Emergency Service

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Duhok Polytechnic University

Shingal Technical Institute

Health Administration Department

Emergency Service
SUPERVISED BY Ms. : Ayoub A. Abdulmajeed PREPARED BY :
Nzer badl
Arkan Khairu
SUBJECT : Public health
Rashka Mohsen
Qawal Barjas

2021- 2022

 Introduction
 Emergency Service
 Types of Emergencies
 Emergency Codes
 Sector Overview
 Sector-Specific Plan
 Emergency Services Sector Profile
The Emergency Services Sector (ESS) is a community of millions of highly-skilled,
trained personnel, along with the physical and cyber resources, that provide a wide range
of prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery services during both day-to-day
operations and incident response. The ESS includes geographically distributed facilities
and equipment in both paid and volunteer capacities organized primarily at the federal,
state, local, tribal, and territorial levels of government, such as city police departments and
fire stations, county sheriff’s offices,
Department of Defense police and fire departments,
and town public works departments. The ESS also I
ncludes private sector resources, such as industrial
fire departments, private security organizations,
and private emergency medical services providers.
What is an Emergency Service?

An emergency service is any health care service provided to evaluate and/or treat
any medical condition such that a prudent layperson possessing an average
knowledge of medicine and health, believes that immediate unscheduled medical
care is required.

A workplace emergency, refers to an unexpected situation that:

Threatens employees, Disrupts or completely Causes physical and/or

residents, patients or shuts-down facility environmental damage.
members of the general operations
Types of Emergencies

There are many different types of emergency

some examples can include:
 Fire or explosion
 Biohazard or chemical spills
 Medical emergency
 Natural disasters
 Bomb threats
 Personal injury
 Violence or robbery
Emergency Codes
BLUE Medical Emergency • Don’t leave patient.
• Alert Others.
• Commence CPR
BLACK Personal Threat Obey orders – NO HEROICS
RED Fire Emergency All staff members on discovering fire or smoke are responsible for instigating RACE procedures
BROWN External Emergency • Record all information
• Listen to announcements
• Perform your normal role until told differently.
YELLOW Internal Emergency • Remove person from immediate danger
• Contact Zone Warden
PURPLE Bomb Threat • Record exact information
• Do not hang up
• If there is a suspect package, do not touch it.
ORANGE Evacuation In immediate danger:
1. Evacuate to the evacuation point (listed on the Emergency Exit Signage)
Not in immediate danger:
1.Await instructions Warden
2.Muster in workplace or designated place, do not block corridors
3.Warden will provide directions on evacuation
Sector Overview

The mission of the Emergency Services Sector is to save lives, protect property and
the environment, assist communities impacted by disasters, and aid recovery during
emergencies. Emergency Services Sector graphic Five distinct disciplines compose
the ESS, encompassing a wide range of emergency response functions and roles:

 Law Enforcement
 Fire and Rescue Services
 Emergency Medical Services
 Emergency Management
 Public Works
Sector-Specific Plan

The Services , Each Sector Risk Management Agency develops a sector-specific plan
through a coordinated effort involving its public and private sector partners. The
Department of Homeland Security is designated as the Sector Risk Management
Agency for the Emergency Services Sector.

The ESS has dependencies and interdependencies with

multiple critical infrastructure sectors and the National
Response Framework's Emergency Support Functions,
which provide assistance for both the operation and
protection of ESS assets.
Emergency Services Sector Profile

The Emergency Services Sector Profile is a compilation of data to present a picture of

the ESS as a whole and open an avenue to greater federal and sector partner
coordination regarding emergency services discipline definitions; national census and
data collection methods; and community awareness of capabilities, dependencies, and
The information presented in this fact sheet has been drawn from publicly available
sources and in coordination with responsible federal departments and agencies and
other sector partners including the Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics;
Fire Administration; Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics; National
Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Office of Emergency Medical Services; and
various professional and national associations.
Emergency Services Sector Resources

The Department of Homeland Security offers a wide array of free resources,

including the Cybersecurity Initiative and the Information Sharing Initiative,
to government and private sector
partners to enable the Emergency
Services Sector mission.


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