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The main aim of this project is to controller the traffic at the junction by
placing the traffic light with help of IR sensors.
The purpose of this project is to control traffic at the junctions with help
of IR (infra red)sensors.
Traffic lights, which may also be known as stoplights, traffic lamps, traffic
signals, stop-and-go lights, robots or semaphore, are signaling devices
positioned at road intersections, pedestrian crossing and other locations
to control competing flows of traffic. Traffic lights have been installed in
most cities around the world. The IR transmitter will continuously
An embedded system is some combination of
computer hardware and software, with either fixed or
programmable capabilities, that is specifically
designed for a particular kind of application device.

Embedded systems do a very specific task, they

cannot be programmed to do different things.
Consumer appliances
Office Automations
Industrial automation
Medical electronics
Computer Networking
Wireless technologies
Microcontroller ATmega168/328
Operating Voltage 5V

Input Voltage (recommended) 7-12V

Input Voltage (limits) 6-20V

Digital I/O Pins 14 (of which 6 provide PWM output)
Analog Input Pins 6
DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA
DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA
16 KB (ATmega168) or 32 KB (ATmega328) of which 2
Flash Memory
KB used by bootloader
SRAM 1 KB (ATmega168) or 2 KB (ATmega328)
EEPROM 512 bytes (ATmega168) or 1 KB (ATmega328)
Clock Speed 16 MHz
A liquid crystal display (LCD) is a thin, flat
panel used for electronically displaying
information such as text, images, and moving
Its uses include monitors for computers,
televisions, instrument panels, and other
devices ranging from aircraft cockpit displays,
to every-day consumer devices such as gaming
devices, clocks, watches, calculators, and
 Among its major features are its lightweight
construction, its portability, and its ability to be
produced in much larger screen sizes than are
practical for the construction of cathode ray tube
(CRT) display technology.
 The sender is composed of an IR LED
(D2) in series with a 470 Ohm resistor,
yielding a forward current of 7.5mA.
The receiver part is more complicated,
the 2 resistors R5 and R6 form a voltage
divider which provides 2.5V at the
anode of the IR LED (here, this led will
be used as a sensor). When IR light falls
on the LED (D1), the voltage drop
increases, the cathode's voltage of D1
may go as low as 1.4V or more,
depending on the light intensity. This
voltage drop can be detected using an
Op-Amp (operational Amplifier
 The Arduino Uno can be programmed with the Arduino software. Select
"Arduino Uno from the Tools > Board menu (according to the microcontroller
on your board).For details, see the reference and tutorials. The ATmega328 on
the Arduino Uno comes preburned with a boot loader that allows you to
upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It
communicates using the original STK500 protocol (reference, C header
files).We can also bypass the boot loader and programs the microcontroller
through the ICSP (In-Circuit Serial Programming) header; see these
instructions for details. The ATmega16U2 (or 8U2 in the rev1 and rev2 boards)
firmware source code is available. The ATmega16U2/8U2 is loaded with a DFU
boot loader, which can be activated by:
 On Rev1 boards: connecting the solder jumper on the back of the board (near
the map of Italy) and then resetting the 8U2.
 On Rev2 or later boards: there is a resistor that pulling the 8U2/16U2 HWB
line to ground, making it easier to put into DFU mode.
 Highly-flexible
 Fit & forget system
 No need of human effort
 Easily locate different radio frequencies.
 Path tracking
DENSITY” has been successfully designed and tested. It has been
developed by integrating features of all the hardware components
used. Presence of every module has been reasoned out and placed
carefully thus contributing to the best working of the unit. Secondly,
using highly advanced IC’s and with the help of growing technology
the project has been successfully implemented.
For the further development of this project we can
add ultrasonic sensors to increase the efficiency and
range for detecting the density of the traffic.

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