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UID :- 19BCA1150
What is Machine Learning ?
Machine learning is a method of data analysis that automates
analytical model building. It is a branch of artificial intelligence based
on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and
make decisions with minimal human intervention.
Why is Machine learning important?
• Resurging interest in machine learning is due to the same factors that
have made data mining and Bayesian analysis more popular than
ever. Things like growing volumes and varieties of available data,
computational processing that is cheaper and more powerful, and
affordable data storage.

• All of these things mean it's possible to quickly and automatically

produce models that can analyze bigger, more complex data and
deliver faster, more accurate results – even on a very large scale.
And by building precise models, an organization has a better chance
of identifying profitable opportunities – or avoiding unknown risks
Applications of Machine learning

Machine learning is everywhere. Because of a wide range of applications of machine learning,

it is possible that you might be using it in one way or the other and you don’t even know about
it. Below I will be listing a few applications of machine learning.
Virtual Personal Assistant: Siri, Alexa, Google some of the common examples of virtual
personal assistants. These assist in finding information when asked over voice. While answering
your query, these personal assistants’ lookout for information recalls your related queries or
sends a command to other resources in order to collect information. Machine learning is an
integral part of the functioning of personal assistants as they collect and refine the information
on the basis of your previous queries. Later this refined dataset is used to give results that are
tailored to your preferences.
Facial recognition: You simply look at your phone and the phone unlocks. The camera in your
phone recognizes unique features and projections on your face using image processing (part of
machine learning) in order to identify that the person unlocking the phone is not someone else
but you. The entire process at the back end complicated but seems to be a simple application of
ML at the frontend.
Email spam filter: How does your mailbox automatically identify if the email you received is
spam or not? Well, again here ML is to thank for. The email spam filter uses a supervised machine
learning model to filter out spammy emails from your mailbox.
Recommendation engine on an e-commerce website: Have you ever wondered how Amazon
or Flipkart shows relevant products after you make a purchase from their platform. This is the
magic of ML.
Once a user buys something from an e-commerce website it stores the purchase data for future
reference and finds products that are most likely to be bought by the user in the future. This is
possible because of the machine learning future algorithm model, which can identify patterns in
a given dataset.
Some other applications of machine learning include:
Online fraud detection
Social Media Services such as “People you may know” on Facebook, “Similar pins” in Pinterest
Online Customer Support i.e. Chatbot
Search Engine Result Refining
Predictions while commuting using Google Maps
Prerequisites for machine learning
If you are interested in learning more about machine learning, a few requirements should be met
to be in order to excel in this field. These requirements include:
Basic knowledge of programming languages such as Python or R.
Good knowledge of statistics and probability
Understanding of linear algebra and calculus
Data modeling to find variations and patterns in a given dataset
What's required to create good machine learning systems?

 Data preparation capabilities.

 Algorithms – basic and advanced.
 Automation and iterative processes.
 Scalability.
 Ensemble modeling.

Did you know?

 In machine learning, a target is called a label.
 In statistics, a target is called a dependent
 A variable in statistics is called a feature in
machine learning.
 A transformation in statistics is called feature
creation in machine learning.
Who's using Machine Learning?
Most industries working with large amounts of data have recognized the value of machine
learning technology. By gleaning insights from this data – often in real time – organizations
are able to work more efficiently or gain an advantage over competitors.

Financial services
Banks and other businesses in the financial industry use machine learning technology
for two key purposes: to identify important insights in data, and prevent fraud. The
insights can identify investment opportunities, or help investors know when to trade.
Data mining can also identify clients with high-risk profiles, or use cybersurveillance
to pinpoint warning signs of fraud
Government agencies such as public safety and utilities have a
particular need for machine learning since they have multiple
sources of data that can be mined for insights. Analyzing sensor
data, for example, identifies ways to increase efficiency and save
money. Machine learning can also help detect fraud and
minimize identity theft.

Health care
Machine learning is a fast-growing trend in the health care
industry, thanks to the advent of wearable devices and sensors
that can use data to assess a patient's health in real time. The
technology can also help medical experts analyze data to
identify trends or red flags that may lead to improved diagnoses
and treatment.
Websites recommending items you might like based on previous
purchases are using machine learning to analyze your buying history.
Retailers rely on machine learning to capture data, analyze it and use it
to personalize a shopping experience, implement a marketing
campaign, price optimization, merchandise supply planning, and for
customer insights.

Oil and gas

Finding new energy sources. Analyzing minerals in the ground.
Predicting refinery sensor failure. Streamlining oil distribution to
make it more efficient and cost-effective. The number of machine
learning use cases for this industry is vast – and still expanding.

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