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Health Promotion

Part 2
By: Priya Arora
NUR4313 4/22/21
Client Information
72yo M, South Asian - India
Asthma, COPD, Sleep Apnea, HTN,
Hyperlipidemia, DM Type II,
Hx of Smoking – 15 pack yrs
Height: 5’7” Weight: 181 lb BMI: 28.3
Medications & Supplements:
Glucophage 1,000 mg bid
Lisinopril 20 mg qd
Atorvastatin 10 mg q1d
Aspirin 81 mg q1d
Insulin Glargine 16 units qhs
250/50 Advair x2 puffs q1d
D3 5000 mg q1d
Omega 10 2 capsules q1d
Healthy People 2030 :

“More than 16 million people have

been diagnosed with COPD and
millions of others do not realize they
have it.”

-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance
System (BRFSS), 2017.
Nursing Diagnosis :

Ineffective airway clearance related to

bronchospasms, increased pulmonary
secretions, and ineffective cough as evidenced
by adventitious lung sounds, chest tightness,
cough, and retained secretions.
Teaching Plan
Recognize the symptoms
01 Breathing difficulty, constant cough, excess mucus
production, wheezing, chest tightness, and frequent
respiratory infections

Chronic 02
Avoid smoke exposure, DO NOT smoke,
Obstructive properly ventilate the home, avoid chemical
fumes, vapors, and dust
Pulmonary Use online resources
Disease (COPD) 03 Mayo Clinic, COPD National Action Plan,
CDC, American Lung Association, Support
COPD is a “chronic inflammatory lung Groups
disease that causes obstructed air flow from
the lungs” and includes emphysema and Management of COPD
chronic bronchitis. 04 Asthma medications, massage, yoga, and
- The Mayo Clinic, 2021 continuing home remedies
GOAL : By 2/21/21, client will verbalize understanding of cause of ineffective
airway clearance and verbalize understanding of therapeutic management

By 2/21/21, client was able to recognize the symptoms and

verbalize which medications and therapies were
appropriate for each symptom. (Tertiary Prevention)

By 2/21/21, client was able to verbalize that

ineffective airway clearance directly impacts quality
of life. (Tertiary Prevention)

By 2/21/21, client verbalized daily medication

regimen to keep airways clear and wheezing at bay.
(Tertiary Prevention)
GOAL : By 3/15/21, client will maintain airway patency as evidenced by clear
breath sounds, normal rate and depth of respiration, and ability effectively cough
out secretions.

By 3/15/21, the client presented with clear breath

sounds. (Secondary Prevention)

By 3/15/21, the client presented with a normal

respiratory rate and depth of respiration within
normal limits. (Secondary Prevention)

By 3/15/21, the client demonstrated the ability to

effectively cough out secretions. (Tertiary
$49.0 billion*
*Costs attributable to having COPD were $32.1
billion in 2010 with a projected increase to $49.0
billion by 2020.
-National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health
Promotion, Division of Population Health

Using my nursing judgement and skills, I was

able to foster a nurse-teacher relationship with
my client and provide him with valuable
information affecting his COPD.

This project was a great way to incorporate what

I’ve learned so far and apply it to a real-life
scenario. I’ve gained a new-found confidence.

-Priya Arora
■ American Lung Association. (2021, February 3). Understanding COPD
trends. copd-trends
■ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017). Behavioral risk
factor surveillance system (BRFSS): 2017 data.
■ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease: COPD costs.
■ Cleveland Clinic. (2020, October 8). 4 biggest myths about COPD –
and how to cope: There’s treatment, hope and help for COPD.
■ National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2018). COPD national action
plan. National Institutes of Health.

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