [K’] is a subgroup of G.

Proof of the statement 3:

Let H be a subgroup of G, and let φ(a) and φ(b) be any two elements in
φ[H]. Then φ(a) φ(b)= φ(ab), so we see that φ(a) φ(b) ∈ φ[H]; thus
φ[H] is closed under the operation of G’. The fact that e’= φ(e) and
φ(a-1)= φ(a)-1 completes the proof that φ[H] is a subgroup of G’.
Kernel Collapsing
Let φ: G → G’ be a homomorphism of groups.
The subgroup φ-1[{e’}]={x ∈ G | φ(x)=e’} is the kernel
of φ, denoted by Ker(φ).

Let H= Ker(φ) for abH

φ [{a’}]
H Hx φ. We think of φ as
φ [{y’}]

G H down onto e’.

a’ φ(b) e’ φ(x)
Let φ: G → G’ be a group homomorphism, and let H=Ker(φ). Let
a ∈ G. Then the set
φ-1[{φ(a)}]={ x ∈ G | φ(x)= φ(a)}

is the left coset aH of H, and is also the right coset Ha of H.

Consequently, the two partitions of G into left cosets and into right
cosets of H are the same.

A group homomorphism φ: G → G’ is a one-to-one map if and
only if Ker(φ)={e}.
Proof. Exercise.
Normal Subgroup
A subgroup H of a group G is normal if its left and right
cosets coincide, that is if gH = Hg for all g∈G.

Note that all subgroups of abelian groups are normal.

If φ: G → G’ is a group homomorphism, then Ker(φ) is a
normal subgroup of G.
�What is meant by Homomorphism?
�In algebra, a homomorphism is a structure-preserving
map between two algebraic structures of the same type
(such as two groups, two rings, or two vector
spaces). ... The word homomorphism comes from the
ancient Greek language: ὁμός
(homos) meaning "same" and μορφή
(morphe) meaning "form" or "shape".
�What is the difference between isomorphism and
�A homomorphism is a structure-preserving
map between structures. An isomorphism is a structure-
preserving map between structures, which has an inverse
that is also structure-preserving.
�What is isomorphism in group theory?
�In abstract algebra, a group isomorphism is a function
between two groups that sets up a one-to-one
correspondence between the elements of the groups in a
way that respects the given group operations. ... From the
standpoint of group theory, isomorphic groups have the
same properties and need not be distinguished.
� What is the kernel of a group Homomorphism?
� In algebra, the kernel of a homomorphism (function that
preserves the structure) is generally the inverse image of 0
(except for groups whose operation is denoted multiplicatively,
where the kernel is the inverse image of 1). An important special
case is the kernel of a linear map.
� How do you show two groups are isomorphic?
� Proof: By definition, two groups are isomorphic if there exist a
1-1 onto mapping ϕ from one group to the other. In order for us
to have 1-1 onto mapping we need that the number of elements in
one group equal to the number of the elements of the
other group. Thus, the two groups must have the same order.
� What is a homomorphic image?
� Definition:Homomorphism (Abstract Algebra)/Image

As a homomorphism is a mapping, the homomorphic image of

ϕ is defined in the same way as the image of a mapping:
� hat is isomorphism and Homomorphism?
� An isomorphism is a special type of homomorphism. The
Greek roots “homo” and “morph” together mean “same shape.”
There are two situations where homomorphisms arise: when
one group is a subgroup of another; when one group is a quotient
of another. The corresponding homomorphisms are called
embeddings and quotient maps.
�Homomorphisms and Isomorphisms

� Homomorphisms
� A homomorphism is a map between two groups which respects the
group structure. More formally, let G and H be two group, and f a
map from G to H (for every g∈G, f(g)∈H).
� Then f is a homomorphism if for every g1,g2∈G, f(g1g2)=f(g1)f(g2).
� For example, if H<G, then the inclusion map i(h)=h∈G is a
� Another example is a homomorphism from Z to Z given by
multiplication by 2, f(n)=2n.
� This map is a homomorphism since f(n+m)=2(n+m)=2n+2m=f(n)

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