Adaptation For Survival

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What is adaptation?
◦ An adaptation is any heritable trait that helps an organism,
such as a plant or animal, survive and reproduce in its
Camel adaptation
◦ Camels are well adapted for survival in the desert. Their adaptations include: large, flat feet - to spread
their weight on the sand, thick fur on the top of the body for shade and slit-like nostrils and two rows of
eyelashes - to help keep out sand
Penguin adaptation
◦ Penguins have to keep high body temperatures to remain active. They have thick skin and lots of fat
(blubber) under their skin to keep warm in cold weather. They also huddle together with their friends to
keep warm. Penguins have webbed feet for powerful swimming. Their bodies are streamlined to
reduce drag in water. Their wings, shaped like flippers, also help them "fly" under water at speeds up to
15 mph.
Adaptation of the wild cat
◦ Wild cats can climb trees and have sharp teeth to protect themselves, they also have fur to keep cool in
the winter. Cats' eyes have very well adapted photoreceptors for seeing in the dark and to help spot and
catch their prey. Their ears have also been adapted for hearing better.. The tail on cats is usually long
and flexible, aiding in balance.
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