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Mission and Objectives

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech


The organisation's purpose or fundamental

reason for existence.

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Mission statements

Customer oriented



Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Formulation of Mission

1.Philosophy 2.Vision

Organisation mission

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech


It consists of an integrated set of

assumptions and beliefs about the way the
things are, the purpose of the activities
and the way these should be.
These assumptions and beliefs of those
who create an orgn and those who manage
it becomes the base for defining vision of
the orgn.

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech


It is derived from orgn philosophy. Vision

represents what the orgn and its members
can be in the future. The orgn should
create projections about where it should
go and what major changes lie ahead.

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech


“Objectives are goals, aims or purposes
that organisations wish over varying
periods of time.”

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Guidelines for objective setting

Should be clearly specified.

Should be set taking into account the

various factors affecting their

Should be consistent with orgn mission.

Should be rational and realistic.

Should be periodically reviewed.

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Management by Objectives
Definition :-

“MBO is a comprehensive managerial

system that integrates many key
managerial activities in a systematic
manner, consciously directed towars the
effective and efficient achievement of
orgnal objectives.”

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Process of MBO
Setting of Organisational Purpose and Objectives

Key Result Areas

Setting Subordinates Objectives

Matching Resources with Objectives


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Benefits of MBO
Clarity in Organisational Action

Personnel Satisfaction

Better Managing

Basis for Organisational Change

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

Limitations of MBO
Time and Cost

Failure to Teach MBO Philosophy

Problems in Objective Setting

Emphasis on Short-term Objectives


Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech
Purpose of MBO

Top Management Support

Training for MBO


Feedback for Self-direction and Self-control

Anjali Principles & Practice of management ©chintech

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