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Intro. of Research Paper

Albert Einstein:The Man and The Scientist

Author :- Charles Henry Parry 

Biography Of Author
Amanda E. Cox
Dr. Charles Parry
MATH 4044
History of Math
20 November 2008
• Charles Henry Parry (1779–1860) was an English physician and writer.

• The eldest son of Caleb Hillier Parry, by his wife Sarah, a sister of Edward Rigby, he was
born at Bath, Somerset. He studied medicine at the University of Göttingen and in 1799 was
one of Samuel Taylor Coleridge's companions in the Harz; later he travelled in Scandinavia
 with Clement Carlyon. He graduated M.D. at Edinburgh on 24 June 1804.
• Parry was admitted licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians on 22 December 1806, and
elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1812.
• He practised for some years at Bath, where he was physician to the General Hospital from
1818 to 1822. He retired early from practice, and settled at Brighton, where he died at his
residence, 5 Belgrave Place, on 21 January 1860. His remains were interred at Weston, Bath.
Albert Einstein is undoubtedly one of the greatest minds of our time .

 Birth

 Schooling

 Job

 Nobel Prize

 Support for Israel

 Working
Language Pattern’s
Choronological Description:- In 1980’s ,At 10:15,First ,Finally ,etc.
(Yellow) represent it.

Comparison & Contrast:-However ,In contrast to ,Similar,etc.


Listing:-Formated & Unformated list.

(Pink) represent it.

Cause & Effect Analysis:- Therefore ,So ,Thus ,etc.

(Blue) represent it.

