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Participant Name: Indira.g

Program Attended: Mahindra Yellow belt program 26th to 28th Sept

Project Name: Reduce rejection in 00934 Pointer assy(Thar) for

Cap came out defect from 1235 PPM to zero ppm by Jun 2021


Plan Actual
Start Date 10.10.2020 10.10.2020
Completion Date 10.07.2021 10.07.2021

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Problem Selection checklist

S.No Project Selection Checklist Yes/No Comments

 Yes problem in child part
Scope of the project is under the area of my influence which is coming
1 Yes from supplier
Repeated rejection at
2 It is related to repetitive problem (chronic, not sporadic) Yes MSIL and OEM for
this defect

I can’t solve this by engineering judgment / by knowledge or experience  Support is required from
available with me & my team members Yes supplier

4 I don’t know cause & don’t know solution (Type 4 problem) Yes  

I can collect sufficient data of the problem during project for the problem
selected Yes  

6 Project scope is limited to only one product / one type of defect No

This project will give substantial annualized savings OR Project is
important for the organization/customer Yes
8 This project is linked to the business objective of the organization Yes  

Project will not require lot of additional resources, so that timely

completion is possible. Yes  

10 I can complete the project within reasonable time period Yes  

11 My mentor has accepted to support for this project Yes  

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• Team Information
• Step 1a : Problem - Select the Theme
• Step 1b : Problem – Justify the Choice
• Step 2a : Observation - Understand the current situation
• Step 2b : Observation – Redefine the targets
• Step 3 : Analysis
• Step 4 : Actions
• Step 5 : Check
• Step 6 : Standardization
• Step 7 : Conclusion
• Guidelines to user

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Team Information

S.No Description Name Designation Dept Phone Email

1 Team Leader Mr. Indira Engineer MQA – MSIL 8600531378

2 Mentor Mr. Vijay Wakade Manager SQA – MSIL

3 Member 1 Mr. Amol Kale Assist Mgr SQA – MSIL 9860697168

4 Member 2 Mr. Rajiv Rathi Plant Head

Assy Team Innovative

5 Member 3 Mr. Amar Patel
Leader Arts Add Team Photograph
Mr. Bhattacharya Quality Innovative
6 Member 4
Bhatt Incharge arts

Production Innovative
7 Member 5 Mr. Sanjay Jha
Incharge Arts

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Step1a - Problem – Select the Theme

1a.1- Brief Description of the Problem:

The M&M (Mahindra and Mahindra ) Thar Cluster assy line loss due
to Pointer Assy 00934 rejected for cap came out from assy, 32 parts
found in May 2020 which leads cluster rejection and customer dis-

1a.2 – Target of the Project

To reduce rejection of Pointer cap came out in Thar Cluster

From 1235 PPM to 0 PPM by Jun 2021

1a.3 - Part number selected for study

Part Number – 00934
Part Name – Pointer Assy

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Step1b – Problem - Justify the Choice

1b.1 - Importance of the selected problem

Month Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Average Month PPM
Produced Quantity 139120 111091 122898 136822 158300 155309 823540
Maximum May
Rejection Quantity 11 98 9 17 5 7 147 882
rejection 2020
PPM 79 882 73 124 32 45 1235
Occurance / Minimum Aug
rejection 2020
Complaints 5 3 3 6 5 4 26

Monthwise PPM at MSIL for all Pointers Monthwise Complaints at MSIL for all
10 Pointers
1000 882
800 8 7

600 6 5 5

400 4 3 3

200 79 124 2
73 32 45
0 0
Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20 Apr-20 May-20 Jun-20 Jul-20 Aug-20 Sep-20
Month Month

Inference: There is frequent rejection monthly but suddenly quantity increased in May 2020

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Step1b – Problem - Justify the Choice
1b.2 – Defect wise Pareto Analysis - Child parts in Thar Cluster Assy Apr 2020
to Sept 2020

Inference: From above pareto, Pointer Cap came out is a top defect. Hence selected for project

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Step1b – Problem – Justify the Choice

1b.3 - Photograph of good and bad parts

Good Part - Cap is Sealed with Bad part - Cap is came out
Leaf pointer from Leaf

Photo graph on how it is

checked? Visual Inspection
for cap Sealing is
good at lug area

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Step1b – Problem – Justify the Choice

1b.4 - Other similar part numbers having the problem:

Heat Sealing assy process is same hence same defect is
observed in many pointers, Top Contribution in 00662, 00663,
01371, 00295, 30341, 00295, 01690

1b.5 - Other similar part numbers not having the problem:

Contribution is vary but all pointers having same problem

1b.6 - Process stages where the problem is inspected current in the shop
Visual Inspection

