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EDU 240
My Classroom
My classroom management philosophy
consists of providing my students with a
safe, productive learning environment
where they can work with their peers to
solve problems and become a community
of learners.
My goal is to teach my students self-governance
in a positive, efficient, and well-organized environment that inspires
William Glasser Marvin Marshall Fred Jones
Provide positive Help students to Keep students actively
conditions that help analyze, reflect on and and purposefully
students meet their adopt personal involved in lessons and
needs and influence behavior that brings enable them to follow
them, without coercion them success in school. directions on their
to conduct themselves own.
responsibly and do
high-quality work.
William Glasser
 Employing non-coercive tactics

 Relating personally with students

 Providing a curriculum that is genuinely attractive to

 Helping students understand how responsible choices

lead to personal success.
Marvin Marshall
 Teach and practice procedures that help students to increase their level of

 Expect students to analyze and reflect on their behavior then adopt attitudes that
will help them be successful in school.
 Allowstudents to select, from acceptable choices, how they will conduct

 Infuse positivity into communications.

 Learn to ask reflective questions to influence students rather than trying to force
Fred Jones
 Use nonverbal communication in promoting good behavior in the
 Conserve Time and Don’t Allow Students to Waste It
 Arrange Class Seating to Facilitate Active Teaching and Close
Proximity to Students
 Assign Students Specific Responsibilities in Caring for the Classroom
 Begin Every Class with Bell Work
 Keep Students Actively Engaged in Learning
 Use Visual Instructional Plans
 Increase Motivation and Responsibility through Wise Use of Incentives
 Have Stronger Backup Systems Ready for Use If and When Needed
My Plan
 I would treat my students with respect and expect the same in return.

 I would use Jones’ ideas about classroom organization to set up my classroom.

 I would utilize his suggestion about saving time in providing individual instruction to my students.

 I would use positive language when giving instructions and maintain a positive attitude with my students.

 I would use Visual Instructional Plans (VIPs) whenever possible.

 I would avoid nagging my students by using body language to redirect their behavior.

 I would encourage my students to reflect on, analyze, and if necessary, modify their behavior.

 I would strive to make my lessons interesting and engaging for my students.

 I would include my students in determining what is considered behavior that is beneficial for everyone in the class and
expect each member to abide by the structure that is agreed upon.

 I would encourage my students to be curious, inventive, and view their mistakes as an opportunity for greater learning.
I chose Marvin Marshall because his model relies on students to govern their behavior. I am a firm believer that one of the
most important things we help our students to learn is self-governance. I believe in teaching students to learn how to think for
themselves. I think that, for the most part, people want to do the right thing, but don’t always know what the right thing is.

I chose Fred Jones because I like his ideas about classroom organization and optimization of time. The things that are not
addressed in Marshall’s model, are covered by Jones’s suggestions. I think the two systems mesh well together. I agree with
Jones about using instruction time in the best possible way. Students should be actively engaged in learning and the teacher is
responsible for providing the best possible environment for that.

Another thing I consider to be very important is helping students feel successful. I believe that if they feel like they do a
good job at something, they will want to continue to do it. By teaching them what they should do through clear and repeated
instruction on procedures and expectations, they will always be empowered with the ability to make the right choice. Also, I
want them to understand that making mistakes is not only ok, but it’s often the best way to learn something well. This will help
them to be more successful at learning. I believe that a teacher’s top goal should be to teach students to love learning and the
best ways to achieve their learning goals.

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