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By: Gracie Sodermark

1.02 Psychology
Psychology helps us determine the path to knowing about
mental disorders and how to treat them

This statement would be under the sub-field of

psychology under clinical psychology. Clinical
psychologists evaluate and treat people with
psychological disorders.
Psychology helps us study how we act and what our behavior is
like in groups

This one would be in the sub-field of social

psychology. I focuses on the behaviors people have
in such large groups. It also focuses on how we act
while being around a lot of people. It also examines
how people’s behaviors are impacted in a social
Psychology shows us how we improved over a period of time.

This one belongs under the sub-field of

developmental psychology. Developmental
psychologists study how people grow and change
physically, emotionally, and even mentally over a
long period of time. Basically, seeing how they
have developed over the course of a decade, their
whole lifetime, maybe even year.
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