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conditions affecting the heart or the blood
vessels. It is usually associated with a build-up 1.Chest tightness/pressure
of fatty deposits inside the arteries 2.Difficulty catching your breath
(atherosclerosis) and an increased risk of blood
clots. 3.Dizziness or fainting
 WHAT ARE THE MAIN CAUSE OF 4. Fluid build up
5. Heart palpitations (heart pounding or racing)
1. High Blood pressure
6. Pain or numbness in the leg or arm
2. High Blood Cholesterol
7. Abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting
3. Smoking
4. Inactivity
5. Overweight or Obese
6. Ethnic Background
 HOW DOES DIET AFFECT CARDIOVASCULAR  The first four antioxidants, substances that
DISEASE? inactivate free radicals (unstable oxygen
molecules that damage cells). Each one has a
 - Diet is an important risk factor in coronary different function.
heart disease. Food-related risk factors. Diet
high in saturated fats. A low saturated fats,  Vitamin E- prevents the first step in the
high fibre, high plant food diet can development of plaque- the oxidation of LDL
substantially reduce the risk of developing cholesterol.
heart disease.
 Vitamin C – helps recycle vitamin E and also
 HOW CAN VITAMINS,MINERALS AND HERBS keeps arteries flexible.
 Beta-Carotene and Lycopene are carotenoids
thought to protect against heart disease
 - Lifestyle and dietary strategies can help
you avoid host of diseases, but they are
 Grape Seed Extract contains procyanidolic
probably most effective in preventing heart Oligomers (PCOs), flavonoids thought to have
disease. many times the antioxidant power of
vitamins C and E.
 Folic Acid is a key supplement for reducing  4. Have salmon, tuna, sardines, or other fatty fish twice a
homocysteine, an amino acid by-product linked to an week.
increased heart disease.  5. exercise for at least 30 minutes everyday. Activity
 Vitamins B12 and B6 help lower homocysteine levels as strengthens the heart, raises the levels of protective HDL
well, and vitamin B6 may also be of value in ensuring cholesterol, and eases weight loss.
that the arteries stay pliable.  6. Don’t smoke. Nothing makes up for damage smoking does
the heart.
 Omega-3 fatty acids in flaxseed oil and fish oils help
triglyceride levels ( a blood fat related to cholesterol)  LATEST FINDINGS:
in check.  Excess iron may contribute to heart disease in older people.
 Magnesium aids in stabilizing heart rhythm. In a recent study, for each 50mg monthly increase in iron
above 250mg( from food and supplements), the risk of heart
 WHAT ELSE TO DO TO PREVENT HEART DISEASE disease rose one and half times in men and women over age
60. Older people should not take supplements with iron
 1. Maintain a diet low in fat,especially saturated fat. without the advice of their doctors
 2. Include at least five servings of fruits and vegetables  Some of the heart protective benefits of vitamins C and E
in your diet maybe immediate, according to recent study. High fat
meals seems to inhibit the ability of the arteries to expand
 3. Eat lots of soluble fiber )oats, beans, citrus fruits) to on demand. But when 20 study participants took 1000mg of
control cholesterol. vitamin C and 800 IU of vitamin E before eating a fatty
meal, the arteries worked normally.
 - Heart attacks are relatively rare in
populations that liberally consume olive- oil
even when the overall fat content of their
diet is on the high side. Use olive oil in place
of other fats whenever possible.
 If there are smokers in your household, here
is some bad news: your risk of heart disease
has increased about 20%, even if you’ve
never smoked yourself.

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