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Nama: Aanisa Bawole

No. Absen: 01
Kelas: XI MIPA 5
What is a Personal Letter?

A personal letter is an informal letter sent by one individual

to another and usually contains personal details. The charact
er of a personal letter is that it is unofficial, so this letter can
not be addressed to an agency, organization, or company. So
, personal letters are not appropriate for English job applicati
on emails. Personal letters generally contain invitations, birth
day wishes, graduation greetings, apologies, condolences, et
Personal Letter Writing Structure The structure of writing a perso
nal letter is almost similar to the announcement text, but it is diff
erent from the writing style only. Due to its informal nature, pers
onal text is generally more informal. Here's the personal letter wri
ting structure:
1. Date
Most informal letters write the date at the top right. However, th
e date on the personal letter is written at the top left. This date re
fers to when the letter was created. There are two ways of writing
dates in English, namely the American way and the British way.
2. Address (Address)
Writing the address in a personal letter is different from the addr
ess on a CV or other letter. Because, the address in the personal l
etter is written on the top right. Then, the tool that is written is n
ot the address of the person you are addressing, but your home a
ddress or the letter writer.
3. Salutation and Name Greetings and the name
of the recipient of the letter are almost always on many English letters.
Here are some examples of greetings you can write in a personal letter:
•Dear ...
• Dearest…
• My beloved wife
• My love
• Sweetheart
4. Introduction (Opening)
The opening sentence in a personal letter is usually a response to a prev
ious letter. However, if you are the first sender, then you can introduce y
ourself or ask how you are.
5. Body (Letter Contents)
The body is the main or core part of the personal letter. In this section,
you can express or express the purpose of your letter. If it contains a gra
duation note, you can write down your congratulations and wishes.
Example of a person
al letter
6. Closing
This section is a closing sentence to indicate that the letter is
coming to an end.
7. Greetings for Closing
This section is a short closing greeting to the end of the letter
. Here's an example of a closing greeting:
• With love
• Sincerely yours
• Regards
• Best regads
8. Signature
Under the closing greeting, you can put your signature. Howe
ver, if you send him a letter as a secret admirer, you can give hi
m initials so that they seem mysterious. Hihihi.
22 Soekarno Hatta
17023 DKI Jakarta
February 11, 2021
Dear My Beloved Friend Cacha,
Hello, Cacha! Are you doing great in New Zealand? Hopefully, you’re doing
great there. It’s been a while since you moved from Jakarta. You don’t kno
w how much I miss you.
I want to let you know that next month is my graduation from University. I’
m arranging a family and friend party. I know you have a tight schedule bu
t I’d love it if you come to the party.
Okay, I think that’s all from me now. Just let me know if you are free next
month. I’d love to hear anything from you. See you!
Sincerely yours,
Thank you

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