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Instructional Plan (iPlan) Template

Learning Area: ARTS Date: February 19, 2021

iPlan No. : Quarter : 1st Week: 7 Grade Level : TWO
Draws a portrait of two or more persons- his friends, his family, Code: A2EL-If
Learning showing the differences in the shape of their facial features(shape
Competency/ies: Duration:
of eyes, nose, lips, and texture of hair) 40 minutes
Key Concept/ Learn to observe distinctions between facial featured of person: like shape of the eyes,
Understanding to nose, lips, head and texture of the hair and can show these in a drawing.
be Developed
Knowledge Identify lines and shapes in the features of a face
Learning Skills Draw a portrait of one’s friend using lines and basic shapes
Attitude Appreciate one’s features
Show love and pride in one’s identity
ESP, MTB (Pulingan)

Strategies: ICT, Cooperative Learning Strategy, Think-Pair-Share

Resources Needed: Laptop, MELC, Powerpoint Presentation, pencil, crayons, Happy faces
Elements of the Plan METHODOLOGY
1. Preparations A. Motivation: Cooperative Learning Strategy
Introductory Activity The Pupils will be asked to group and act the following scenarios using the game “Paint Me A
Picture” . The group who has the highest score will be given a prize.
1. The boy went out of the house.
2. He saw a big snake.
3. He rested under a mango tree.
4. The boy run so fast.
2. Presentations B. Activity: ICT Integration
Show the story of Pedro Kwadrado. Let the pupils read and answer the questions below.
Pedro Kwadrado
(By: Jennifer O. Artiaga)

One night, Pedro Kwadrado went out of the house. When he was outside, he saw a big snake. So,
he ran fast as he could until he reached the big mango tree. He then, rested under the mango tree.
When he looked up, the moon was shining brightly. Pedro Kwadrado was then very happy.
• Asks:
a. Who is mentioned in the story?
b. What are the things seen by Pedro Kwadrado?
c. Are there lines and shapes?
d. How did you feel while doing the activity?
C. Analysis:
• Asks:
a. What does the picture show?
b. In the portrait, is there lines and shapes?
c. How about your friend’s face? Can you distinguish the lines and shapes?
e. Can you draw your friend’s face using the lines and shapes? Why? Or Why not?
D. Abstraction:
1. What is a portrait?
2. Anybody who wants to share what have you learned from our lesson today?

3. Practice E. Application: Think- Pair-Share/ Mtb Integration

Introduce the art activity of the day “ My Friend”
Explain the steps in doing the activity.
a. Let the pupils use lines and basic shapes to draw their friend’s face.
b. Using their pencil, pupils will draw their friend's face in a bond paper and color it.
c. Instruct them to give the title of their work.
Talking time: Once done, have two volunteers to tell something about their work.
Siya adunay ___________
4. Assessment ESP Integration
Draw the on the blank before the number if the sentence is true and if the sentence is
______1. A portrait is consists of different lines.
______2. It is hard to draw a portrait using the different shapes.
______3. The eyes, nose, mouth and ears have the same shapes.
______4. A portrait is a painting of a person’s face.
______5. Everybody has his own unique feature.

5. Assignment Cut out different human faces from a magazine, calendar, brochure or a news paper and paste them
in your drawing book

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