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Blood Transfusion

Sally Shane Z. Arroyo
Blood transfusion (BT) therapy 
• Involves transfusing whole blood or blood
components (specific portion or fraction of
blood lacking in patient).
Most Common To Transfuse

Whole blood Packed RBCs- Plasma-

Transfusion Should be volume expansion;
• increased oxygen- Administer as
transfused over 2 rapidly as  rapidly transfused
carrying capacity
•restoration of blood to 3 hours tolerated (usually
volume 4 units every 30
•No time for to 60 minutes)
Nursing Interventions

Verify doctor’s order. Inform Check for cross matching and

the client and explain the typing.
purpose of the procedure.
Nursing Interventions
Obtain and record Practice strict asepsis
baseline vital signs
Nursing Interventions
• Check by 2 Licensed
– Serial number
– Blood component
– Blood type
– Rh factor
– Expiration date
– Screening test (VDRL,
HBsAg, malarial smear)
Nursing Interventions
Check Room Temperature 2 Nurses Identified Patient
Nursing Interventions
Start infusion slowly at 10
gtts/min. Remain at bedside for
15 to 30 minutes. Adverse
reaction usually occurs during
the first 15 to 20 minutes!!!

Use gauge 18 needle

Use BT Set
Monitor Vital Signs
Nursing Interventions
• DO NOTMIX medications with blood transfusion.
• Administer 0.9% NaCl before; during or after BT.
• BT for 4 hours (whole blood, packed RBC).
• Plasma, platelets, cryoprecipitate, transfuse quickly
(20 minutes)
• Inform
for complications.
Assessment Findings
• Clinical manifestations of transfusions complications.
Assessment Findings
Infectious disease transmitted Graft-versus-host disease after a
blood and marrow transplant
through transfusion

Skin changes, edema

hair loss,
hemolytic anemia
Nursing Interventions

Blood transfusion reaction  STOP THE TRANSFUSION!!!

Start IV Line Place on High Fowlers Notify the DR.

Nursing Interventions

Oxygen Therapy Urine specimen

Emergency Meds Blood Container attached

label to return to lab
Vera,M. (2016, April 20) . Blood Transfusion
Therapy. Nurseslabs. Retrieved from:

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