1b.7 - Last manufacturing process stage where technically the problem can get generated
Heat Sealing of Cap and Pointer leaf

1b.8 - Response :
At pointer pressing station

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Step1b – Problem – Justify the Choice

1b.10 – COPQ (Cost of Poor Quality) Calculation

Number of pieces rejected last month (for the part
number identified for study) 32 Parts

Number of pieces scrapped last 6 month Pointers 32 Numbers Scrapped

Number of pieces reworked last 6 month 32 Clusters Reworked
Scrap cost/piece Rs. 17
Rework cost/piece Rs. 40
Total scrap cost (Rs. Lakhs) for last 6 month
Rs. 2499

Total rework cost(Rs. Lakhs) for last 6 month

Rs. 5880

Total Rejection cost (Rs. Lakhs) for last 6 month

Rs. 8379

Extrapolated Total rejection cost (Rs. Lakhs) for

Rs. 14539 (8379+6160)
one year

Note: Rejection should include both rework and scrap

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Step1b – Problem – Justify the Choice

1b.11 - Project Planning

Nov -20 Dec -20 Jan -20 Feb -20 Mar – 20 Apr – 20 May – 20 Jun – 20 Jul - 20
Phase 20
W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4 W1 W2 W3 W4
1a. Problem –
select the                                    
1b. Problem –
Justify the                                    
2a. Observation
– Understand
the current
2b. Observation
– Revisit the
targets ( if

3. Analysis                                    

4. Action                                    

5. Check                                    


7. Conclusion                                    

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Step 2a – Observation – Understand the current Situation

2a.1 - Process Flow Diagram: 934 Thar Pointer Heat Sealing

Pick the Leaf Pointer Pick the Pointer Cap & Put the Assy on Heat
Fix the Cap with Leaf
Pointer weight Sealing Fixture

Remove the Assy from

Final Packing Visual Inspection Push the Button

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Step 2a – Observation – Understand the current Situation
2a.3 - 4M condition Verification – Thar Pointer Heat Sealing process
4M Control Items Current
Specification Actual Value
Condition (Managing Points) Status

Pressure  Pressure 6 ± 1 Bar  6.1 Bar Ok

Checked and found Temp 224֯C to

Sealing Temperature  Temp 230֯C ± 20֯C OK 
Checked in machine PLC and observed
Sealing Time  Time 1.60 sec ± 0.5 Sec OK 
Time is 1.60 Secs
 Safety Sensor should be in working Checked at assy machine and safety
Safety Sensor Ok
condition sensor is in working condition
Checked during assy and observed
Cap two lugs should be mounted in
 Fixing of Cap and leaf operator has fixed Cap in Leaf as per Ok 
Leaf two holes by operator
master sample
Operator should Put part in then Checked and observed that operator is
Method  Putting and Removing parts
push button then sealed parts having difficulty, safety sensor in  NG
from Sealing Fixture
should be removed disturbing the operation
 Packing of Leaf and Cap should be Checked and found packing as per
 WIP Packing Ok
in Bin defined standard
 Pointer Leaf NG – Hole CD Actual found 7.01 to 7.03mm – checked
 CD Between two Hole 7+/- 0.1mm Ok
Less or Higher side 100 parts
 Pointer Leaf NG – Hole CD Actual found 7.01 to 7.03mm – checked
Material  CD Between two Hole 7+/- 0.1mm Ok
Less or Higher side 100 parts
 Checked at Third party and Matching
 Raw Material of Cap is NG  PC Lexan 143 R Ok
specification of PC 143R
Skill matrix should available each Skill matrix verify every operator there
Unskilled operators OK
operator is no concern

Man Not following SOP SOP should follow Following SOP OK

Skill matrix should available each Skill matrix verify every operator there
 New Operator OK
operator is no concern

Inference: There is no consistency between cycles

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Step 2a – Observation – Understand the current Situation

2a.4 - Gemba Observations. Write key Points

1.Red (Rejection) bin not available on each station.

2.Unwanted material lying on shop floor.
3.Cycles are not consistent
4.Visual inspection after sealing is not carried out
for 100% parts
5.SOP's are not visible to the operator.
6. Defined Skill of operators and actual is differ
7.Final inspection stage having many checkpoint
hence on inspection cannot inspection at Same

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Step 2b – Observation – Redefine the Target

Redefine the target set in Step 1a based on the experience gained during
observation step ( 2a).