(Green) represent it
Research Paper
Albert Einstein is undoubtedly one of the greatest minds of our time.  His contributions to physics and mathematics are
extensive.  He was one of science’s first celebrities.  Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879 at Ulm, in Wurttemberg, Germany
(Nobel).  His parents, Hermann and Pauline Einstein, were Jewish middle-class Germans, and his uncle was an engineer
(Formative).  Six weeks after his birth, his family moved to Munich (Nobel).        
 Einstein began his schooling in Munich at the Luitpold Gymnasium (Nobel).  He generally received good grades and was
outstanding in mathematics, but he hated the academic high school that he attended in Munich, “where success depended on
memorization and obedience to arbitrary authority” (Formative).  His studying was mainly done at home with mathematics,
physics, and philosophy books (Formative).  In 1894, when Einstein was 15, his parents moved to Italy, and six months later, he
left the Munich without finishing his schooling to join his family in Pavia, Italy (Grosz).  In 1895, he took the entrance exam for the
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and failed (Formative).  Therefore,He renounced his German citizenship in 1896 (Grosz).  He
continued his education at Aarau, Switzerland and he entered the Swiss Federal Technical School in Zurich in 1896 to be trained
as a mathematics and physics teacher (Nobel).  Around this time, he realized that physics was his true subject (Formative).  A
romance arose at the Zurich Polytechnic between Einstein and Mileva Maric, the only woman in his physics class
(Formative).  Einstein’s family opposed any talk of marriage, even when Mileva gave birth to a daughter, who was probably given
up for adoption (Formative). 
He gained his diploma and acquired Swiss citizenship in 1901, but was unable to find a post teaching, so he accepted a position
as a technical assistant in the Swiss Patent Office (Nobel).  Einstein and Mileva Maric finally married in 1903, and in 1904, a son,
Son Hans Albert, was born (Grosz).  The job at the Patent Office gave Einstein a regular salary and more free time, and he devoted
his thought to the most basic physics problems of his time and began to publish scientific papers (Formative).  One of those
papers included the now famous equation E=mc2, which he used to describe the mass and energy relationship (“Albert”).  He
obtained a doctor’s degree from Zurich University in 1905 (Grosz).  In 1908, he was appointed lecturer at Bern University, and in
1909, he resigned from the Patent Office and was appointed Associate Professor of theoretical physics at Zurich University
(Grosz).  He and Mileva had a second son, Eduard, in 1910 (Grosz).  Next, the family moved to Prague, where he became a
professor at the German University in 1911 (“Albert”).  By this time, Einstein was becoming a star in the field of physics.
In 1912, Einstein went back to Zurich to become a professor of theoretical physics at his alma mater, the Federal
Institute of Technology (“Albert”).  In 1914, he was appointed as a Professor at the University of Berlin, without teaching
obligations, and was appointed as a member of the prestigious Prussian Academy of Sciences (Grosz).  Einstein was known
for his dalliances with other women, and his marriage began to fall apart (“Albert”).  In 1914, he separated from his wife, and
she returned to Zurich with their two sons, and in 1919, they were divorced (Grosz).  Einstein began work on the general
theory of relativity and published it in 1916 (Grosz).  In 1917, he suffered from severe illness because of a liver ailment, a
stomach ulcer, and jaundice, and his cousin Elsa Loewenthal took care of him (Grosz).  Einstein fell for Elsa, writing her
letters declaring his love for her, and the two were married in the same year that he divorced his first wife, 1919
(“Albert”).  Einstein settled down with Elsa and her two grown daughters by a previous marriage (Formative).  Einstein
became a scientific star, with people crowding into auditoriums to hear him talk about his theories (“Albert”).  In 1921, he was
awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics (“Albert”).  He began to travel and become an internationally recognized figure.  He
visited the U.S. for the first time in 1921 and lectured on the theory of relativity at Princeton University (Grosz).  He also
visited Paris, Japan, Palestine, Spain, Sweden, South America, and other places around the world (Grosz).  He worked with
and intensely debated Niels Bohr on quantum mechanics (Grosz). 
In 1928, he suffered a temporary physical collapse and was diagnosed with an enlargement of the heart (Grosz).  In
1930, Einstein’s son Eduard suffered a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia and spent most of his life in
mental health facilities (“Albert”).  In 1933, he declared that he would not return to Germany (Grosz).  He often spoke
everywhere he went about the rise of the Nazi party in Germany and the country’s anti-Jewish policies, and he vocally
supported the creation of a Jewish homeland (“Albert”).  After Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, Einstein was
seen as an enemy of the state, which happened to many other Jewish intellectuals and professionals at the time, and his
homes were raided and his property was seized (“Albert”).  Soon after, he and his wife traveled to the United States to live
and he went to work at Princeton University in New Jersey (“Albert”).  Three years later, in 1936, his wife Elsa died after an
illness (“Albert”).
During World War II, Einstein tried to help as many Jewish refugees as he could, and encouraged the United States to
take action against Nazi Germany (“Albert”).  “In 1939, he wrote a letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, warning him that
German scientist had been
working on an incredibly powerful weapon based on his own formula, E=mc2” (“Albert”).  He recommended to the
President Roosevelt that the United States research nuclear weapons (Grosz).  Einstein was given U.S. citizenship in 1940
(Grosz).  He worked as a consultant with the Research and Development Division of the U.S. Navy Bureau of Ordnance, section
Ammunition and Explosives and a copy of his 1905 paper on special relativity was auctioned for six million dollars as a
contribution to the American war effort (Grosz). 
Einstein was shattered by the Holocaust and was then shocked by the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
(Grosz).  After the war ended, he expressed public support for the formation of a world government and began intense activity
on behalf of disarmament (Grosz).  He supported creation of the State of Israel (Grosz).  He was asked to become the president
of Israel in 1952, but he turned it down (“Albert”).  He retired in 1945 and spent much of his time giving lectures and speeches
(“Albert”).  His health began to decline.  Einstein died on April 18, 1955 at the age of 76 at the Princeton Hospital of an aortic
aneurysm (Grosz).  His body was cremated and the ashes were scattered at an undisclosed location (Grosz).  In 2000, Albert
Einstein was named Person of the Century by Time Magazine (“Albert”). 
Einstein’s more important works include Special Theory of Relativity, Relativity, General Theory of Relativity,
Investigations on Theory of Brownian Movement, The Evolution of Physics, About Zionism, Why War?, My Philosophy, and Out
of My Later Years (Nobel).  He received many honorary doctorate degrees in science, medicine, and philosophy from many
European and American universities, and he was awarded Fellowships or Memberships of all the leading scientific academies
around the world (Nobel). 
Einstein’s main intellectual focus was physics.  He “always appeared to have a clear view of the problems of physics and
the determination to solve them” (Nobel).Therefore , he had a strategy of his own, and was able to reach his goal and visualize
all of the main stages to accomplish this goal (Nobel).  He regarded all of his major achievements as stepping-stones to the next
advance (Nobel).  Einstein gave an analysis so clear and revealing of the theory of relativity that it can be understood by
students in beginning science classes (“The Great Works”). 
Einstein studied the mathematical theories and techniques that he found necessary for his work in physics
(Formative).  One of Einstein’s best friends, Marcel Grossman, became a professor of mathematics at the Swiss Federal Institute,
and aided Einstein in his study of mathematics (Formative).  Einstein used equations to study and explain a wide variety of
phenomenon.  Einstein represented and explained his ideas about relativity and physics relationships in
mathematical terms.  He expressed the relationship between mass and energy with the equation E = mc 2 (“The Great
Works”).  Einstein found that “if a body emits a certain amount of energy, then the mass of that body must decrease by a
proportionate amount” (“The Great Works”).  “Einstein had to master more elaborate mathematical techniques than he
had ever expected to need, and to work at a higher level of abstraction than ever before” (“The Great Works”).  Einstein
sealed his success in his theoretical work in 1915 with new equations of gravitation, which had a logical simplicity,
despite their unfamiliar mathematical form (“The Great Works”).  Einstein’s work was not too mathematically
complex.  Therefore, today, his theories are simple for most students to understand.  Einstein went to school to study
math and he originally planned on being a math teacher.  His greatest contribution to both math and science was his
discovery of the E = mc2 relationship.
Albert Einstein’s discoveries and theories have made such an impact on our world.  Mathematics was essential to
his work.  He was a great mathematician, scientist, and humanitarian.  History would have been completely different if not
for him.  Today, his name is known worldwide.  When the term genius is spoken, a picture of Albert Einstein comes to
mind for most people.  He received a multitude of awards and honors that are a testament to his great work. 
ABSTRACTION is the self-contained, short and powerful
statement that describe a large work. It is not a review. It is
keyword found in large area.

Albert Einstein is one of the greatest scientist of all the time. He was born on March 14, 1879 at
Germany. Einstein after lot of hard work and struggle came to know that he was interested in Physics and
Einstein discovered a famous equation E = mc^2. He was awarded by Nobel Prize for Physics. After
HITLER came to power in Germany. Einstein and other Jewish intellectuals were seen as an enemy of
the state. He and his family travelled to USA. During WORLD WAR II . He gave his services for USA
and got USA citizenship in 1940
Albert Einstein’s discoveries and theories have made such an impact on our
world.  Mathematics was essential to his work.  He was a great mathematician, scientist, and
humanitarian.  History would have been completely different if not for him.  Today, his name is
known worldwide.  When the term genius is spoken, a picture of Albert Einstein comes to mind
for most people.  He received a multitude of awards and honors that are a testament to his
great work. 

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