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Acute Gastritis

By :
Muhammad Sidiq, MD

Supervisor :
M. Diana Rahim, MD

Indonesian Doctor Internship Program

Guntur Hospital Garut
October 2021
Patient’s Identity

Name: Mrs. AT
Age : 18 years old
Gender : Female
Medical Record Number: 171365
Admission Date : October,01 2021
Time : 00.30
GP : Eva, MD

Chief complain : Nausea and Vomiting

The patient came to the emergency departement at Guntur Hospital with chief complain Nause and
vomiting since 4 days before, oftenly she just vomited fluid likes saliva or small amount of food. She
took medication which she got from clinic, but she forgot kind of medication for relieving her complaint.
Unfortunatly the medication didn’t relieve her complain. When she came to ER, she feel nausea and
vomitin, stomachache, especially part of upper middle, and she felt weak and loss appetite also.
Sometimes she got uncomfartable when she breath because his illness.
Fever, chest pain, diarrhea, bleeding, black stool was denied by patient

History of past illness:

She has h/o similar illness (several months ago)
She has h/o chronic magh
No h/o allergy -
No h/o TB, Asthma, Hypertension, diabetic
Physical Examination

General Condition : Weak,

Awareness : Composmentis
GCS : E4M6V5
Blood Pressure : 116/90
Pulse Rate : 102x/menit
Respiratory Rate : 20x/menit
Temperature : 36.4 C
Oxygen Saturation : 98% free air
Physical Examination

Head : normochepal
Eyes : Anemic Conjungtiva -/-, Icteric Sclera - / -,

Nose : nostring breathing ( - ), rhinorrhea -

Mouth: cyanosis ( - ), tonsil T1/T1, Pharyng hiperemis -

Neck : lymph node enlargment ( - )

Thorax : symmetrical chest movements
Cor : S1 S2 regular, gallop (-), murmur (-)
Pulmo : VBS right = left, crackle - / -, wheezing - / -

Abdomen : flat, soepel, bowel sound ( + ) normal, epigastric tenderness +

Liver : within normal limits
Spleen : within normal limits

Extremities :
Warm, Edema (-), CRT < 2 second

Skin : cyanosis -, rash -

Supporting Examination


– Blood Routine:
• Hemoglobin : 14,5 gr %
• Leucocyte : 8.100 /mm2
• Hematocrite : 43,8 %
• Thrombocyte : 443.000/mm3

– Immunology :
• Rapid antigen Covid-19 : Negative

• Gastritis akut

• IVFD Asering 20tpm

• Inj Omeprazol 1x40mg
• Inj Ondansteron 2x4mg
• Sucralfat Syr 3x2C

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