Present Level: 1235 based on average data of last 6 months

Previous Target ( as per step 1a) : Zero PPM

Revised Target ( as per step 2b : Zero PPM

Justify in 2 or 3 bullet points the reason for change in target ( if any)

1. NO changes in Target

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Step 3. Analysis
3.1 - Identify possible causes:
( Brain storming Points)
1. Pointer leaf hole Block
2. Pointer leaf ID undersized
3. Flashes in Pointer leaf at ID
4. Pointer Cap lug damage / Missing
5. Raw material of Cap is degraded
6. Pointer leaf and Cap CD is mismatched
7. Heat Sealing Temp is less
8. Heat sealing pressure is less
9. Heat sealing time is less
10. Push button connection loose
11. Loose fitment of wires in machine.
12. Heater not working
13. Sensor not working
14. Push button not working
15. Operator skill insufficient.
16. SOP not followed.
17. Non availability of closed Rejection
18. Raw Material NG.
19. Air Leakage from Pipe
20. Wrong part selection (Cap and Leaf)
21. Work sequence not defined
22. Unavailability of valid SOP
23. Operator is having difficulty for perform the operation
24. Defective parts kept in ok bin by operator in routine cycles

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Step 3. Analysis
3.2- Identify possible causes:
(Cause & Effect Diagram for the Possible Causes)

Method Material

Pointer leaf and cap CD Pointer leaf hole block

Wrong parts selection by mismatched
operator (Cap / Leaf) Pointer Leaf ID Undersized (7.0mm)
Operator is having
difficulty to perform Wrong Grade Raw
the operation Flashes in pointer leaf at ID
material used

Work sequence is not Raw material of Cap Pointer Cap lug damage or missing
Unavailability of is degraded
Valid SOP
Came out
Came out
Heat Sealing temp is less
Push button connection loose
Heat Sealing pressure is less
SOP not followed Loose fitment of wires in machine
Heat sealing time is less
Temp Heaters are not working
Air Leakage from Pipe
Operator skill level
insufficient Temp Sensor not working
Push button not working

Man Machine
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Step 3. Analysis

3.3 - Identify probable causes:

(use knowledge, experience & more importantly the summary of observation step)

1. Pointer leaf ID undersized 1.4 – 0.1 mm

2. Pointer Cap lug damage / Missing
3. Raw material of Cap is degraded
4. Pointer and Cap CD is mismatched (7.00mm)
5. Heat Sealing Temp is less
6. Heat sealing pressure is less
7. Heat sealing time is less
8. Push button connection loose
9. Heater not working
10.Push button not working
11.SOP not followed.
12.Non-availability of closed Rejection bin
13.Air Leakage from Pipe
14.Operator is having difficulty for perform the operation
15.Defective parts kept in Ok bin by operator in routine cycles

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Step 3. Analysis

3.4 - Confirm the probable cause:

No Probable Cause Probable Cause Test & Observations ( tick the
Pointer leaf ID Cavity wise inspection carried out for ID and found
1 undersized 1.40 – 01 within spec observed 1.37 to 1.39 in all cavities – Invalid
mm 100 nos checked for each cavity and found all ok
Visual inspection done for lug damage, missing,
Pointer Cap lug Hypothesis
2 short moulding – found ok – Checked 100 nos for Invalid
damage / Missing
each cavity
Raw material of Cap Raw material of defective parts checked at third Hypothesis
is degraded party and found ok – 50 pointers given Invalid

CD of Cap and leaf check and found with in

Pointer and Cap CD Hypothesis
4 specification i.e. 6.97 to 7.02 mm - Checked 100
is mismatched Invalid
parts of each cavity and found ok
Verified actual on machine PLC and observed 230
Heat Sealing Temp is Hypothesis
5 deg, also inprocess reports check and not found
less Invalid
any concern – 15 days records checked

Verified actual on machine and observed 6 Bar,

Heat sealing pressure Hypothesis
6 also inprocess reports check and not found any
is less Invalid
concern – 15 Days records checked

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Step 3. Analysis

3.4 - Confirm the probable cause:

No Probable Cause Probable Cause Test & Observations ( tick the

Verified actual on machine and observed 1.60 Sec

Heat sealing time is Hypothesis
7 against spec. of 1.60+/- 0.5 sec – 15 days records
less Invalid

Push button Push button checked and not found any loose Hypothesis
connection loose connection – JH checklist reviewed Invalid

Heaters verified and found ok, PM records checked

9 Heater not working and not found any concern – PM records review –
Sept 2018

Push button is observed in working condition, no

Push button not Hypothesis
10 any breakdown in past for push button, checked
working Invalid
history card

Operator activities checked and found observed Hypothesis

11 SOP not followed.
that operator is following the given instructions Invalid

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Step 3. Analysis

3.4 - Confirm the probable cause:

No Probable Cause Probable Cause Test & Observations ( tick the
Non-availability of
Checked and observed that closed rejection Hypothesis
12 closed Rejection Invalid
bin is available
Air Leakage From Air pipe checked for any leakages and found Hypothesis
pipe ok Invalid

