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Lesson 6

◍ cannibal


◍ slayer
◍ humpy
◍ circumvent
◍ opossum

Read page 52.
Mullyangah, the Morning Star


◍ Where and when did the story happen?

◍ Why did Mullyan live high on a tree, away from the rest
of his tribe?
◍ How could this story changed if he has lived with his
tribe in the beginning?
◍ Name each tribe and give their characteristics.
◍ Do you aagree with the way the black achieved justice for
their fellows? Why or why not?
◍ Did Mullyan, Moodai, and Buttergah deserve their fate?
Why or why not?

A pronoun is a word that is used

instead of a noun or noun phrase.
Pronouns refer to either a noun
that has already been mentioned or
to a noun that does not need to be
named specifically.
Pronouns represent specific people or things.
We use them depending on:
◍ number: singular (e.g: I) or plural
(e.g: we)
◍ person: 1st person (e.g: I), 2nd person
(e.g: you) or 3rd person (e.g: he)
◍ gender: male (e.g: he), female (e.g: she)
or neuter (e.g: it)
◍ case: subject (e.g: we)
6 or object (e.g: us)

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