Policies and Procedures

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Policies and Procedures

Irma Nielsen
EDU 240
Morning Procedures

 Enter the classroom quickly and quietly

 Take out your materials and place them on your desk
 Hang up your coat/lunch bag/backpack
 Turn in any homework/notes from home/messages for the teacher
 Open your planner to the correct date and sharpen pencils
 Copy today’s homework from the board, then read silently while the
teacher takes care of school business and attendance
 When class begins, put away books and pay attention
Lunch Procedures
o Clear your desk and put away anything you were using
o If you brought a lunch from home collect it and sit quietly at your desk
o Wait patiently at your desk until you are called to line up
o Line up quietly & wait while everyone gets ready to go
o Calmly join the lunch line in the cafeteria and collect your lunch
o Take a seat at our assigned table and clean up your messes (check the floor)
and wait until you are released for recess
o When the bell rings after recess, line up at our dot on the blacktop; eyes front,
waiting for teacher instructions
End of day procedures

Clear your desk and clean any areas where you have been working (check the
Collect everything from your mailbox and put it in your take-home folder
Get your coat/lunch box/backpack and return to your seat
Students riding the bus form a line and wait to be excused
All other students wait patiently until called to line up
Line up and follow hallway procedures
Tell the teacher how you’re getting home and give a High Five before you go
Restroom Procedures
• Ask for permission to leave the room
• Make sure to take the hall pass
• Come back to the classroom as soon as
• Respect the privacy of other students
• Always use polite manners and say kind words
to others
• Always wash your hands when you are
Hallway Procedures

• Keep voice level at zero while in the hallway

• Keep hands and feet to yourself and respect the

work of others in the hallway

• Follow the person in front of you and stay with

the rest of the class

• Always be a good example for younger students

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