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Submitted To Submitted by
Ritambhara Ma’am Name Adhibhav Dhoot
Class 8 A5
Enroll no Mpskr 2952/19
• Introduction
• Food habits
• Religion
• Climate
• National Flag
• National Bird
• National animal
• Clothing of people
• Main festival celebrated
Russia  Is a country spanning eastern Europe and Northern Asia. It is the largest
country in the world, covering over 17 million sq. km (6.6×106 sq. mi), and
encompassing more than one eighth of Earth's inhabited land area.It as population
of 146.2 million; and it is most populous country in Europe and it is ninth most
populous country in the world. Moscow, the capital, is the largest city in
Europe While Saint Petersburg is the nation's second largest city and cultural center.
Russian are the largest Slavic and European nation; they speak Russian, the most
spoken Slavic language, and the most spoken native language in Europe. Russia has
an upper – middle income mixed and transition economy, with enormous natural
resource, particularly oil and natural gas. It as eleventh – largest economy by
nominal GDP and the sixth – largest by PPP.
1. For breakfast, Russians almost always drink tea with a sandwich with
meat (kolbasa), or fried eggs or omelets (but without bacon).
• Blini with fruits, jam, honey, or cheese.
• Pelmeni with sour cream.
• Borsch soup or salanka.
• Russian salad.
• Kvas drink or other.
• Medovik (honey cake) or bird's milk cake.
I. Religion in Russia is diverse with Christianity, especially Russian orthodoxy being the most
widely professed faith, but with significant minorities of non-religious people and adherents of
other faiths .
II. A 1997 law on religion recognizes the right to freedom of conscience and creed tall the
citizenry, the spiritual contribution of orthodox Christianity to the history of Russia, and
respect to "Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Judaism and other religions and creeds which
constitute an inseparable part of the historical heritage of Russia's peoples", including ethnic
religions or paganism, either preserved, or revived. 
1. Climate of course with an area the size of Russia, it is difficult to give any sort of
general advice about the climate and weather except that summers are warm to
hot, and winters get very cold in some areas.
2. In general, the climate of Russia can be described as highly continental influenced
climate with warm to hot dry summers and (very) cold winters with temperatures
of -30°C and lower and sometimes heavy snowfall.
3. Sometimes very strong easterly winds, called buran can occur, bringing freezing
cold temperatures and snowstorms. Precipitation varies from region to region; the
western parts of Russia have the most rain (up to 750 mm), the southern and
southeastern areas in the Russian steppes are the driest with an annual
average below 200 mm.
• The flag of the Russian federation (Russian: Флаг Российской Федерации, tr.
Flag Rossiskoy Federatsii) is a tricolour flag consisting of three equal horizontal
fields: white on the top, blue in the middle, and red on the bottom. The flag was
first used as an ensign for Russian merchant ships in 1696.

• There are varying interpretations as to what the colors on the Russian flag mean.
The most popular is as follows: the white color symbolizes nobility and
frankness, the blue for faithfulness, honesty, impeccability and chastity, and red
for courage, generosity and love.
• The double-headed eagle is the symbol most strongly associated with Russia. However, throughout
history it has featured in many cultures around the world, including ancient Persia, the holy
roman empire, the byzantine empire, the venetian republic, and Scandinavia. The first known
appearance of the double-headed eagle in Russia dates to the late 15th century.
• Ivan III (ruled 1462-1505) made the black double-headed eagle an official emblem of the Russian
state and it featured as a design motif in the regalia of the Russian imperial court, until the fall of
monarchy in 1917. In 1992 the Russian federation restored it to the state coat of arms. Official and
personal coats of arms, stamps, coins, military flags and banners have all used the symbol.
• Russian brown bear is the official. Brown bear was entitled to Russia's national
animal. Ursus arctos is the scientific name of brown bear, which is found in northern
Eurasia and north America. The main habitat range of the brown bear includes parts of
Russia, china, central Asia, Canada, the united states, Scandinavia, and the Carpathian
region especially Anatolia, Romania, and the Caucasus. Now a day, it is found all over
the world.
• The national animal of Russia, the Russian bear has come to symbolize a lot of
things which are believed to be the hereditary character of the Russian people. The
admired characteristics of the Russian bear are laziness, aggression and hibernates
ability for long epochs.
• There are two major types of Russian ethnic dress: the sarafan and the poneva. A
sarafan is a loosely fitting long jumper dress worn over a long linen shirt and
belted. A necessary component of traditional Russian dress, the belt was often
worn under the sarafan. Sarafans were made from homespun linen or inexpensive
printed cotton produced in the large textile factories of Moscow, Ivanovo and
Vladimir regions. For special occasions, they could be made from brocades and silks
and embroidered with gold and silver thread.
• Sarafans were widespread in the northern provinces of the Russian empire such
as Vologda, Arkhangelsk, Pskov and Novgorod. The poneva skirt costume was
commonly worn in the provinces south of Moscow, such as Tula, Voronezh, and
Tambov. The poneva costume is considered to be the more ancient of the two.
1. His is one of the most important festivals in Russia, as it is celebrated respectively
throughout the nation. If you are planning to visit Russia during new years then
you must be present at red square for the amazing fireworks that happening at
2. In Russia, it is not like any other country, where the end of festivals come during
the new year. In fact, it is a kind of start to the upcoming Christmas festivals. In
Russia, you must know that Christmas comes on January 7 and the time in
between you can witness the place getting decked up with utmost beauty.

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