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IMR 604


 Oral tradition or oral culture is a way of
transmitting history, literature or law from one
generation to the next in a civilization without a
writing system.
 An example that combined aspects of oral literature
and oral history, before eventually being set down in
writing, is the Homeric epic poetry of the Iliad and
the Odyssey.
 In a general sense, "oral tradition" refers to the
transmission of cultural material through vocal
utterance (lafaz), and was long held to be a key
descriptor of folklore (cerita rakyat).
 As an academic discipline, it refers both to a
method and the objects studied by the method.

Oral Tradition – Homeric Epic

 Homer was a legendary early

Greek blind poet and aoidos
(singer) traditionally credited
with the composition of The
Iliad and The Odyssey dated
7th or 8th century
 The Iliad and The Odyssey
considered to be the oldest
literature in Greek language
Oral Tradition – Homeric Epic
 The Iliad relates the events during the
seige (kemusnahan) of the city of Ilion
or Troy by the greeks. The major theme
is the ‘rage- kemarahan’ or ‘wrath-
kemarahan’ of Archilles (greatest
warrior of the age) avenged(balas
dendam) the death of his best friend
killed by the Trojan Prince, Hector. In
his rage(marah) he refused to return
Hector’s body. King Priam the father of
Hector had to ransom(tebus) his son’s
body from Archilles.
Oral Tradition – Homeric Epic

 The Odyssey dated 800 to 600

B.C. in part sequel(siri) to
Homer’s Iliad. Mainly concerns
the event that befall(menimpa)
the Greek hero Odysseus in his
long journeys after the fall of
Troy and when at last returns to
his native land of Ithaca
Oral Tradition – Homeric Epic

 Why The Iliad and The

Odyssey are regarded as oral
tradition to the Greeks?
 Reflects the life of the Greek
society in ancient time where
military adventuring was a
way of life in pre-Homeric
times; death in battle leads to
honor and glory
Oral Tradition – Nearer to

 Can you think of examples

of oral tradition in our

 Historical information obtained

in interviews with persons who
have led significant lives…

(The Merriam-Webster New Collegiate

Dictionary, 1973)

 A method of gathering historical

information through recorded
interviews with participants in
past events and ways of life.

(Oral History Association of USA)


 Relates to the technique of

reminiscences(kenangan) of selected
individuals through recorded interview
sessions. The individual selected are those
considered best able to provide such
information as derived from their personal
involvement and experience of historical

(Handbook on Oral History by National Committee on Oral History, National

Archives of Malaysia)

 A tape recorded interview in question

and answer format conducted by an
interviewer who has some
knowledge of the subject to be
discussed with a knowledgeable
interviewee speaking from personal
participation on subjects of historical
interest and which is made
accessible to other researchers.
(Beth M. Robertson, Oral History Handbook)

 1948 University Columbia, New

 1966 Oral History Association
USA. Followed by Canada,
Australia, Britain
 End 1970 emerge as one of
discipline in university – Ist BA
Degree in Beliot College, PhD in

 1960s started in Malaysia but lack

of understanding and support
 1978 1st Colloquium in Penang to
establish contact and popularize
oral history in the region (Baru jadi
trend kat Malaysia)
 National Archives as custodian of
oral history collections
 Establishment of Malaysian National
Committee on Oral History
 National Archives (Elite History or prominent
figures)-Tun M, Anwar
 University (theme or topic approach)
 National Museum (site of excavation)-org kampung
perlombongan emas, tengkorak, batu bersurat
 Ministry of Culture (oral tradition and cultural
materials)-makyung, kuda kepang, kebaya nyonya,
kain batik depan, janda kiri batik, samping
 Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka (Language and
culture)- cover language, jawa
 Preserve the unrecorded and
generally unfamiliar memories of the
past as evidence of history
 Fill in the gap of non-official sources
of our 20th century history where
primary sources are not available
 Enrich historical sources from
ordinary people
 Useful as education and teaching
Oral History Interest Groups

 Historical organizations (cater sejarah negara kita

60 an)
 Communities- kena cari org hidup zaman komunis
 Teachers- kene deal dgn persatuan sejarah
 Government agencies- cater prominent figures,
menteri2, pm
 Families- salasilah
 Public and private non-governmental institutions-
dadah, anak luar nikah,kenapa bole terjebak.
Why interested in Oral
 Collect primary source
information to:
 Fill in the gaps about subjects of
limited materials
 Incorporate in curricula to give
students experience in creating
primary source materials
 Document life history of family
Oral History Activity
 Collection of Data
 Interview
 Processing of Data
 Transcription
 Dissemination and use
 Publications
 Displays

 Living treasures

 Curriculum resources

 Social gatherings
Key Elements of Oral History
 Copyright, legal and ethical issues
 Structured and well-research interview
 Controlled recorded interview setting
 Collection of first hand information
 Use of high-quality sound or video
 Adherence(pematuhan) to careful
processing techniques
 Provisions to make interviews available

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