Process checked for 500 cycles, observed

that operator is doing activities and defined
Operator is having
work instruction but in two cycles it is
difficulty for Hypothesis
14 observed that the sealing operation is not
perform the Valid
done because operator hand comes
between top and bottom fixture and safety
sensor activated for its own work
Defective parts
Checked 500 cycles observed high
kept in Ok bin by Hypothesis
14 possibility of misrecognition from operator –
operator in routine Valid
3 cycles found NG

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Step 3. Analysis

3.5 - Identify Root causes:

( use cause analysis table & why why analysis based on the need)


Upper Cap came Heat sealing Upper punch not Upper punch is Operator is having
out from pointer operation is not comes down to get returns difficulty of
assy carried out heat the cap lugs before sealing perform operation
operation as i.e. in routine
there was an cycles there are
safety sensor high possibilities
and operator of operator hand
hand comes in comes in safety
between sensor sensor
Defective parts Operator is not Weak process
kept in ok having self-trigger design
material by to put NG parts
operator rejection bin

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4.1 - Actions Decided

Root Cause Action Plan Target Dt Resp. Status

1. Two push buttons to be fixed

on sealing machine to ensure Mr.
19.04.2021 Closed
1. Operator is both hands engage while heat Rathi
having difficulty sealing operation
of perform 2. Machine will automatically
operation i.e. in stopped if any abnormality
routine cycles happed during cycles and next
there are high cycle will be carried out after re- 20.03.2021 Closed
possibilities of set the machine along with
operator hand password protection, PLC
comes in safety modification will be done
sensor 3. One extra operator will be
deputed for fixing the Cap and 09.03.2021 Closed
leaf in each other.

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4.1 - Actions Decided

Root Cause Action Plan Target Dt Resp. Status

1. Buzzer will be attached to PLC

for incomplete operation and 20.03.2021 Closed
machine will stop.
2. Operator is
2. Rejection bin to be attached to
not having self-
Machine PLC (If rejection
trigger to put
occurred then next cycle will not Mr.
NG parts 20.03.2021 Closed
be take place till defect kept in Rathi
rejection bin
rejection bin, sensor provided for
rejection bin

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4.1 - Actions Implemented

Before After

Single Push button on top of the work table Two Push buttons implemented

Regular Red Bin for rejection

Regular Red bin Sensorized Bin for rejection

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4.1 - Actions Implemented

Before After

NO PLC Control for heat Sealing Machine having auto controls for NG sealing

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5. Check

5.1 Verify Results:

Month wise bar graph (before and after project) and target
Month wise PPM – Pointer cap came out at MSIL
1000 882
800 Before Project During Project After Project


200 79 73 124
32 45 6 0 13 0 16 7 0 0 0
Apr-18 May-18 Jun-18 Jul-18 Aug-18 Sep-18 Oct-18 Nov-18 Dec-18 Jan-19 Feb-19 Mar-19 Apr-19 May-19 Jun-19

5.2 Full Scale Implementation plan:

Machine Machine -1 Machine -2 Machine -3 Machine -4 Machine -5 Machine -6

Actions Implementation target Mar-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 Apr-21 May-21 May-21

Actual Implementation 20.03.2021 20.03.2021 18.04.2021 22.04.2021 08.05.2021 08.05.2021

Status Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed Closed

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5.3 Tangible & Intangible benefits:

1. Improved Customer satisfaction.

2. Reduced in-house rejection from 1235 PPM to 0 PPM. (Avg. of Last
3 months)
3. Saved145390 Rs. for Pointer sealing NG.
4. Reduced cost of poor quality.
5. Operator morale increased.
6. Employee involvement increased.
7. Other team also motivated.
8. Problem solving approach improved.

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6. Standardization

6.1 Updation of documents:

1. Control Plan – Supplier end – Rev No – 03 Dated 20.06.2021 – Control method
i.e. WSS
2. PFMEA – Supplier end – Rev no – 03, dated 17.06.2021 – Occurrence controls
added two push buttons, auto machine stop
3. WSS – Supplier end – Rev no 02 Dated-20.06.2021 – Rejection bin
4. JH Checklist – rev no 02 Dated 18.10.2021- Two Push buttons point added

6.2 Training:
1)Training provided to all operators regarding actions implemented in
Heat Sealing process as well as how to check heat sealing during final
6.2 Additional Audit / Check
All actions to be verified through regular supplier process audit as per the

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6. Standardization

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6. Standardization

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7. Conclusion

7.1 Horizontal Deployment:

There are 6 Heat sealing machines and actions has been implemented at
all machines

7.2 Lessons Learnt:

1. The criticality of such simples causes not considered during process


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